







这就是唤起错误归因的概念试图解释的。很多时候,男人对女人或女人对男人的感觉不是出于浪漫的原因。唤起的错误归因是心理学家常用的术语。随着时间的推移,这个概念已经被接受并得到了解释。每次一个人对异性感到兴奋,他们称之为浪漫,实际上可能是身体对外部环境的其他刺激的反应。大多数对恐惧的心理反应被人们误认为是浪漫的唤起。仅仅因为反应性的症状几乎是相同的,即呼吸短促和恐慌感以及高血压,人们混淆了两者(White & Kight, 1984)。


The human mind and body have been an area of fascination. The coordination between the two is that it gives immense scope for the people to research and study as to how the mind works, and how it would work differently in different situations when the human being is subjected to changes in the external environment and changes in the body. Thus, few experiments have been conducted so as to measure the capacity to find something attractive and to undergo changes when it comes to physical arousal. The given discussion has been based upon the different kind of reports. These reports have been prepared regarding the physical arousal that is seen in people. The perception of attractiveness of a man or a woman changes based upon the varying situations, that is before and after working out is different, and therefore has been taken up for studying. Few graphs and data have contributed to the given study.


The given discussion has been based on the study or research which is constantly trying to prove that there is a strong connection between the hormone adrenaline and the physical arousal or attraction which feels towards members of the opposite sex. It so happens that over the past three decades, experts have been trying to study the pattern which is followed by human beings when it comes to attractiveness to the opposite sex. Thus, a various data collection procedures and surveys have been involved, so that one can reach to some particular conclusion as to how far this statement stands true in all cases.

Misattribution of arousal

Before one goes on discusses how adrenaline affects the psychology of men and women towards each other, there is a basic concept which have to be understood, that has been a part of the study undertaken by people. Few surveys and data have been attached along with this discussion, which rates the attractiveness of a man or woman before physical exercise and after physical exercise and the mark on attractiveness that each had given varies from one to another.

This is what the concept of misattribution of arousal tries to explain. Many a times the arousal that a man feels towards a woman or a woman feels towards a man is not because of romantic reasons. Misattribution of arousal is a term which is used by psychologists. The concept has been taken up and it has been explained over the time. Every time a person feel aroused towards the opposite sex which they term to be romantic, could actually be the body’s way if responding to some other stimuli of the external environment. Mostly psychological responses to fear have been mistaken by people to be romantic arousals. Just because the symptoms of the responsiveness are almost the same which is occurring of short breaths and a feeling of panic along with high blood pressure, people confuse the two (White & Kight, 1984).

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