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In the fashion industry, there is a business strategy that focusses on making certain products obsolete. This is known as the technique of obsolescence. In this, paradigm companies create a situation where they state that the older product is obsolete and they must bring in replacement for the older ones. This is a form of theory where the requirements of the current products are made to seem obsolete. This has lot of prominence in the fashion industry. It is evident that the people prefer to have newer product range and the fashion industry nudges the people towards this system . This is a form of capitalistic system that has its advantages. It is imperative to have this system to ensure that the companies sustain in the current system .


Every product has a product life cycle. It is initially introduced into the markets, and there are the early adopters towards the trend. Subsequent to this, the product reaches its peak and the sales start to dwindle after the stipulated time period. Then the need for the product in the market slowly vanishes. This is the end of the product requirement. The companies plan for the end of the requirement of any product. In other words, the companies plan for their products to become obsolete. The question of when the product becomes obsolete is an important notion that is covered in the obsolescence notion of the products. The planned obsolescence of the product varies between companies and the different sectors. This theory has special significance to the fashion industry.

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