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Barry and Glantz have worked on the similar lines to educate the readers about the need to support a policy that only brings positive social transformation and not worsen the situation. The findings in the article have proved that the proposal of the country towards legalization is wrong as it increases demand and develops access of people to the drugs. It will prove that the war on drugs is baseless. As marijuana is considered as illegal in other US states according to jurisdiction, the authors have highlighted the importance to prioritize the public health over economic advantages.


As the media campaign is in progress, it is evident that people have voted in support due to the addiction and business reasons. Large corporations tend to largely benefit because the sales increase and the regulatory environment turns out to be in favour of them. The internet has been used as a tool by them to create highly potent products and advertise them by 2016. This shows the lack of effectiveness in the controls. The evidence based research carried out by Barry and Glantz (2016) shows that several public health agencies around the world such as California Environmental Protection Agency have marked marijuana as a killer of respiratory systems and can increase the healthcare costs of the state.

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