


EBP是医疗保健行业的一种新改进,在实际应用于世界之前,它已经经过了多年的测试。因此,EBP的概念可以成倍地改善患者的预后。基于证据的实践基于患者的偏好和价值观(Grove, Burns & Gray, 2014)。这给这种做法的政策带来了额外的好处,因此有助于提高病人对其健康的满意度。EBP涵盖了患者对其医疗服务满意度的所有方面,这使得该概念对患者友好。EBP旨在提高护理质量,同时确保患者的安全。因此,如果病人在接受医疗服务时感到安全和快乐,他将来也会更愿意选择同一家医院。

基于证据的实践,通过提高护理质量和病人安全工作,极大地改善了病人的预后。由于EBP是建立在深入研究的基础上,经过大量的试验才得以实施的,所以没有任何错误的范围,或者错误的范围非常小。一旦实施,EBP帮助护士更容易地提供护理,并以他们最好的想法(Buysse et al., 2012)。如果护士和临床医生能在EBP的帮助下管理好他们的负担,那么病人就会得到更好的照顾。病人的反馈也被分析和处理,进一步给出了组织需要关注的大纲。



EBP可以归结为两个核心问题,即引出研究的质疑和研究在临床领域的应用。阿奇·科克伦(Archie Cochrane)是流行病学家,著有《有效性与效率:对卫生服务的随机反思》(Efficiency and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services)一书。这位作者很重要,因为EBP中的大多数技术都是基于他的作品。Cochrane曾提出,永远不可能有充足的资源,任何医疗服务提供者总会缺少这样或那样的资源(Hauck, Winsett & Kuric, 2013)。因此,医疗保健提供者应该准备以经过测试有效的方式提供服务。这些证据和测试在世界各地正在进行的各种研究中进行。随机对照试验(rct)为这种做法提供了最好的证据。

Sackett和Haynes, 1995,提供了科学证据证明基于EBP的临床实践对患者有更好的效果。这也是临床实践以各种研究成果为基础的原因。这些研究也成为实施EBP的原因(DiCenso, Guyatt & Ciliska, 2014)。在大量的地方实施后,患者和社会都认为临床医生对正在进行的研究是知情的,他们的建议是基于这些研究的。EBP在医疗行业是一个成功的案例,因为它在研究和实施研究中包含了患者的情况和背景。因此,EBP在医疗保健领域越来越受欢迎,并已在多个地方得到应用。随着病人对医生、护士和医院的反馈和满意度的提高,EBP成为这个竞争世界的一个主要吸引力。

Grimshaw和他的同事(2006)认为,医疗保健行业是如此庞大和充满活力,因此实施EBP需要多方面的想法。收集的数据,如患者的结果和反馈,临床医生的工作条件和方法,构成了EBP的理论实施(Stevens, 2013)。临床实施将包括护士和临床医生的培训与研究数据及其在提供医疗服务中的使用。实施策略还需要涵盖临床医生和组织的观点。因此,研究变得重要,因为临床实践可能有不同的意见。研究将而且应该包括确保所有临床医生都具备必要的知识和技能,以便顺利实施基于证据的实践。


EBP is the new improvement in the healthcare industry that has been tested for many years before being actually introduced to the world. Thus, this concept of EBP can improve the patient outcome multi fold. Evidence based practice is based on patient preferences and values (Grove, Burns & Gray, 2014). This gives the added advantage to the policies of this practice and hence helps a lot in the improvement of patient satisfaction with their health. EBP covers all aspects of patient satisfaction with their healthcare services which makes this concept a patient-friendly one. EBP aims to improve the quality of care and also takes care of the patient safety. Thus, if a patient feels safe and happy while getting his healthcare services, he will be more than willing to choose the same hospital for future as well.

Evidence based practice, by improving the quality of care and working on patient safety, hugely improves the patient outcome. As EBP is based on deep research and is implemented after a lot of trials, there is no scope or very less scope of any mistakes. Once implemented, EBP helps in making it easier for the nurses to provide care and also with the best of their mind (Buysse et al., 2012). If the nurses and clinicians get their burden managed with the help of EBP, better care will be given to patients at all times. Patient feedback is also analysed and worked upon which further gives an outline that the organization needs to focus.


Evidence Based Practice: Theoretical and Clinical Application

EBP can be brought down to two core points i.e. questioning that leads to research and the application of research in clinical area. Archie Cochrane was an epidemiologist who wrote Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services. This author is important as most of the techniques in EBP are based on his writings. Cochrane had suggested that there can never be ample amount of resources, one thing or the other will always be lacking in any healthcare service provider (Hauck, Winsett & Kuric, 2013). Thus, the healthcare provider should be prepared to provide service in a way that have been tested to be effective. These evidences and tests were conducted in various ongoing researches all over the world. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) provide the best evidence for such practice.

Sackett and Haynes, 1995, provided scientific evidence that the clinical practices based on EBP has better outcomes from patients. This is also the reason why the clinical practice is based on the results of various research. Also, these researches became the reason for the implementation of EBP (DiCenso, Guyatt & Ciliska, 2014). After the implementation in a large number of places, the patients and society assume that the clinicians are well informed about the ongoing research and their advice are based on them. EBP is a success in healthcare industry as it includes the situation and background of the patient in its research and implementation of research. Thus, EBP is gaining popularity in the healthcare sector and has been applied in various places. With the improved feedback and satisfaction of patient with the doctor, nurse and the hospital, EBP becomes a major attraction in this world of competition.

Grimshaw and colleagues (2006) suggest that the healthcare industry is so vast and dynamic that multifaceted ideas are needed for the implementation of EBP. Collection of data, like the outcome and feedback of patients and the working conditions & methods of the clinicians comprise the theoretical implementation of the EBP (Stevens, 2013). Clinical implementation will cover the training of the nurses and clinicians with the research data and its use in providing healthcare services. The strategies for implementation also need to cover the perspectives of both the clinician as well as the organization. Thus, research becomes important as clinical practice may have difference of opinion. Research will and should also include the assurance that all clinicians have the necessary knowledge and skill that will allow smooth implementation of evidence based practices.

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