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美国论文代写怎么写Critical Thinking作业的?Critical Thinking作业有什么写作技巧?

美国论文代写怎么写Critical Thinking作业的?Critical Thinking作业有什么写作技巧?说到Critical Thinking不会写,也不能怪我们国内的留学生。只是中国教育还是应试教育偏多,关于批判性思维的写作模式还是比较少见的。所以,一时不能掌握精髓也是在所难免的。但是,Critical Thinking是可以后天学成的,而非外国学生的“专利”。下面,就来看看美国论文代写是怎么写Critical Thinking作业的。

Critical Thinking提倡在对学生的教育过程中让学生们的思想自由翱翔,发展自己丰富的创造力和想象力。大家想要在平时的论文写作中取得理想的分数,仅掌握语言是不够的,更重要的是如何展现你的逻辑思维能力,及对事物的分析能力。下面就给大家讲解一下如何运用Critical Thinking思维去写作以及美国Critical Thinking作业代写。

一、要写这种类型的文章至少要知道啥是Critical Thinking吧?(What is it?)

这里简单的概括下Critical Thinking:

①有永远正确的事情:There is no permanent right.

②没有绝对正确的事情:There is no absolute right.

可能大家刚看到会觉得一头雾水,摸不着头脑。没事,我们继续往下看:因为Critical Thinking这种思维模式,外国人认为所有事情都不可能是绝对正确的,特别是在看待学术观点的时候非常辩证,不存在绝对的正确与否,只存在主流与非主流的说法。There is no permanent right即永远没有永远正确的。这个应该比较好理解,用发展的眼光看待事物应该每个高中生都学过的吧!没有什么是一成不变的。


二、How to use that该如何运用批判性思维

中国留学生们在国外的学习中,该如何运用Critical Thinking?


我们要知道的是,我们的Critical Thinking不是靠自己编的,也不是靠别人想象出来的,所以你们的基础就在阅读上,利用时间去阅读相关书籍,去怀疑书里面提到的问题或者去思考还没解决的问题。这些都是基础,也是大部分人学习运用Critical Thinking的起点。


Critical Thinking允许怀疑,但也不是让你乱开脑洞,毫无依据的瞎嚷嚷。因此要做到有所根据。其依据必须建立在观察实验或者数据的基础上。这样才是对你的idea有力的支撑。


当然了,最后一点就是一定要用发展的眼光看问题。阐述以前,现在和未来你的观点。这部分一般出现在critical essay的conclusion部分当中。


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Persuasive Essay该怎么写?论文代写教你如何写Persuasive Essay的目标?

Persuasive Essay该怎么写?论文代写教你如何写Persuasive Essay的目标?Persuasive Essay是说服力文章,它最难的问题是关于目标。申请者很容易阐述自己的事业,因为它们实际存在,但当被问到未来的目标,许多人都沉默了。目标并非没有,而是难以阐述,因为大多数人的目标是不具体的,只想追求一种更好或更有成就感的生活。所以 我们论文代写老师今天要分享的就是Persuasive Essay的目标写作。





想使你看起来很有理性,对人生深思熟虑,最好把你的目标分成阶段性:长期目标、中期目标和MBA毕业后的短期目标。分段构思使你能够真正达到长期目标,而且读来也十分可信,同样为你攻读MBA提供了合理的解释。学校能在成千上万的人中发现你就是因为它们确信你知道毕业后什么工作最适合你(他们同样想知道这种工作是否可能实现,是否其他毕业生已拥有同样的工作,你也应该在写之前看一看)。应该与学校的Career Office联系,了解最近的毕业生从业情况,你对自己未来事业的描述必须有同样的起点。

3、使用“Interests”和“Could Take The Form”的句型来写长期目标。







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研究性Paper的写作步骤是什么?论文代写是怎么写的?研究性paper,顾名思义就是针对研究课题和成果进行的写作。这是我们国内学生接触比较少的,所以对于留学新生来说,这类写作就会感到吃力。但是我们还是要想办法把它写好啊,接下来 我们就看看研究性paper的写作步骤是什么?论文代写是怎么做的。














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1. The author… begins his argument with an anecdote illustrating … that…


2. Author exemplifies the…, setting up him to introduce the argument that…


3. To make his argument seem balanced, author moves to another point in his argument about…


4. Author uses statistics and facts, as presented by…, in order to show … in order to persuade his audience that …


5. Author begins his essay with the statistic saying that…


6. With key phrases like “…” and “… ,” author activates …


7. While one might view this as selfish, author reassures the reader that they are not alone in feeling this, further contributing to his argument.


8. Author uses his words and research to reason with the reader and explain …



1. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


3. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


4. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


5. No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.


6. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


7. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.


8. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.



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1. 确定论文的类型


2. 总结论文的主要观点

论文中找出主要论点和作者提供的证据。这就是我们essay analysis的起点,因为我们需要通过作者提出证据的阐述来critically分析整篇论文。同学们还需要指出论文中的缺陷和优点,以便在自己撰写论文时借用强点及避免弱点。

3. 找出作者提供的证据


4. 检查证据的有效性



1. 中英双向翻译


2. 草拟提纲,重新写作



3. 对比同题论文


4. 反思优秀范文



5. 让写作个性化




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美国论文代写之经济学论文的写作技巧分享 “水滴石穿”、“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”,由于经济学专业本身的难度和论文写作的不易,留学生想要写出一篇高质量的Economic Essay不是易事。虽然下面有我们美国论文代写老师从四个方面对经济学论文的写作进行了分析与指导,但您希望获得更好的结果,可以找专业的经济学论文代写帮忙。

1. 按照导师的意愿进行写作



2. 把握中心思想,避免偏离主题


3. 语言编辑与表达尽量简单



4. 图表与数据的分析与应用




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旅游业导致了影响环境的碳排放的增加。Szwed等(2010)强调了环境和气候变化是如何导致蒸散发增加、夏季高降水和随后几个月的蓄水水平降低的。在全球范围内,极端天气状况是由气候变化引起的,而碳排放是理想的诱因。旅游业的可持续性受到该行业排放水平的威胁(Gossling & Peeters, 2015)。Dickenson等人(2013)等研究人员跟踪了飞行中不断增长的温室气体排放。全球旅游业开放了更多的目的地投资,乘飞机度假导致了碳排放的增加。

不考虑行业中存在的问题,为了制定战略,需要更好的度量模型。许多研究考察了来自发达国家和新兴经济体的游客的航空旅行(Dickinson et al., 2013)。Dickinson等人(2013)在他们的研究工作中评估了波兰游客在选择航空旅行到他们首选目的地时的态度。调查显示,他们关心与他们的旅游规划有关的气候变化。然而,有很多内部和外部的障碍,以改变(Dickinson et al., 2013)。研究表明,尽管存在这种意识,但社会对缓解气候变化的参与程度很低,行为参与程度也很低(Whitmarsh, Seyfang & O ‘Neill, 2011)。然而,通过与公众进行对话和作出回应,适当的测量在管理排放和影响方面还有很长的路要走。

Becken & Patterson(2006)通过对新西兰的案例研究认为,自上而下和自下而上的策略有助于衡量与该国境内某个目的地相关的碳排放的上升。参数由盆地和帕特森(2006)是非常有用的,因为“旅游不是一个传统行业的国民经济核算体系,因此,没有一个国家拥有全面的国家统计数据所带来的能源需求或排放专门旅游”(盆地&帕特森,2006,p . 323)。旅游业在全球碳排放总量中所占比重约为5%,排放核算是一项挑战(Gossling et al., 2013)。现在,根据Becken & Patterson(2006)的研究,自下而上的分析根据其碳排放提出了旅游业(包括交通等)的主要驱动因素,这可能有助于制定特定行业的减排战略。其次,通过自上而下的分析,可以了解新西兰的旅游业。可以看到在经济、可持续性和减少战略方面所起的全面作用。自上而下的分析可使旅游业作为一个部门在该国更广泛的经济、可持续性和与人有关的目标范围内进行评估,从而使国家具体计划能够减少不利影响。

Tourism has resulted in an increase in carbon emissions that impact environment. Szwed et al. (2010) highlight how environment and climate change have resulted in increased evapotranspiration, high precipitation in summer and lowering of water storage levels in succeeding months. Globally, extreme weather conditions are observed because of climate change and carbon emissions are ideal causative factors. Sustainability of tourism is threatened because of the emission levels observed in the sector (Gossling & Peeters, 2015). Researchers like Dickenson et al. (2013) track the green house emissions that are growing in use of flights. Global tourism has opened up many more destination ventures and taking holidays by air has resulted in increased carbon emission (Gossling, Scott & Hall, 2013; Becken & Patterson, 2006).

