加拿大论文代写 美国论文代写


本文主要讲述的是反射性分析案例,尽管有明显的好处,但有人指责跨国企业实行新帝国主义。一些公司的非政府组织指责像苹果这样的跨国公司追随新殖民主义(Tonkin, 2015)。新殖民主义被定义为西方发达国家的公司试图对消费者产生不正当影响的行为。这就造成了由于跨国公司的存在,本土公司的发展受到影响的情况。本篇加拿大代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In spite of the obvious benefits there have been accusations of global enterprises to practice neo imperialism. Some NGO groups of the companies accuse MNC like Apple to follow neo colonization (Tonkin, 2015). Neo colonization is defined as the practice where the companies from developed Western countries try to create undue influence on the consumers. This creates situations where the indigenous company progress is affected owing to the presence of MNC companies.
From the literature it has been found that Apple Company has a strong presence in global markets. Net asset value of the company is a reflection of the brand image and the tangible asset value of the company. Among the consumers there is a very good brand image. There are also diversified innovative technological products that cater to the evolving consumer needs (Supply Chain 2015). It has been found that within America their worker policy is found to be complaint with the legislation. There has been criticism in treating Chinese employees and Taiwanese employee who are involved in the logistics management. However there has not been conclusive evidence that points towards this trend by Apple. Some market analysts conclude that Apple brand image is an extension of Neo imperialism in History. Nevertheless this complaint has not hindered the sales figure of the company. There is immense popularity for the product.
Apple Company has numerous factors that has aided for its growth. Increase of disposable income of emerging countries has increased demand for the product. It has immense brand equity among the consumer base. There is no official confirmation of Apple stressing the employees and causing undue pressure for the employee. However there are some rumours that have been floating around regarding treating of employees badly in the emerging countries production. There are certain risk factors that the company needs to face. One of the major factors are that it is dependent on many companies and strategic alliances. It operates on trust. The suppliers, manufacturers, distributors need to be honest, transparent and accountable at all times. Reverse engineering process of Apple products is difficult because they have a numerous sources for production. From a political perspective Apple is dependent on a number of countries across the spectrum. It is reliant on on the US political polices with other nations in order to ensure smooth productivity. This is a considerable risk factor that the company needs to face. Apart from this it has been found that the company gives a lot of importance to follow environmentally sustainable process in order to reduce carbon footprint. To conclude the company is flourishing and is expected to grow in the future owing to its strategic leadership policies.


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