


策略的内容应采用一维策略。应该采用的策略是全面质量、JIT、授权和MRP II。此外,可以采用精益制造、多维度策略。这些策略可以在足够长的时间内适用于GM SBU,并且可以通过咨询、出版和解释其受欢迎程度的会议获得它们的可访问性。

首先,仅仅实施这些战略和做法不能最终发展SBU理解和制定自己战略的能力。如果外部顾问提供打包的解决方案,这一点尤其正确。随着形势的变化,雪佛兰博尔特SBU将继续依靠外部的帮助来适应新形势下的生产政策。其次,这些战略可能并不涵盖制造业的所有战略领域,如果没有实现这一目标,也没有全面的战略背景,所采用的战略可能会失败(sw脒ass, 1986)。过去采用的战略,如先进制造技术或MRPI,往往不能满足预期。

这些策略本质上被认为是一系列易于协同工作的行动。在SBU中植入细胞涉及的行动和决策包括在设备上投入更多资金和更新制造控制系统。为了充分发挥其优势,还需要对一些文化因素进行更新。拟议的战略不仅仅是对以前战略的重新布局(Gerdes 2012)。这些战略的实施在一定程度上依赖于从现有的生产政策中选择一致和综合的行动集的发展。


The one-dimensional strategies should be applied with respect to the strategies’ content. The strategies that should be adopted are the total quality, JIT, empowerment, and MRP II. In addition, lean manufacturing, multi-dimensional strategies can be employed. These strategies can be appropriate for the GM SBU for sufficiently long period of time and their accessibility can be obtained via consultancy, publication, and conferences explaining their popularity.

Firstly, the implementation of these strategies and practices alone cannot end up developing the ability of the SBU in understanding and creating its own strategy. This is particularly true in case that there is delivery of the external consultants with packaged solutions. With the change of conditions, the Chevy Bolt SBU will continue to have reliance on external help in adapting its policies related to manufacturing in new situations. Secondly, the strategies might not cover all areas of strategy within manufacturing and in case this realization does not take place and in the absence of overall strategic context, and the strategies adopted can fail (Swamidass, 1986). The strategies adopted in the past, such as advanced manufacturing technology or MRPI, often fail to meet the expectations.

These strategies essentially are regarded as the bundles of actions tending to be working well together. The implantation of cells within the SBU has been involving actions and decisions in investing more in equipments and updating the manufacturing control systems. For the obtainment of the full benefits, updating should also be done on some cultural factors. The proposed strategy is not merely a re-layout of the previous strategy (Gerdes 2012). The implementation of these strategies relies to an extent on the development of consistent and integrated set of actions chosen from the manufacturing policies that are existent.

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