Irrespective of awareness of the problem in the industry, better measurement models are needed in order to strategize. A number of studies have examined air travel undertaken by tourists from developed nations and emerging economies (Dickinson et al., 2013). Dickinson et al. (2013) in their research work assessed the attitudes of Polish tourists in choosing air travel to their preferred destination. The survey reveals that they were concerned about the climate change that is associated with their tourism planning. However, there were much internal and external barriers to change (Dickinson et al., 2013). Studies indicate that although awareness exists, societal engagement towards mitigation is low and behavioural engagement is also low (Whitmarsh, Seyfang & O’Neill, 2011). Proper measurements could, however, go a long way towards managing emissions and effects by creating dialogue and responsiveness with the public.

Becken & Patterson (2006) argue with a case study of New Zealand that a top-down and a bottom-up strategy helped measure the rise in carbon emissions that could be associated with a destination site within the country. The argument made by Becken & Patterson (2006) is very useful, given that “Tourism is not a traditional sector in the System of National Accounts and as a result, no country possesses comprehensive national statistics on the energy demand or emissions specifically resulting from tourism” (Becken & Patterson, 2006, p. 323). Tourism contributes to around 5% in overall carbon emissions of the world and emission accounting is a challenge (Gossling et al., 2013). Now, according to Becken & Patterson (2006), the bottom-up analysis presents the key drivers of tourism (inclusive of transportation among others) as per their carbon emissions and this could be useful for creating industry specific strategies to reduce emissions. Secondly, a top-down analysis will allow viewing the tourism sector of New Zealand. The overall role played in economy, sustainability and reduction strategies can be viewed. The top-down analysis allows assessment of tourism as a sector within the wider economic, sustainability and people related objectives of the country so as to enable country specific plans to reduce adverse impact.


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论文代写之Peronsal Statement写作要点

Personal Statement是申请文书中重要的组成部分,需要说清楚你选择专业和院校的理由、自己在该专业方面的研究和兴趣,展现优势,表达希望被录取的意愿。由这些看来,留学申请文书绝对是你敲开理想大学的重中之重,想展示自己的学习能力和综合素质就一定要把握好申请文书的写作。接下来,论文代写老师就带同学们来看看Peronsal Statement的写作要点。


论文代写提醒,只要你的文书涉嫌抄袭,无论成绩有多么优秀,你都不会被录取。不要心存侥幸,国外对于信用问题看的非常重。另一方面,还要对自己的情况实事求是。这并不是要求将自己的短处暴露于人前,我们完全可以采用扬长避短的方式,主要集中于表达自己的优势,但万万不可“无中生有”或是直接照搬别人的经历。Personal Statement可以是一个很大的加分项,一定不要聪明反被聪明误。


写文章就是讲故事,Personal Statement就是在一定字数限制内讲述你个人的故事。找到一些不错的闪光点,说服别人你确实对这个专业有热情。论文代写提醒,切记脱离实际,泛泛而谈。既然是讲故事,就要有代入感。让人切实的感受到你的热情才是目的。与其举一些假大空的例子,不如多发掘真实可信,有感染力的亲身经历。



论文代写提醒,在说明对课程的兴趣时,一定要记得上面说的第二点,结合自己的经历,不要脱离自己。Personal Statement,就是要陈述你自己而不是别人。




Personal Statement、推荐信和CV是组成留学论文代写的不同部分,从宏观来看,他们从不同侧面反映了你的各项能力。因此,要注意每个部分的目的。CV里说过的就不要在PS里重复了,PS是CV的补充,也可以是CV里某一方面的延伸,让招生老师更好的了解你。论文代写表示写作时,要注意文章的结构和逻辑性,开头和结尾要特别注意引人入胜,让招生老师建立一个丰满的人物形象,从而帮助你通过。


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美国论文代写分享评价标准及注意细节 每个学校和每位老师会有自己的评分标准,因此没有一个统一标准提供参考。同学们在海外撰写论文或准备口头报告的时候可以去找老师咨询一下TA运用的rubric或者查一下学校网站去搜寻。下面我们美国论文代写老师只有以综合性的方式帮大家把最常见的写作评价标准列出来并指出几个需要注意的细节。


美国论文代写表示,论文的组织结构是指论文整体构架,其是否清晰直接决定了论文给导师和读者留下的印象。论文结构是写作重要组成部分,因此是essay评分的最常见评价基准之一。当导师拿到一篇essay之后,TA并不会阅读论文全部内容,而着一眼论文每段落第一句话,即topic sentence,并对于论文整体结构和大致内容进行判断。下面,我们一起回顾一下论文组织结构的重点:

1. Essay结构至少由instruction, body, conclusion部分而组成;

2. 论文的每个段落包含一个可以概括段落内容的主题句;

3. 保持连贯性和正文逻辑性,每一个论证必须与中心观点有关系;

4. 提供论证的时候尽量利用引言,以此抓住读者的眼球,吸引注意力;

5. 论文结构可以遵循3-6-6-6-6-3式或3-8-8-3式。



任何个人陈述应该传达某种个人观点,无论是学术论文或一篇短essay,读者想知道你们对这个写作的启发是什么,为什么选好这种思路,你们如何支撑自己的想法。如果你们的题目是“Increasing crime rate”,那么简单地陈述某人遭到的犯罪事实肯定算流水。美国论文代写表示,老师期待看到犯罪行为的原因,其对社会带来什么影响,甚至怎么去解决罪行问题的建议,有了这些细节的写作才算完整。


1. 别忘用论证作为论述辅助,以便让论文更有说服力并不断让读者往下看;

2. 从不同角度来探讨话题;

3. 避免东一句西一句的说法,保持论文的焦点。



1. 注意句子结构和词序;

2. 与中文不同,英文句子重视标点符号;


4. 找一位英文为母语的同学,让TA看一眼。


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Smith, J. (2014a). The use of letters in language. London: Routledge.

Smith, J. (2014b). Introduction to the alphabet. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


如果你使用的是n.d.(no date),要按以下方式输入连字符:

(Jones, n.d.-a, n.d.-b)


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无论你去哪个国家留学,essay写作都是避免不了的。今天,我们论文代写老师要讲的是五段式essay论文的写作结构,一般分为三个部分:introductory paragraph 介绍段落;3 supporting paragraphs 三个支持段落;concluding paragraph 结论段落。其长度应不超过500到800个字。


第一段落将介绍你论文的主题。 介绍部分是留学生论文代写中最重要的段落,因为它为整篇论文提供指导。 它还帮作者通过有趣和清晰的方式吸引读者的注兴趣。 不过不要写太多!论文代写表示,五段式论文的篇幅非常有限。 你的introduction不应超过总字数的10%。


  •    用一句话描述你论文的中心思想或主题。


例如: 如果你想讨论“种族歧视和人权“的话题,可以这样开始你的介绍:

“Why should we treat people with the different color of skin worse? Don’t they have the same two legs and two hands?”

