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Jeffrey W. Stewart等人(2008)认为,针对特定行业进行研究的呼声再次高涨。他们建议加强边境联系,以增加美国和加拿大的旅游收入。他们还建议通过加强服务来提高国内的认识。因此,我们大力推广我们的葡萄酒和烹饪旅游综合开发方式。此外,安大略省旅游、文化和娱乐部(MTCR)表示,葡萄酒旅游和烹饪旅游已被确定为该省旅游业增长的推动因素,这两方面包括吸引更多游客以及延长目前游客的停留时间和消费。


Shenoy(2005)的报告指出,美食旅游包括五个维度或类别的活动,如地方美食、购买当地食品、当地饮料、在熟悉的连锁餐厅和特许经营餐厅用餐。烹饪旅游的增长被视为一种趋势的结果,人们花更少的时间做饭,但选择追求他们的兴趣,作为休闲体验的一部分,如观看节目,外出就餐等(Sharples, 2003)。Richards(2002)指出,旅游者寻求的是日常生活中无法获得的体验。


According to Jeffrey W. Stewart et al. (2008), there was a renewed call for industry specific research. They suggested enhancing linkages across the border to increase tourism revenue in USA and Canada. They have also suggested enhancing domestic awareness by enhancing services. Therefore, we strongly promote our integrated approach for development of wine and culinary tourism. Moreover, The Ministry of tourism, culture and recreation (MTCR), Ontario stated that wine tourism and culinary tourism have been identified as sectors that could be drivers for increased tourism in the province, both in attracting more visitors and extending the length of stay and spending of current visitors.


Shenoy (2005) reported that food tourism is composed of five dimensions or classes of activities like local cuisines, purchasing local food products, local beverages, dining at familiar chain restaurants and franchises. The growth of culinary tourism is seen as an outcome of a trend where people spend much less time cooking, but choose to pursue their interest in food as a part of a leisure experience such as watching shows, dining out and the like (Sharples, 2003). Richards (2002) stated that tourists seek experiences not available in daily life.


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