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在新加坡市场,超过14%的公司依赖中国公司。新加坡资本市场为中国金融家所熟知,他们利用新加坡资本市场作为获取资本的平台。新加坡投资者认为中国股票有利可图。交易活跃,平均成交速度超过100% (Chang, Luo, Ren, 2013)。它们的股价通常高于新加坡本地股票。新加坡股市认为,中国经济是一项有利可图的投资。新加坡交易所认为,中国市场是中国企业进入国际市场的有效融资渠道。新加坡政治稳定,地理位置优越,投资环境优越。还有当地的基础设施和更高的生活水平。新加坡的公司治理政策被发现有更好的监管。

要进入任何市场,公司需要满足一定的标准,其资本发行的总发行规模。这是他们需要坚持的最低锁定期。这将导致股东投资认为这是一个障碍(Carpentier, Cumming andSuret, 2012)。除此之外,上市公司必须继续履行之前对股东的义务。流动性和深度是公司股权投资最重要的因素(Luo, Fang and Esqueda, 2012)。更高的监管标准确保了投资者权利的保护。各国监管部门确保股东利益得到保护,确保制度的根本公平。


There is simplistic reasoning for the companies to choose to invest in foreign markets. They gain access to capital and get better price valuations.There is more transparency in the operations. Being in the developed markets of London, Singapore, Hong Kong or New York, the companies are able to gain leverage.


In the Singapore markets, more than 14% of the companies are dependent on Chinese companies. Singapore capital markets are well understood by the financiers of China and they use it as a platform to gain capital. The Singapore investors consider Chinese stocks to be lucrative. They are actively traded and the average turnover velocity is found to be more than 100% (Chang, Luo and Ren, 2013). They typically trade higher than the Singapore local stocks. Chinese economy is considered to be a lucrative venture by the Singapore stock markets. Singapore exchange considers Chinese markets to be an efficient finance pipeline for the Chinese companies to enter into international markets. Singapore has political stability, strategic geographic location and favorable investment environment. There is also local infrastructure and higher living standards. The corporate governance policy of Singapore is found to have better regulations.
To enter into any market, the company needs to fulfill certain criteria for its capital issue of overall offering size. These are the minimum lock up periods that they need to adhere. It would cause the shareholders investments to consider this to be an impediment (Carpentier, Cumming andSuret, 2012). Apart from this, the public company must continue to follow the previous obligations that it has made to the shareholders. Liquidity and depth are the important factors that are paramount for equity investment by the company (Luo, Fang and Esqueda, 2012). Higher regulatory standards ensure that there is protection of investor rights. The regulatory authorities of each country ensure that the shareholders’ interests are protected and ensure fundamental fairness of the systems.



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