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本文是惠灵顿中央图书馆设计介绍,惠灵顿中央图书馆始建于1893年,当时它位于韦克菲尔德和默瑟街的一个角落。它被称为惠灵顿城市画廊。翻新和扩建发生在98年后(WCL, 2015)。1991年,一个位于城市广场边缘的分馆成立。这个图书馆的特色是收藏可用的物品。中央图书馆有三层,扩展到涵盖所有领域的书籍(Maclean, 1994)。它包括60多万册图书和45万本杂志。不仅限于印刷媒体,它还有超过85000张dvd,各种多媒体格式的cd。这座中央图书馆历史悠久,至今仍为人们所认识。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Wellington Central library dates back to 1893 when it was started on a corner of Wakefield and Mercer streets. It was termed as city gallery Wellington. The refurbishment and expansion happened after 98 years (WCL, 2015). In 1991, a branch library was started which lied on edge of Civic square. The specialty of the library is the collection of articles available. With three floors, the central library expands to cover books from all the domains (Maclean, 1994). It comprises of more than 6 lakh books and 450,000 magazines. Not restricting to the print media, it also has more than 85000 DVDs, CDs in varied multimedia formats. This central library has a rich history that is recognized till date.
Sir Ian Athfield is the person to have designed this central library that stands as a landmark building till date. The specialty of this architecture has brought in several awards. As the collections and services increased, the city art gallery (old library) had to be modified. The new architecture of the building makes a clear usage of water and glass features. Sir Ian Athfield has played a vital role in enhancing the accessibility and making the industrial design attractive and appropriate to all. The historical significance also denotes its presence as Wellington’s first public library.

The picture obtained from the website of Wellington’s Central Library shows the exterior dome shaped structure where people arrive and park to access the public library. It looks majestic and has accessibility to the city. The lighting and glass arrangements were closely worked out by Sir Ian Athfield, as mentioned earlier (WCL, 2016). It is a masterpiece according to him due to the high accuracy of architecture.
The picture shows the top view of the Wellington’s Central Library. Currently, it is located in a block that connects Victoria, Mercer and Harris streets. The curves on glass and industrial designs are evident in all the adjoining areas. One can also notice heraldic nikau palms located in the area and this is its natural vegetation. This is also the trademark of library (NZLA Futures Group, 1990). Reusing the city to sea concept, the architect has worked on floor to ceiling windows so public can enjoy reading and also it allows ventilation that makes readers to sustain and concentrate better.
With a car parking space available at a floor, every person can notice the cultural elements such as decaying steel, waka desk and bird gate at Maori area (Szekely, 2002). All these are further worked to improve better.


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