  •    撰写论文陈述或者你在essay代写中想表达的中心思想。
  •    按重要性顺序列出三个支持你论文陈述的论点或论证 (每个论点一句话)。



  •    首先,写一个主题句来总结你的观点。 这是你段落的第一句话。
  •    接下来,写出你的论点,或说明你为何认为主题句是正确的。
  •    最后,提出证据(事实,引文,示例和统计数据)以支持你的论点。

现在你写完了正文的第一个段落。 按这个模式写出第二和第三个段落。 论文代写表示,五段式论文的正文将包括三个正文段落,每个段落都限于一个支持你论文陈述的中心思想。 你应按重要性顺序(从最重要到最不重要,从最强论据到最弱论据)提出论据。


结论段落必须总结论文的内容。 留学生论文代写中这通常是最难写出的段落。 在论文的结论中,你应该重申论文陈述并将其与论文正文联系起来,用一句话来解释每个观点如何支持论文陈述。 最后一句话应以清晰和引人注目的方式支持论文的中心思想。 确保结论中你不提出任何新信息。



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2 弹性原则,即在适当的前提下,如果这个方面实在进行不下去,而时间又比较紧了,学生可以换个方面或是角度来写;

3 创新性原则,即选题要避免老生常谈的论题,尤其是对于某话题已经有了很多的研究著作的。










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美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用

本篇美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用是一篇范文节选,由我们美国论文人论文代写网提供。

美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用

Edras imagine是一个使用基于栅格的图形的遥感应用。它有能力做光栅图形的编辑。可用于地理信息系统中用于制图的数字图像的制备、增强和处理。在本研究中,Erdas Imagine从研究区域中选取样本点。一个模型使用一个大小为101*101像素的移动窗口来检查研究区域的每个像素,以找到1996年大约50%的水和50%的土地的研究点。利用分形分析和ICAMS的空间自相关分析各点的碎片化程度。然后对比1996年的土地覆被数据,计算2001年的土地损失程度。最后,估计破碎导致土地损失的概率(Walter et al 187)。

美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用

DeWitt H Braud在Erdas Imagine中创建移动窗口模型。他用这个模型定义了海岸线;在101*101像素的正方形区域中找出50%的土地和50%的水。因为Braud博士测试的是101*101像素,每像素30m*30m,这是寻找特定的陆地/水域百分比的最佳方法。只使用了与布劳德博士模型相关的结果。

美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用

在移动窗口的帮助下,他成功地获得了总共84个变量。栖息地的测量已被用于研究结果的目的,分析栖息地中存在差异检测概率情况下的栖息地选择。为了分析动物的位置,他们必须精确到资源选择的规模。由于基于位置的误差导致相对选择范围的增加,取消选择的能力降低。此外,如果is错误分类错误率是不可预测的,那么有可能power和type I错误率都是不可预测的。通过遥测误差对使用估计进行分析的方法之一是移动窗口法(Nittrouer等,350)。在该方法中,在周围的移动窗口中分配一个与误差大小相等的显性覆盖类型。移动窗口模型有助于GIS的完成,但它也可能导致风险缺失识别的一些小块和其他线性图形,这也可能被认为是非常重要的。

美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用

Edras imagine is a remote sensing application which uses the raster based graphics. It has the abilities to do the editing of the raster graphics. It can be used for the preparation, enhancement and processing of the digital images for the purpose of mapping in case of geographic information system. In this research, Erdas Imagine selects sample points from study area. A model applies a moving window with size 101*101 pixels will check every pixel of the research region to find the study spots, where has about 50% of water and 50% of land in 1996. Use fractal analysis, and spatial autocorrelation of ICAMS to analyze the fragmentation-degree of the points. Next, compare to the land cover data in 1996, calculate the extent of land loss in 2001. Finally, estimate the probability of fragmentation to lead land loss (Walter et al 187).

美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用
DeWitt H Braud creates the model with moving window in Erdas Imagine. He has defined the coastal line by using this model; find the 50 percent of land and 50 percent of water in 101*101 pixels square region. Since Dr. Braud tested those 101*101 pixels with 30m*30m per pixel is the best way to seek the specific percentage of land/water region. Only the results related to the Dr. Braud Model has been used.

美国论文代写:Edras imagine的应用
With the help of the moving window he was successful in getting a total of 84 variables. The measurement of habitat which has been used for the purpose of research results into the analysis of habitat selection in case there is an existence of differential detection probabilities in the habitats. In order to analyze the locations of the animals they must be precise to the scale of resource selection. As location based error leads to the increase in the relative scale for selection, there is a decrease in power of deselecting. Also, if the is mis-classification error rates are not predictable, there may be a chance that both power and type I error rates may not be predictable. One of the methods to do the analysis of the estimates of use from location with telemetry errors is the moving window method (Nittrouer et al, 350). In this method, a dominant cover type is assigned within the surrounding moving window which is equal to the size of the error. The moving window model is easier as it helps in the accomplishment of GIS but it can also lead to the risk missing identification of some of the small patches and other linear figures which may also be considered of huge importance.

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The contest held within the nation for the initial time was an indication of the reform, opening and the international approach of China. It was identified that with this action, China had welcomed the globe to identify the nation of China in an open manner. Furthermore, the contest can improve the Sanya and Hainan’s popularity due to which the local tourism industry can be promoted. A senior consultant from the Central Policy Unit of Hong Kong namely Liuu Zhaojia compared the ban lift of the beauty contests to the extension of milestone for the reform of mainland and the policy opening from the earlier freed economic and political activities to the social and cultural events.

Therefore, the 2003 year is considered to be the initial year of pageant in China. This is due to the fact that apart from the Miss World, several beauty contests overwhelm the people of China. The initial Miss China Pageant being sponsored by Phoenix TV, China World Model Competition, International Advertising Model Competition and the Miss Shanghai took place one by one in the year of 2003 and all the contests were aired live on the television throughout the China. Moreover, heightened events were experienced in this year than others.

These events included the SARS plague and the initial manned space mission and the Xinhua News Agency. These had presented 10 different pictures from the 2013 year along with Miss World Pageant to be one of them.It is further to consider that the event named, “All China Women’s Federation” has stated it officially that they are against the beauty contests earlier in the year of 1994. They declared these contests to be male dominated social order’s products. However, since the initiation of the 21st century, the federation’s attitude is more in favor to the contests.

A spokeswoman within the federation mentioned that it is still against the pageants that concentrated merely on the appearance of the women and claimed to have no opposition for the contests. In these contests, the education, attitudes and bearing of the participants is also taken within the consideration. The perspective is that the feminists and the government of China are siding with the beauty pageants. This indicates that the women’s behavior and the de-gendered appearance that was encourage in the era of Mao have been replaced by the consumarised recreation of the Chinese femininity.


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40%的受访者表示,巴伦西亚的用餐环境不需要任何改善;另外60%的受访者表示需要通过回答“值4”来改进。60%的受访者表示,需要改进的地方是,由于城市的餐饮和夜生活部门呈指数级发展,食物菜单已经从传统演变到全球化。然而,这影响了整个城市传统食物选择的广度(Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016)。因此,将巴伦西亚和西班牙的传统食物包括在内是非常重要的。

这将满足游客对餐饮体验中的文化取向的期望,并为他们提供更满意的体验。巴伦西亚是城市的性质和节奏的今天。这座城市展示了充满活力的现代生活和丰富的文化遗产,挺拔和自信(加西亚和Alejandra Castillo, 2017)。这个城市是一个旅行者的喜悦,因为它保留了复杂的建筑,几个世纪的古老教堂和遗产纪念碑,一些世界上最好的菜肴和奢侈的美食,美丽的海岸线加上现代的生活方式。


这表明巴伦西亚迫切需要一个更严格的公共安全系统(Della Corte et al., 2015)。部署有效的规划和资源以改善其安全系统,是进一步加强巴伦西亚旅游业的必要先决条件。虽然巴伦西亚的公共安全信息不多,但正如上面所指出的,巴伦西亚的公共安全目前还没有达到世界标准(Del Chiappa et al., 2014)。还有很大的改进余地。这个城市似乎在绿地方面得分不高。



40 percent of the respondents indicated that the dinning environment does not require any improvements in Valencia; the other 60 percent respondents indicated a need for improvement through answering the value 4. The need for improvement indicated by the 60 percent respondents implies that since the dinning and nightlife sectors of the city have developed exponentially, the food menus have evolved from being traditional to globe. However, this has impacted on the breadth of the traditional food option that is available across the city (Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016). Therefore, the focus on including the food items consumed and prepared traditionally within both Valencia and Spain at large is essential.
This will meet the expectations of the travellers about the cultural orientations within the dining experience and provide them with a more satisfaction. Valencia is urban in its nature and pace today. The city demonstrates a vibrant modern life with a rich cultural heritage that stands tall and confident (Garcia and Alejandra Castillo, 2017). The city is a traveller’s delight due to its preserved intricate architecture, centuries old churches and heritage monuments, some of the world’s best served dishes and extravagant cuisines, beautifully developed coastline coupled with a modern lifestyle.

