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Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) provide radical transformation of a number of aspects affecting economies, societies and future opportunities. ICTs and education are two strong factors of change with the enhancement of improved quality, opportunity and knowledge across the globe. Education of women and girls has a number of benefits that include improved health, reduced rate of infant mortality, and lower fertility. ICTs help females in increasing their economic opportunities and productivity with improved lifestyle and families. There is a significant contribution for economies and communities within the process .


Educational systems experience rapid changes with the utilization of ICTs among educational institutes and schools. Integrating ICTS among schools provide new approaches for training teachers, new assessment techniques, new pedagogical approaches and new approaches for the organization of schools and courses . ICTs include the wider contextual understanding of educational transformation. Programs and policies that link ICTs with school management and organization, professional development of teacher, assessment, pedagogy, and curriculum will help in transforming the whole educational system. This is under the daily guidance in practicing social leaders and teachers. In educational policy, ICT enables a connection between education transformation and significant economic and social goals of development . These goals are focused on the reduction of gender gap and promotion of gender equity.


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