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书中的故事主要以不同的方式表现了印度次大陆的问题。然而,作者使用的文学传统从麻烦,西方和印度传统。小说主要是针对儿童的,尽管它包含了社会各阶层的信息和意义。拥有不同经历的读者也可以与之产生共鸣(Percec, 2016)。它可以被称为儿童经典的原因之一是它提供的故事与幻想,魔术是孩子们喜欢的。这本书包含了萨尔曼·拉什迪在个人生活中所面临的许多严重后果和现实生活。

有各种各样的例子,这些书是儿童的经典和幻想,是为孩子们准备的,但他们包含了不愉快事件的阴影,从作者的生活。例如,贝娅特丽克丝·波特在她的作品中所描绘的许多逃跑的动物,主要来自于她自己压抑的维多利亚时代父母所造成的幽闭恐怖的家庭环境(Lurie, 1999)。尽管如此,她的书仍被认为是儿童的经典之作。另一个例子可能是巴里的彼得·潘,他永远不能成熟,经常偷别人的孩子做他的玩伴。另一个例子是E.B. White,他创造了传奇人物“Stuart little”。在他的童年和成年期间,他被描述为像一只老鼠。因此,他带来了一只老鼠作为他的性格,在人类家庭出生。因此,一些伟大作家生活中的负面经历鼓励他们写出伟大的儿童经典(Lurie, 1999)。

The book by Salman Rushdie can be considered as the children’s classic because of various reasons. The story is focused on the father-son relationship and also provides various elements of a true classic, such as magic and realism, identity and politics and many other elements. In terms of genre, it can be said that Rushdie wrote the book that children can enjoy and adults can understand. The main backdrop of the book is to describe the relationship between the father and the son. According to the analysis of Percec (2016), Haroun and Rashid can be considered as the two sides of one person, which has resulted in creating the unusual dynamics between the father and the son. Rushdie has used this approach mainly to present an allegory to the various societal problems that exist in the current society.

The stories in the book mainly represent the problems of the Indian subcontinent in various ways. However, the author has used the literary traditions from bother, Western as well as Indian traditions. The novel is mainly intended for the children, despite of the fact that it contains information and meanings for various levels of the society. The readers with varied experiences can also relate with it (Percec, 2016). One of the reason that it can be called as children’s classic is that it offers the stories with fantasy, magic that is loved by children. The book contains the many serious consequences and realties of the life that Salman Rushdie has faced in his personal life.

There are various examples of the books that have been the children’s classic and fantasies that were prepared for the children, yet they contain the shadow of the unhappy events from the lives of the authors. For instance, many of the animals escapes portrayed by Beatrix Potter in her work, were mainly from the claustrophobic domestic environments because of her own repressive Victorian parents (Lurie, 1999). Still, her books are considered to be the children’s classic. Another example could be of the Barrie’s Peter Pan, who could never attain maturity and used to steal other people’s children to be his playmates. Another example is of E.B. White, who created the legendary character of “Stuart little”. During his childhood and even as the adult he was describes as being resembled to a mouse. Therefore, he brought a mouse as his character that was born in the human family. Therefore, some of the negative experiences of the life of great authors have encouraged them to write great children’s classics (Lurie, 1999).


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