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he dynamic capabilities as identified in the study revolves around its marketing capabilities. Similar to strategic and procedural implications, implications for the organization exists too. Dynamic marketing capabilities improve the overall performance of the organization.
Marketing capability is a specialized process that draws from inter-functional knowledge of internal competencies and their interaction with external elements in order to create transformations in value offers for a target market. These marketing capabilities are developed by organizations over time. They are developed on the knowledge of the firm’s previous interaction with their target market and hence such capabilities would be unique and difficult to copy for competitors.


Hence, marketing capabilities are assets for the organization that cannot be simply replicated. Imitation is a form of replication of organization’s marketing capabilities. It is performed by a competitor. Where the marketing strategies of a firm are easily replicated or imitated then the competitive advantage in terms of sustainability goes down. Easy imitation will mean that not much value is added to the organization and the organizational performance as such has not been improved through its marketing attempts. On the other hand, when the firm develops its marketing as marketing dynamic capabilities, then it reduces the risks of easy imitation or replication by a competitor. A sustainable competitive advantage exists for the firm.


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