This indicates that it becomes imperative for Valencia to have a tighter public security system in place (Della Corte et al., 2015). Deployment of effective planning and resources for the improvement of its security systems are an essential pre-requisite for further enhancement of the budding tourism industry in Valencia. Though not much information is available about the public security in Valencia, with all the robust positives pointed above, the public security in Valencia as understood is at present not good enough to match the world’s standards (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). There remains a lot of scope for improvement. The city seems to score not so well on its green spaces. The combination of the literature and questionnaire’s analysis has identified that majority of the individuals from Europe visit the city of Valencia in order to not only explore the scenic landscapes developed by the river and park in the middle of the city along with the beaches, but also to experience the distinct festivals, dinning and architectural innovations (Cohen and Cohen, 2015). Therefore, the visitors from Europe have formed a general positive perception about the visit to Valencia that has increased the number of travellers on an annual basis.

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一般来讲, 选题一下子是很难确定的。比较容易的做法是先选一个总的课题, 然后围绕总题找材料阅读、思考, 最后确定哪一个方面或哪些方面可以在论文中加以运用和发挥。比如, 你对语音很有兴趣。若选“On English Phonetics”, 题目就太大了, 不如选“On Teaching English Phonetics in M iddle School”, 因为这个题目范围小, 直接与你从事的英语课堂语音教学联系起来, 比较切合实际, 写起来也比较顺手。同时师范院校的毕业生通过中学教学实习多少都有某些实践和体会, 写起来就更容易一些。在选题方面, 以下几点可供参考:

(1) 要结合个人手头的资料选题。

(2) 要结合个人特长和研究能力。

比如, 你对语言学和词汇学都有兴趣, 但你更喜欢词汇学, 并且平时阅读和积累这方面的材料也很多, 可以说是你的专长; 那你最好选这方面的内容去写。因此, 要根据个人的特长和能力选择符合个人实际的题目去写。

(3) 题目要富有意义, 要有严肃性。

论文写作是一项严肃的学术研究。你的分析要有一定深度和创见, 其目的是要让读者从中思考并获得新的信息。题目没有意义和严肃性, 其论文必然不会有多大学术价值。

论文中所表达的观点和论点一般是以资料研究为基础的。如手头仅有一、两本书或几篇文章, 就想从中得出令人信服的结论, 这是不可能的; 即使得出结论, 这样的论文也是没有多大说服力的, 结论是站不住脚的, 因为你手头的资料太少, 不足为证。

(4) 要注意客观性。

题目的选择要竭力避免个人主观性。有些题目往往反映了作者的个人偏见。比如, 这种题目: “Which Was the Creater Writer, Mark Twain or Hemingwei?”就不太合适了,因为你的结论不是“Mark Twain”, 就是“Hemingwei”。这样容易产生个人主观臆断。我们不妨改为“A Comparison of Themes in Mark Twain’ s and Hemingwei’ s Works”较妥。

(5) 要有利于得出合理的结论。

若选“On English Teach ing inM iddle School”是很难得出比较合理的结论。题目太大, 无法深入研究, 应设法限制课题范围, 找到研究焦点。比如,“On the Teaching of English Phonetics”, 太笼统、太广, 我们可以缩小范围: “On the Teaching of English Phonetics in Middle School”。这个题目还可以再缩小:“On the Teaching of EnglishPhonetics in Junior High School”。这样就把题目限制到最小范围, 从而容易得出个人的结论。


题目一旦确定, 下一步是搜集材料(去图书馆或资料室查阅)。图书馆有成千上万册书籍, 每册都有书目卡、作者卡。用电脑先查阅与题目有关的卡片, 找出与题目有关的标题,在自备卡片上抄下所有的书目。这样做实际上是在编辑一部序言性的书目提要, 通过翻阅书目提要得出新的标题, 从而进一步扩展书目提要, 形成一种文摘。


搜集材料的主要途径是阅读, 因为论文中大部分新的材料都来自于书籍、杂志或报刊。阅读时, 要学会在尽可能短的时间内确定有用的范围, 学会评价这些文章。没有必要一开始就通读, 先翻翻目录或索引, 找出与题目有关的章节或段落。阅读时, 对无关重要的章节要快读, 直到找出你所需要的信息。有时候, 我们会感到通读一本书而从中未得到对论文有用的东西, 是浪费时间。这是司空见惯的, 但不要灰心, 至少我们可以了解到那册书现在无用, 但以后可能有用。


众所周知, 记忆力再好的人也不可能把读过的东西都一下子或长久地记在脑子里。没有笔记无法写出一篇理想的论文。做笔记的最好方法是用卡片。笔记一般包括以下几个方面:笔记的主要内容应包括与主题有关的事实(证据)、观点或看法。多记点东西比去图书馆重读有关书籍要容易得多, 因此别怕记的多, 怕的是如何筛选有用的东西, 为论文主题提供充足的证据, 这才是至关重要的。要学会抓住要点, 有选择性地去记。

(1) 记录文献书目(见文后示例)

笔记包括两种信息: 一种是上面提到的证据(事实)、观点或看法; 一种是信息(资料)的来源(出处)。简单地说, 在文献目录卡上记下书名、作者姓名、出版社名称及出版日期等, 但不要只用一篇杂志的名称。具体要求见文后示例说明。

(2) 笔记种类

主要有三种: 直接引语、释义和小结。记录直接引语指记下陈述主题的作者原话; 释义指用间接引语通过自己的语言写下某一原始资料的中心意思(即主题思想) ; 小结指用自己的语言压缩大量的材料(即综述)。无论使用那种形式, 都必须列出资料出处。

(3) 引文

引用别人的原话, 一定要加引号。有时候, 只引用某些部分, 而省去一、两段, 要用间隔小园点“?”。如果省去一个句子或两个句子的某一部分, 要用三个小园点表示省略。如果省去一句的开头, 在省略的前面用引号; 如果省去句末部分, 在省略和句末标点符号后用引号。这里要特别注意: 使用省略形式并不意味改变原文意思, 句子结构必须完整, 不能省略句子的主要成分, 如主语和谓语。还有一点需要提醒: 不要以为凡印刷出版的作品都一定是真实的。要学会在做笔记时区分作者对某件事的陈述和对某种看法的表达。如果出现几个作者对某个事实有不同的看法, 而你没有充足的证据说明哪种是对的, 一般的做法是如实地陈述两种不同看法,让读者去鉴别, 谨防主观偏面性; 或者找有权威性的参考资料或百科全书查阅, 得出可靠的、具有权威性的看法。

(4) 整理笔记

搜集了充足的资料, 在着手撰写论文时,我们往往会发现不少材料是重复的。这时就要停止阅读, 整理一下笔记。要重阅笔记, 按不同标题分门别类。这有利于我们对手头的笔记进行评价。有些可以舍去, 有些可以用其他材料补充。这时重返图书馆翻阅与主题有关的其他资料是非常必要的。


