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一个组织可能有许多培训计划的形式。选择合适的培训项目将取决于组织的整体工作。培训方法的选择必须根据组织的具体工作要求进行。每种培训计划和方法都有其固有的优势和挑战(Noe, 2008)。在选择合适的培训项目时,必须考虑这些因素,即优势和挑战。在国内电力公司的情况下,培训方法是根据本组织的需要选择的。可以看出,由于组织的工作需要选择能够提高团队成员之间沟通和互动水平的培训方法。




Forms of training and understanding the needs of the organization
An organization is likely to have a number of options in the form of training program. The selection of the right kind of training program would depend upon the overall working of the organization. On the basis of the specific job requirements of the organization, the selection of the training methods has to be carried out. Each of the training program and method has its own inherent advantages and challenges (Noe, 2008). While considering the selection of the right kind of training program, these factors i.e. advantages and the challenges have to be considered. In the case of Domestic-Powerco, the training methods were selected on the basis of the needs of the organization. It has been seen that the working of organization made it necessary for the selection of training methods which can increase the level of communication and interaction within the team members.


Since, the training of the new and existing employees is likely to be developed more through on-the-job training, there was a need for guided and supervised training method. Such a system has been ideally served in the working of the training methods of apprenticeship training and buddy system (London, 1989). These were two of the training methods that were employed by the organization which allowed the employees to have regular interaction and learning through communication with their employees. It has been seen that the working of the organizational needs has been improved on the basis of these two methods. Further, such a system empowered the employees to have a healthy mix of on-the-job and off-the-job training methods .

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