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Meta-Analysis may be defined as the subset which includes the set of systematic reviews. This includes the method which includes the combination of the qualitative and the quantitative study which is observed from a large number of studies. This helps in the development of the better conclusion. An ASP in the meta analysis which has been done for this report has been defined as a program which offers one or more number of activities which occurred as an Out of School Programs. The age group of the children involved is from 5 years to 18 years. The major goal of the search related procedure is to ensure that there should be no biasing in the sample of the studies.


In order to the same some of the local researches have been used. This includes the use of the multiple databases including the different variants having the search items such as after school, out of school, social skills, youth development etc. Other than this it also includes the study from some of the studies such as American Journal of Psychology. There has also been an inspection of the after school research program which had been maintained by the Harvard Family research project. The literature which had been used for the purpose of the research was ranging from 1980 to 2015.

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