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Zamini, Zamini and Berzegary(2011)进行了一项研究,旨在了解组织文化与工作倦怠之间存在的关系。这项研究的参与者来自大不里士大学。Hofstede组织文化和Maslach职业倦怠量表调查问题被询问给参与者。t检验结果表明,工作倦怠与组织文化之间存在显著的相关关系。研究发现,人际关系和整体管理文化直接影响员工的绩效。


本研究旨在展示人际关系对组织文化的影响(Zamini et al., 2011)。其中一些因素直接损害了公司和生产力。在目前的情况下,惩罚或训斥员工等方法不利于公司的生产力。在这种情况下,公司的个人开始对员工不利。公司的员工希望他们工作的公司给予他们一定程度的尊重。因此,如果员工觉得在公司里不受尊重,公司的生产力就会降低。如果公司的员工没有得到应有的尊重,就会导致员工感到疲劳。



Research by Zamini, Zamini and Berzegary (2011) conducted a research to understand the relationship that exists between the organizational culture and the job burnout. The participants of the study were from the University of Tabriz. The Hofstede Organizational Culture and Maslach Burnout Inventory survey questions were asked to the participants. The T-Test result showcased that there was significant relationship that exists between job burnout and the organizational culture. It has been found that the interpersonal relationship and the overall management culture were found to directly impact on the performance of the employee.


This research was used to show the impact of the interpersonal relationship on the organizational culture (Zamini et al., 2011).Some of the factors lead to the direct detriment of the company and the productivity. In the current situation, methods such as punishing or reprimanding the employees work against the productivity of the company. The personal of the company start to work against the employee in such cases. The employees of the company expect a certain level of respect from the organization where they work. Hence if the employees do not feel respected in the company the productivity of the company is expected to reduce. In cases where the employees of the company do not receive the required respect it leads to the employees to feel fatigued.
The issues of the employees and the causes of discomfort that leads to the employee burnout have been attributed to the organizational structure and function. There are many variables that are associated with the different subtypes and cause the employees to respond to the situation. Hence each case of employee burnout is based on many organizational factors. The companies need to probe into their working culture to understand the paradigms associated with the employee burnout.

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