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本文的主要内容是了解社交媒体网站背景下的参与性文化,为了确定社交媒体网站所允许和鼓励的参与性文化的程度,了解参与性文化就变得非常重要。据研究和媒体学者亨利·詹金斯三世及其著作《即可传播媒体》提供了对参与性文化的理解。他提出了实践原则和媒介理论,认为媒介的使用者是创造性的、积极的参与者,而不仅仅是被动的消费者(Deodato, 2014)。本篇费城论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In order to determine the extent of the participatory culture allowed and encouraged by the social media websites, it becomes important to understand the culture of participatory nature. According to the research and media scholar namely Henry Jenkins III and his book namely Spreadable Media provides with the understanding on participatory culture. He has developed practice principles and media theory that suggests the users of media are creative and active participants instead of being solely as passive consumers (Deodato, 2014).
This researcher has indicated that the participatory culture is a creative social phenomena that is encountered across the social media websites. The participatory culture has been explained by Jenkins as a culture where there are low barriers to the civic engagement and artistic expression. Such culture provides with a strengthened support for the development and sharing of the creation articulated by an individual with the others (Fuchs, 2013). The culture of this nature provides with mentorship of informal nature wherein the majority of the knowledge held by the experienced individuals are transferred to the individuals that are novice. The participatory culture exists when the members hold the belief that the contributions made by them are essential and important.
Furthermore, it is asserted by the researchers that the members in participatory culture feel the certain level of social connection with the peers (Loader et al., 2014). It is established that not all the involved members make contributions, but they remain free to contribute upon their will and adequate value will be given to the contribution. The degree of social connection is recognized by the researcher since it has been identified that the users within the participatory culture showcase regard to the opinion of the other people on the contribution that has been developed by the person.
There are four key participatory culture forms that suggest affiliations, expressions, problem-solving of collaborative nature and circulations (Napoli, 2015). The book of Spreadable Media suggests the spreadable media concept to be an alternative of memes and viral media that are employed by the practitioners and media scholars (Jenkins et al., 2013). The spread ability idea of Jenkins are focused on the active agent role played by the common user of media in the sharing, distribution, creation and media content remixing (Nugroho, 2017). It is found that the stickiness concept is in contrast with the spread ability concept as it emphasis on the aggregation and holding the attention of the users across media channels. Hence, the concept discussed in the book encourages the media strategies to assess the manner in which their audience is responsible for the active disperse of the content that are not previously recorded since it can consist of both formal and informal network.


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