为了充分证明你的观点是正确的、结论是合理的, 而且很有逻辑性和说服力, 必须在整理笔记时对收集的资料进行认真的筛选和组织, 留下对主题有用的, 舍去与主题无关、模棱两可的东西。

(1) 论据与观点

如果一篇论文论据堆积而没有充分材料证明或驳斥一种观点, 此文是没有说服力的。尽管这些证据很有价值, 但读者从中并未得到什么启发, 因为读者不清楚这些证据要说明什么问题, 论证什么观点。反过来讲, 如果一篇论文表达了不少观点而没有充足的论据加以说明, 也是没有价值的, 因为它没有说服力, 读者无法相信作者在阐明哪种观点, 甚至会认为作者的态度是不严肃的, 是不够诚实的。

因此, 论文必须把论据和对论据的评价结合起来, 必须把可靠的、经过核实的真实信息与以此为基础的观点结合起来。这样组织成的论文才有一定的学术价值。

(2) 撰写提纲(见文后示例)

提纲本身就是每张卡片上简要标题的合理编辑, 可以用短语, 也可以用句子, 通常多用句子结构。这样做会强使你简述论文的各个部分对主题的作用。


论文撰写不同于作文写作, 但写作课上学到的写作原理对论文写作都会适用。撰写论文必须将自己收集到的资料用自己的语言串通起来。大量阅读、做笔记、研究和整理笔记, 这些都算准备工作, 也可以说是完成论文的一半。但是, 如果仅把笔记串在一起, 这不叫撰写论文, 叫誊写笔记。撰写论文必须用自己的话语陈述他人或自己的观点。这种陈述应当贯彻于论文始终, 并且要有一致性、连贯性和逻辑性。

关于风格方面的几点意见: 一般来讲, 风格没有一个统一的规定, 但对初学撰写论文的毕业生来说, 应注意以下几点:

1. 段落与章节之间的逻辑性。论文中的所有论据和观点都应当紧密地联系起来, 以主题为核心, 要有逻辑性。这样, 读者会容易理解文中的观点和论据, 容易接受你的结论。各段通常以主题句开头, 接着用论据阐明主题句涵意。同样每一章也要以概括要点的段落开头。

2. 语气要客观一些。论文本身是对一些客观事实或问题的探讨或研究; 结论的基础是资料, 而不是个人的偏见。一般避免用第一人称。

3. 语言要清晰、流畅、开门见山。撰写论文不是写小说或编剧本。华丽的语言或复杂的语言结构往往会转移读者的注意力, 忽视主题思想。多用间接引语可以使语言流畅。


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说起学术论文,我们都知道它是由科研性质的写作,那么它的写作难度也一定非同一般。科学研究一定要基于创新,而创新是在已有基础上的 超越,这种超越意味着更深入,同时也意味着在叛逆,但它不是刻意玄虚的,也不是随意颠覆的,因此科研的选题十分重要。下文,我们美国代写论文就来讲讲学术论文的选题创新和注意事项。


1.选题创新还有许多方面,比如通说、成说的纠正,要敢于质疑,提出新说,否则科学无法发展;比如对前说的补充、验证,特别是一些富有创造性意义的假说,正是 通过不断的充实、检验才丰富起来,形成完整的理论观点;比如跨学科研究,现代许多新的科研成果都是多元凝聚产生的,综合创新已成为时代主流;比如中西方比 较,正是在对照中看到相同和相异,考察人类文化发展中各民族的创造,趋利避害,多元一体。总之,选题有新意,论文才有价值,才会在理论指导或社会实践方面 产生一定的作用。

2.选题创新是要经充分准备、深刻思考的,要考虑其科学价值和社会效益,要考虑难易适中、量力而行,还要考虑完成论文所限定的时间和计划的篇幅。一般情况下, 论文首先要考虑到其研究的目的和意义,国内外有关此课题的研究现状,研究的方法、步骤和进度,重点解决哪些问题以及预期达到的结果。这些在申报有关科研项 目和学位论文开题时都要求说明,当然也有助于理清研究思路和得到专家的评鉴。因此,一定要把创新选向与实际情况结合起来,勇敢挑战并精心设计。

3.选题创新与写作规范是紧密联系的,要把研究内容完整、准确、清晰地表述出来,也要遵照科学的规律。因此,不但科学研究要讲方法,论文写作也要讲规范,进一 步讲,论文写作也是科学研究的过程。二者的道理是相通的,很难想象思路不清、逻辑混乱、概念模糊的论文能说明科研成果的内在实质而令人信服。社会科学和哲 学、艺术等领域的学术成果一般都要由文字来表达(艺术创作中的学术性一般可以用文字来揭示),它不同于文学写作和公文写作,所以,提高文字写作能力并遵守 写作规范就是十分必要的了。


第一,应关注现实中亟待解决的问题。一般来说,各学科领域在长久的发展中,虽然有了许多成绩和经验,但随着社会实践的进步和人们认识的发展,总会出现一些 令人困扰或不解的问题。无论是自然科学还是社会科学领域,无论是哪个学科的哪个专业,这样的问题,有的是关乎国计民生的重大问题,有的是学科发展中的关键 问题,有的虽是一般问题但迫切需要解决。

第二,应有科学上的新发现和新创造。科学上的发现创造是极有价值的,在人 类历史上有着极大的推动作用。艺术是不是科学曾有争论,哲学是不是科学也有争论,但艺术、哲学总是有其规律的,从这个意义上讲,探讨其发展规律应是一门科 学,否则设立这样的学科有何意义?既然进行学科领域的研究,就应在已有的基础上不断有新发现、新创造。

由于西方的工业发展产生了科技至上,所以一些哲学家和艺术家反对科技理性,这种思潮影响到中国与传统的东方神秘主义相应和,于是使一些文学家、艺术家排斥 理性,殊不知东方的科技理性从来就没有建树起来,西方的感性主义也是在超越理性的基础上产生的,和中国的传统感性是两码事。

第三,应注意填补学科建设上的空白。科学的发展有其不平衡性,学科的建设同样如此。在某一时期内注重某一问题的研究,也取得了显著的成果,但忽略了另外的 问题或方面,这就产生了短缺或遗漏。

实践哲学告诉我们,要拓展认识领域,那么找出学科和专业的空白就是新发 现,在此前提下完成新创造就是更有意义的事情。即使课题研究还不完善,但世上难能可贵的是首创,出奇制胜总比因循守旧更为精彩,这就要求对专业有全面的了 解,从而找到他人尚未发现的矿藏,选题才有新意,才有价值。




最后,在论文写作过程中一定要注意严谨、详实、凝练。学术论文的严谨性是首要的因素,试想一篇经不住推敲的论文有多大的说服力?详实是指论题要尽可能地用 事实、道理来充分论证,没有实际内容、只是空泛议论就会令人感到乏味。凝炼则是指文字言简意警、精要传神,艺术类的学术论文有其特殊性,是说既有理性内含 又有感性文采。


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行距: 2倍

页边距: Word 默认

字体: Times New Roman







(1)Abstract (序)

在1-2段,字数为文章的的10-15%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么abstract一般写200-300字, 除非特殊要求。











Introduction主要是写你将要在你的文章里写些什么,用2-3句话来概括所有的论点,每个论点用几个词即可,例如:In this easy, firstly, I will discuss…, and then I will…, thirdly, I will…


























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Smith (2009) claims that the modern state wields power in new ways.


According to Smith: ‘The point is not that the state is in retreat but that it is developing new forms of power . . .’ (Smith, 2009: 103).

这些text引用与main text结尾的参考列表链接,其中包括以下详细信息:











(1)Plan your work carefully so you do not have to write the essay at the last minute.


(2)Take care to make notes in your own words, not copying from the source.


(3)Keep a record of all the sources you use (e.g. author, date, title, page numbers, publisher).


(4)Make sure all your in-text citations are included in the list of references.


