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本文的主要内容是旅游目的地繁荣的原因,近年来,人们花费了大量的时间、资源、专业知识和投资来理解商业成功的最终关键是“客户满意度”(Del Chiappa et al., 2014)。顾客满意,顾名思义,是一个人在使用已购买的产品或服务后对该产品/服务产生的一种感觉。对于其他行业,客户满意度对于旅游业来说是至关重要的(Cohen and Cohen, 2015)。本篇美国管理学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the recent years, a substantial amount of time, resources, expertise and investment have been spent to understand the ultimate key to business success which is “Customer Satisfaction” (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). Customer satisfaction, as the word suggests, is a feeling developed by an individual about a product/ service after the use of the product or service that has been purchased. As for the other industries, customer satisfaction is of paramount importance for the tourism industry (Cohen and Cohen, 2015).
Positive experiences garnered by tourists in terms of services, products and other resources at the visited destination can result in customer retention, developing a strong reputation and ensuring multiplication of footfall through positive recommendations. The 6 A’s Model can be applied to better comprehend the reasons for a flourishing tourist destination.
Access includes readily available transportation services, quality of roads and signs, availability of information about destination online as well on arrival.
Amenities include entertainment and other engaging activities, public security, restaurants and public conveniences.
Accommodation includes the availability of all categories of lodging.
Attractions include the main highlights of the destination, its landmarks, heritage, lifestyle, nightlife and food.
Assemblage includes infrastructure that is disabled friendly, value of local currency, price of local crafts and products specific to the destination.
Ancillary services include cleanliness of the destination, hospitality of the residents and the local culture.
Valencia seems to be fitting satisfactorily on most of the parameters explained in the 6 A’s model. It is one of the few known destinations in the world that is growing its popularity among masses as a city of natural beauty and cultural offerings (Cebrián and Sánchez, 2016). Valencia is the third largest city of Spain and the 15th largest city in the European Union. The city life of Valencia is upbeat and modern. One can enjoy a walk through the River Gardens, sit at a cafe or explore the mountains and the beaches which are very close to the city. Valencia has sunshine almost throughout the year and is known for its beautiful heritage monuments and churches, extravagant cuisine and beautiful beaches.
The Almoina Archaeological Centre (Valencia, Spain) has guarded the archaeological excavations performed since 1985 in Valencia. Several monumental heritage buildings, inscriptions, 1,000 plus coins and 500 beautiful ceramic pieces have been discovered since 1985 (Artigas et al., 2015). The monumental masterpieces including the Islamic Alcazar, the first city (the Republican) of the thermals, the leftovers of the Roman Empire and martyrdom and Episcopal area from the Vizigothic stages are among the major attractions of city. The foundation of Cathedral of Valencia dates back to October 9, 1238 upon consecration of the Cathedral of St. Mary from a Mosque (Artal-Tur and Kozak, 2015).


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