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1917年的俄国革命取得了巨大的成功,其中包括一些很有前途的权利,如离婚和妇女堕胎的合法化。它给予妇女投票和成为政治职务一部分的权利(恩格斯,1972)。它还结束了将同性恋性行为和卖淫定为犯罪的法律。然而,它并没有挑战妇女的自然命运,它被认为是妇女的社会责任。同样,家务劳动也被认为是女性的社会责任(Riddell, 2013)。



在许多情况下,这种压迫是她们的母亲强加给她们的,她们自己就是妇女。女性被期望照顾孩子,保持家里整洁,而男性被赋予了保持家里整洁的自由,可能不会对自己的孩子表现出任何责任(Riddell, 2013)。另一个趋势是,在当今社会,女性被要求接受高等教育,这样她们就能照顾自己孩子的教育,并能在社会上由她们的丈夫适当地代表。然而,他们不允许自己做决定。


The Russian Revolution in the year 1917 was a huge success and it included some promising rights like legalization of divorce and abortion for women. It gave women the right to cast their votes and become part of political offices (Engels, 1972). It also put an end to the laws that criminalized gay sexuality and prostitution. However, it failed to challenge the natural destiny of women’s maternity and it was considered as her social responsibility. Similarly, domestic work has also been considered as social responsibility of the women (Riddell, 2013).


From time immemorial, it has been observed that women have been considered as the weaker section of the society. There are examples of powerful Queens, Goddess in the history and mythologies, they are still considered as weak individuals who are only meant for exploitation and oppression. There are societies in several developing countries where till date, women are considered as burden to a family and they are not allowed to pursue their own career interests. From the very childhood, little girls are forced to learn how to manage home, cook food, and take care of their younger brothers and sisters so that they can manage their own home properly after marriage.

In many cases, this oppression are forced to them by their mothers who are women by themselves. Women are expected to take care of the children and also keep their home neat and tidy whereas the men are given the freedom of keeping their home untidy and may not show any responsibility towards their own children (Riddell, 2013). Another trend has been observed in the present days where women are expected to be highly educated so that they can take care of their own child’s education and can be properly represented in the society by their husbands. However, they are not allowed to take decisions of their own.

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