(5)Check that your quotations are exactly the same wording as the original.


(6)When paraphrasing, alter the structure as well as the vocabulary.


(7)Make sure your in-text citations are all included in the list of references.



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1. 丰富词汇







4. 收录材料







多与同学交流自己的论文写作,无论是否同一专业,让同学给自己的论文提建议。这一点对我自己的论文写作提高很有效,身边的同学很乐意帮助我,交流中除了得到修改意见,还学到了很多他们的写作“秘籍”,例如如何发展自己的论文结构。 不妨请英语为母语的同学提供语言修改意见,汉语中再正常不过的表述,在他们看来可能是China English。他们指出的语言要点,用词的准确,让我获益良多。



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1.coversheet: 上面有你的标题,字数,学生号码,日期等。标题应该是你文章的高度概括。

2.index: 在目录里面,把论文详细的结构和页数交待清楚

3.abstract: 就是你整篇文章的概要,一般来说100–200字为宜


5.iterature review: 3000字左右,这里面,主要讲的是前人怎样做research的,在这里我想说一下中国同学的一个误区,LR不是让你把前人写的基本概念都写出来,重要的是,你要把握某一个领域研究的方向,主要是逻辑的发展方向,然后引用一个和你写的文章类似的research,辩证的写一写,一些宽泛的概念,引用2-3个即可。

6.esearch design and methodology: 1500字左右 主要是讲你文章的研究方法,比如你是用quantatitive的方法,还是用qualitative的方法,其中的重点是你要自圆其说,说明为什么你用这种研究方法,可以得到客观公正的结论。

7.esults and discussion: 4000字左右。在这部分,要提出自己这篇文章,经过自己的research,你发现了什么,你发现的东西,能否补充前人理论的不足,或者仅仅是一个新的发现而已。



10.ppendices: 把你认为有用的东西,适当的放灾这里面,可以增加论文厚度,加强手感。当然有些论文对你有很详细的要求,比如需要你把interview的transcript放到这里面,你就要按照要求去做。


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不少学生在作完毕业设计后,感到自己的实践动手、动笔能力得到提高,增强了跨入社会去竞争的自信心。以下内容小编希望能对学生毕业论文有所帮助。关于本专业毕业论文选题 计算机专业毕业论文的撰写前提,是先要求学员结合自己的工作实际,完成一定的应用型课题(项目)设计/开发工作,然后在课题(项目)完成的基础上,学习并研究相关学科专业领域知识,将自己的实际工作加以总结,以形成毕业论文。这也就是我们所要求的:论文一定要在自己的工作基础上撰写出来, 切勿上网下载或找几篇文章拼凑。






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三、千萬不要直接Ctrl C+Ctrl V:要重新整理你的資源









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The contemporary art forms generally consist of a large number of canonical ideas related to the art. One of the examples of the same can be observed in the ‘kamalam’ paintings of India. These are the art forms in which there is a conversion from the classical form of art into the popular art forms which may cater to the needs and requirements of the masses. The traditional contemporary art forms have been manipulated in such a manner that it creates a mass appeal and articulate within the contemporary contexts.
The traditional types have been manipulated in order to cater to the mass appeal within the contemporary context. There are some of the murals which are made in terms of contemporary reality and have been observed with respect to the appropriation system based on the style of calendar art and the posters of Gods. The changes which had been made in the murals gave the information of the contemporary reality which can be observed in the appropriation of the style of the calendar and the posters of the Gods in the walls of the temples. The thing which seemed to be alien was the Western influences in these paintings which were actually served for different purposes. There were also some of the similarities from the canonical art forms.
This included the characteristic look including the use of the contrasting colours which had a higher brightness. It had been stated by Kajri Jain that the characteristic actually appeal to be something ascribed to the manual retouching done of the film after doing the actual separation of the colours. These characteristics leads to the creation of the great form of art. The canonical looks in these paintings are also be attributed to the use of the popular taste. These similarities are evident when it is important to do the comparison of the tradition based on the canonical art form.


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In compliance with the qualitative research approach selected for this study, a descriptive form of data analysis process was selected to assess the information collected. The analytical form differed for the primary data and the secondary data obtained. The primary data obtained was thus interpreted with the use of content analysis, wherein the responses were assessed to explain the implications of nurses’ knowledge and experience on their efficiency in care delivery for patients in their post PCI phase. These findings were then compared and contrasted with the information gathered through the literatures reviewed to obtain accurate answers related to the research objectives.
It must be noted in this regard that quantitative elements, such as statistical tools and numeric explanations were avoided in this study, as it would have increased complexities in the study and lowered its level of comprehensiveness at large. Moreover, the data gathered were of qualitative nature. Coding these obtained data into numerical forms could have increased risks of data biasness and misinterpretation, owing to which it was avoided in this study. On the other hand, comparing and contrasting the primary data with the secondary information helped justify the research arguments and explore whether nursing knowledge has any impact on the quality of care delivered to the post PCI patients.
Overall, this analytical strategy helped to increase criticality of the study findings.With the involvement of nursing professionals from the CCU department of Hong Kong based healthcare centre, ethical considerations in this study has also been non-negligible. To access information from the nursing professionals, due permission was required from the authority in the healthcare centre. Although it was a time consuming process and involved quite a few formal meetings, permission was obtained to perform the data collection procedure. Correspondingly, informed consents were obtained from the respondents, with regards to the guidelines and practices required to be followed when delivering care to the post PCI patients.


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If there is consideration of functionality for the color of any product, then it cannot be provided with protection or registration of a trademark. The mark of inherent distinctiveness is preferred to be marked on the basis of secondary meaning, due to a number of reasons. The rights attached for the marks of inherent distinctive is related to initial utilization, but the rights are attached in the mark of secondary meaning only acquiring distinctiveness. In a number of cases, this can lead to questioning priority.
The mark of a plaintiff may have an earlier date of initial utilization in comparison with the mark challenged; however, if the mark challenged was utilized before the mark of distinctiveness was acquired by plaintiff, there may be lack of luck for the plaintiff. In the more general sense, a mark of inherent distinctiveness is considered as stronger in comparison with the mark acquiring distinctiveness by utilization. Several courts of USA have been dealing with the issue, and colors can be identified as functional for a number of purposes. Considering the case of Qualitex Co. v. Jacobsen Products Co. Inc. was a case considered by the supreme court of United States within which the Court considered holding that a color will consider meeting the lawful requirements for registration of trademark within the Lanham Act.
This is under the provision that there has been acquiring of secondary meaning within the market. The plaintiff in this case had been using the color of green gold in the pads initiated for sale across firms of dry cleaning using the respective presses. Jacobson Products Co., also the competitor of Qualitex, was the defendant in the case. In the year 1989, Jacobson started to sell their own pads to the client base which seemed to have more or less the same color used by Qualitex. Also, considering the case of Wal-Mart vs. Samara Bros, the decision was taken by the court regarding the key circumstance under which the design of a product can be considered distinctive, and hence, can be protected, under the action of infringing unregistered dress of trade under section 43 (a) of the Trademark Act of 1946. Samara Brothers Inc., being the respondent has been designing and manufacturing a line of clothing for children.


