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Economics, therefore, is a social science, which examines people behaving according to their self-interests. There are two major branches of economics and they are micro-economics and macro-economics. Therefore for the analysis of current topic, following macro-economic factors are required to be understood.


Measure for unemployment is the unemployment rate the country has. Unemployment has different aspects that every country required to manage so as to control unemployment rate. In this report, analysis of how unemployment has contributed in moving Australia towards poverty has been analysed.


From the analysis of the article it can be observed that since financial crises or rescission hits Australia. Australia has been facing the issue of classical unemployment under which employer is not able to pay adequate wage rate to their employees. This can be seen as the negative effective of financial crises that world economy has been facing. Although it can be observed that Australian labour market had shown great growth but there is still some section that remains unchanged. On the other hand, government of Australia has also failed to balance unemployment and economic growth (Goday & Knut, 2016). There are two sights that unemployment reflects on poverty and they are as follows:

It can be observed that there is high level of unemployment among particular section of society and this situation increases poverty threshold line from its actual position.

Unemployment in the economy provides some benefits but during financial crisis these benefits are much lower than benefits of employment.

Unemployment brings lower level of income and spending rate in the economy. Another outcome of unemployment is uneven distribution of resources and wealth of the nation. Countries facing issue of unemployment has higher probability of having higher poverty level. Since such countries are not able to grow all sections of society or economy with great efficiency. Therefore from the above points it can be suggests that unemployment is not only issue that needs to be solved but it will impact many economic issues.

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