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The Client wants to hold US $100,000 for next 3 months. The above charts indicate the return over long time, day to basis, monthly and quarterly too. That trading history indicates that Client I should hold the stocks as holding for long time, the return would be higher. Short term trends are risky as the stocks fluctuate a lot in short time. Intermediate term for the stocks are less risky but average return over time but the long trends are high risky and more return as stocks will be stabilized for longer period.
The major concerns are for short term duration as the investment return will be less as there will be lot of fluctuations in share price. The resistance will be to invest for more than 3 months if the Client I can hold.
Yes, there are cycles apparent in the chart as shown above. These cycles are for less time though as the stocks started rising after some decline.
The stock if invested for long time, the stock is relatively very string in comparison to its competitors. Look at the example of its competitor like 1st Source Corporation (SRCE) whose stock for 3 months is shown below.
The above figure indicates that relatively its competitor stock prices are also in similar range for 3 months’ duration. These indicate that if the investment is hold minimum for 3 months, the return will be approximately good. Though, the relative strength for SBCF stocks is good than any competitors in the market.
The sentiment for this stock indicates that market cap is increasing and so the stock will be very high over time. Even for next 3 months, the stock has strength over the market competitors. This provides sentiment to invest in this stock for at least 3months. If Client follows this recommendation then will have high return if the investment duration is minimum for 3 months, if by chance the duration is reduced, the return will not be equal to the invested amount. In case the risks are predicted, the client can try for more than 3 months holding for the stocks to get relatively better return as predicted form the market for SBCF.


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