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本文主要内容讲的是旅游体验,令人惊讶的是,对第8题的分析结果褒贬不一,80%的欧洲旅行者认为在瓦伦西亚非常安全,而20%的受访者认为在问题中值为3时有些不安全(Lopez-Guzman et al., 2014)。这表明,由于餐饮和俱乐部设施入口的安全性较低,再加上文化差异,使得一些游客对这种体验不太满意。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Surprisingly, mixed responses were analysed for the question 8 as 80 percent of the European travellers felt extremely safe in Valencia whereas 20 percent of the respondents felt somewhat unsafe with the value 3 on the question (López-Guzmán et al., 2014). This indicates that the low security surrounding the entries of dinning and club establishments combined with the cultural difference makes the experience undesirable for some of the visitors.
However, its mitigation is critical to ensure that the dissatisfied experiences do not impact the tourism sector of Valencia. According to the literature review, the quality of the tourism experience is critical (López-Guzmán et al., 2014). Therefore, whether the experience is facilitated under the monitoring of the travel companies or organized by the traveller itself, the factor of strong physical security makes the destination appealing but at the same time positive perception of destination is declined if the security is low. Hence, the majority of the European citizen visits the city of Valencia repeated due to experience of feeling physical safety.
90 per cent of the respondents answered with value 5 for the ninth question and indicated that the system of transportation is adequate due to which personalized transportation does not become a concern when they visit Valencia (Krippendorf, 2010). This implies that the absence of reliance on the private vehicles in the city makes the travel within the city of Valencia more convenient and cost effective. This functions as a positive experience encountered by the tourists that develops the customer satisfaction. The research has indicated that 10 percent of the individuals rated it at 2 levels indicating the need for improvisation (Ivkov et al., 2015). Hence, the timing of the travel plays a significant factor during the intercity movement. Since many stores across the city of Valencia close earlier than the European stores, some individuals find the overall transportation to be inconvenient.


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本文主要讲的是关键角色,案例分析让我们认识到,关键角色之间的有效性并不相互支持或相关。在关键角色方面的组织领导对于建立合适的领导方式是至关重要的,如ACCA等艺术组织需要这种领导方式(Brown, 2016)。研究表明,由于艺术总监和执行总监的领导体系是分离的、分而治之的,在一定程度上导致了领导的无效(Caust, 2015)。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The case study analysis has allowed the insight that the key roles’ effectiveness in association with one another is not inter-supported or related. The organizational leadership in respect to key roles becomes critical to understand for establishing the suitable manner in which the leadership is required to be situated within the arts organizations such as ACCA (Brown, 2016). The research has indicated that the existence of the leadership split makes the leadership ineffective to an extent as the leadership of Artistic director and Executive director does not cross each other because their segregated and bifurcated systems that causes ineffectiveness (Caust, 2015).
The board of directors at ACCA exerts their leadership to both the directors and obtain marginal level of input from these directors. The distinct roles of the artistic director to lead the artistic professionals and the executive director to lead the administrative professionals reduces the leadership effectiveness that can be achieved through the inter-connectedness.
The leadership of the board of directors have been recognized to be effective for the organizational leadership as they govern the overall structure, decision making and financial processes of the organization (Cray et al., 2007). The effectiveness of the board’s leadership become limited because of the dual leadership structure of the organization. The research has indicated that the barrier or a division of the artistic and managerial nature limits the efficiency of the key roles and subsequent leadership efficiency.


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本文是对嵌入式系统的介绍,在当今时代,计算机和电气工程师越来越多地使用嵌入式技术(Ali et al. 2013)。基于计算机的嵌入式系统的设计是必要的,因为在过去的十年中,在不同的行业,如计算机、航空航天、电信、电力生产等,对高度专业化的应用的需求不断增加(布鲁斯等,2013年;(Grout & Houlden 2014)。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In current time, there is an increased use of embedded technology by computers and electric engineers (Ali et al. 2013). The design of computer-based embedded system are needed as there is an increase in demand for addressing highly-specialized applications in different industries such as the computer, aerospace, telecommunications, power-production, and more in the past decade (Bruce et al 2013; Grout & Houlden 2014)
An embedded system is a dedicated computer system, which unlike the general purpose computer will not address multipurpose tasks but rather is designated for the purpose of achieving one or more tasks only (Brand et al. 2011). This is more properly considered as a subsystem of another larger system and might include electrical or mechanical components in its construction. It is hardwired and controlled by a single processor board which is the controlling unit for the embedded system. Embedded systems are more often made use of using fuzzy logic (Grout & Houlden 2014).
This report will be demonstrating how embedded systems are being implemented current education. It will be investigated using existing research data on the topic involving Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Arduino is an open source electronics platform that is useful for hardware software interchanges and is made use of in embedded systems programming. While Arduino enables for more open interfacing, the Raspberry Pi is a more limited interfacing one that comes with a proper programming and display setup. The report involves relevant and worthy methods for RMIT to embed it into INTE2043 Business Information Technology education curriculum.


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論文 代寫-緩解社會孤獨感

本文講的是緩解社會孤獨感,工人們進行家訪是為了緩解社會孤立。個人諮詢是為了改善人們的幸福感。另一個選擇是為孤獨的人創建社交網絡。有一些旨在提供社會支持的個人友善計劃(Chenoweth等,2010)。這些程序中的導航器用於在個人和本地服務之間創建鏈接。提供電話服務作為乾預措施。在許多情況下,考慮到情況的嚴重性,護理人員無法親自與老人見面。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Home visit by the workers is done to alleviate social isolation. Individual counseling is done to improve the feelings of wellbeing of the people. Another option is creation of the social networks for the lonely individuals. There are individual befriender programs that are designed to provide social support (Chenoweth et al., 2010). The navigators in these programs are used to create a link between the individuals and the local services. Telephonic services are provided as interventions. In many cases, given the volume of the situation, the care givers cannot physically meet the seniors in person.
In these situation, the people are best serviced by the telephonic interviews. Added to this, there is the use of the computer training. These are found to be based on the ways in which the older people communicate with the families and friends. The intervention design needs to be a broad-based program that factors in the nuanced subjective nature. To this system, the most important factor is the development of the programs based on cost effectiveness data. These are the economic evaluation that are derived from the psychosocial group rehabilitation programs. The health services costs are rising. These cost considerable amount for the service sector to focus on the physical ailments.
In this schema, the use of the health service costs is needed to address these grievances. The people are essentially given the intervention program based on the costs that are involved. Flexibility and choice of the people are the key attributes that are used for the development of the effective and appropriate interventions.These intervention programs highlight the innate issues that exist in the system. However, there are tangible impacts that are caused in this schema. They are explained in the following section.

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The information technology is facing many problems such as security problems. The increase in the cybercrime has affected the technologies and carried out many operations of the company. The loss of data and information, theft and hacking of the information are some of the most common issue that has affected the information technology industry. The criminal is committing crimes and affecting the operations of the companies. Other problems are associated with the information technology such as inefficient use of the advanced technologies.
The IT professionals should be hired to operate the technologies. The companies are moving towards the technology, but it has high risk. The information technology department has to implement software, antivirus and adware for dealing with the situation. The crime rates are increasing day by day that has affected the operations of many organizations. It is the responsibility of the management department to deal with the situations.The process technology is considered as the heart of all the industries that include the production of the products from the raw materials. The process technology is an essential aspect of the production of the airplane fuel, gasoline, gas and glass bottles and jars.
Thus, the process technology is very much important for the Z-energy to carry out its production process. The technicians can handle all the process, and it is important for IT professionals to handle all the operations. The IT technicians would be able to control, manage and troubleshoot the processes of the raw materials into the products. They would be able to evaluate, analyse and store the data. The information technology department plays a significant role in the management of all the processes.


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In terms of art, it is important to connect with people. There must be the coach or the consultant must aware of the trends. In the marketing schema, there are hundreds of internet marketing art patrons. It is important to not to patronize people. The coaches and assistance provided need to gently guide people towards making the choice (Armstrong et al., 2014). Having an email list is a used strategy which is still has relevance. It is important to set out important notifications rather than spam the inbox of the people.
There is a real connecting with the articles and the news stories of the people. The customers and clients must find the ways for people to become trusted sources or services. Having contests and giveaways can encourage marketing for the customers. The customers will have free product or services. There will be a surge in purchases or forming of the connections of the people. Added to this, there must be the creation of the blog. People need to consistently post newer keywords to optimize and use the search engine strategy. It is important to build a lasting relationship based on trust. Finally an integrated action plan is needed. These have been detailed in the following section.
To conclude, the Aladdin play is a time and tested play. All people are aware of the basic storyline. The changes have been proposed to this classic to be a modern-day adaptation. This is to connect with the millennial population. The SWOT analysis of the company and the macro scope analysis of the factors have been detailed in this schema. It is determined that the company must focus on the ways to emotionally connect with the target audience and not spam them with information. It is expected that there would be all around progress and development based on these changes. The activity plans for the company need to be factored in along with the connection with people, which have been detailed. There are also performance metrics drawn for this analysis. It is estimated that the company would be able to draw in profits based on these changes.

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The early process stage can be viewed as the return towards the satiation during the communist era less rigid times. This time was regarded as the socialist style of normality. However, over the previous 30 years post entering the 21st century, a gradual shift has been viewed towards the total femininity of consumer zed form. One of the primary striking elements of the burgeoning consumerism of China has been the manner through which women, specifically the glamourous young women, have growingly been utilized for the commercial activities by the Chinese advertising industry. The complete commercial exploitation with lack of the Chinese women that had impressed the Western women in the years of 1970s was eradicated. This led towards the Women of China to be involved within the advertising over the street billboards, magazines and the television.
In various nations, the glamorous Chinese women are being used as the models for a broad range of consumer goods and services that aim not only at the women but also at the generalized market. The market that is specific to female is similarly pervasive. The advertisements provide the consumer women with the complete range of cosmetics that are used to defy the age and beautification not only from the local level but also the level of international brands.
The female Chinese models have further been utilized broadly as the cover girls for the magazine within the strengthened competition that has been articulated within the magazine market of China. Until the year of 2003, most visible and the blatant utilized of Chinese women for the commercial purpose have been the lucrative market of the annual calendar. From the previous years of 1980s, young women of attractive nature were featured over the calendars with western style fashion. The different types of female’s were used to be featured over one or two month period. This is the reason for which the calendars dominated the gift calendar market of the New Year and the these calendars were interrupted only by the occasional kitten or landscape calendars.


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This report is based on the leadership qualities and theories. With the help of a movie character, the leadership style of that character and theory related to that kind of leadership has been explored and lessons have been drawn out of that. Further, a critical assessment has been done on the leadership theory and the principles of leadership have been explored. A self-analysis for the leadership abilities is done at the end of the report as well.On analyzing the leadership abilities of own and providing the recommendation over the improvement area here is the plan for personal leadership development based on the recommendations above.
Communication is one of key areas and many problems can be sorted out if the internal communication within the team is strong enough. This can improve the leadership (Hirst, 2004). Also building a productive and more efficient work environment is based on communicating principles. The leadership confidence is already there but a focus on innovation side is important as well. Innovation helps in bringing new ideas by doing a brain storming in the team and coming up with some innovative idea to expand the business. There is a scope in improving the innovation side on which the focus has been made as well.
There is a long-term vision for the future but the integrity approach should be incorporated. The plan is to focus on integrity area and involve more in empathic engagement area. Also, training sessions should be placed in pipelines for team members and specific role based training should be provided. Also, technology specific sessions are to be conducted and members are motivated to join those sessions. Knowledge sharing is also encouraged so that the team can cross train themselves and gain more of current market trends which will definitely benefit the business growth.
This report is based on the leadership theories, styles and principles where a detailed analysis of leadership theories like Team leadership, Hill’s model, Path-Goal theory and Transformational Leadership have been discussed. The leadership principles are very much required and vital for implementing successful business strategies.


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Given the above argument, does the Chinese court accept advertisement for a reward as a unilateral conduct? A unilateral doctrine or conduct is a contract where once a unilateral promise is given, contract has to be obligated at all costs. Where scholars like Wang Liming, Robert Scott and Judy Kraus argued for the rewards as contract perspective adopted by Chinese law, other scholars such as Mo Zhang consider reward from the unilateral promise angle.
A reward is considered in Chinese law as a unilateral juristic act meaning when an offer is made for a reward it will be construed as being unilateral, the offer once established will be legally binding. Article 112 of the Property Law of China confirms there exist a validity of advertisements of rewards: The right holder of the object, when obtaining a lost-and found object, shall pay the person who finds the object or the related department such necessary expenses as the cost for safekeeping the object. Where a right holder promises to offer a reward for finding the object, he shall, when claiming the object, perform the obligation of granting the reward. Where the person who finds the object misappropriates the lost object, he/she shall be deprived of the right to ask for paying the expenses he/she has paid for safekeeping the object or require the holder to perform the obligation as promised. This unilateral conduct code will prevail only when the reward is being offered from something lost, in the form of property.
Hence according to the Chinese law there exists a certain amount of ambiguity on how the rewards advertisement must be treated. It would be treated as a contract for all other cases, except that for when the reward is being meted out for lost and found property where the Property law and the unilateral doctrine would prevail. The purpose of this chapter is not to critically compare Chinese legislation with UK and German legal perspectives but to merely introduce the necessity for reform, a standardization even if it means flexibility has to be afforded for exceptions.

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論文 代寫-防火牆性能的研究

本文主要講防火牆性能的研究,防火牆的性能一直是研究的一個主題,只有很少的研究。在分析防火牆性能方面的工作甚至更少。可用的工作主要是考慮加強與防火牆系統相關的配置管理,並檢測是否遺漏了任何配置。 Salah等人使用基於馬爾可夫鏈的解析隊列模型研究了防火牆的性能。該方法對防火牆進行了分析,並考慮了一般的流量和DoS攻擊流。 Asmi等人(2012)研究了防火牆的幾種操作方式。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Firewall performance has been a subject of study in only few studies. Lesser work is even done within the field of analysing firewall performance. Mostly the available work is of the consideration to enhance the management of configuration related to firewall systems and detect whether any configuration has been missed. The firewall performance has been studied by researchers such as Salah et al through use of a model named, analytical queue model based upon the chain of Markov. Firewalls are analysed by this methodology subjected to general flow of traffic along with the flow of attack for DoS. Several kinds of operations of firewalls were examined by other researchers such as Asmi et al, (2012).
In the study, the researchers tested the various firewalls performance as well as security inclusive of Cisco, ASA, and filter of packet and SPLAT checkpoint. With regard to performance, only the throughput was considered by the researchers along with the maximum concurrent relationship number. The research results from the investigation depicted that ASA Cisco has a performance which is good in comparison to the other types involved in the study. When it comes to security, simple tests were performed by them and it was reported by them that firewalls have shown a good type of resistance.
The influence of firewall implementation over the performance of networks has also been studied by researchers such as Martin et al, (2010). Their results from simulation depicted that use of firewalls enhances the display of networks and average time from response. They suggested moreover that use of firewalls of parallel nature is essential for performance of network’s improvement. The performance of applying layered firewalls has been investigated by researchers such as Claire et al. (2009). This has been done by them with regard to time of response and utilization of network. The results of simulation resulted in proving that firewalls result in degrading the network performance on the whole.

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Global cultures and local cultures are present. The understanding presented in development theories and research works are indeed supportive of the real clear differentiations on the cultures. Global culture is indeed different from local culture when one assesses the definitions on the same. However, do these theory level distinctions still hold in current life? A level of interconnection between local and global cultures has made the world more reliant. The homogenization of those spaces would be helpful for people. People would not worry about tolerating differences as they are part of the connected culture.
Better collaborative working, better understanding of common problems like climate control, and better solution formulations are possible. Therefore, to answer the question of whether the dichotomy of local/global rendered obsolete in today’s connected world, it can be argued that such a dichotomy has become less obvious. In time this would not matter if the world decides to act pursuing the homogenized space. Growth of a nation must be associated with its wellbeing. Therefore, what happens in the case of GDP implied growth of the nation is that it is possible for the nation to only assess its market transactions and monetary movement with growth.
The nation might not be able to assess hidden costs and growth adverse effects. For instance, hidden costs such as social costs, environmental costs and more are seen to be present. A GDP form of understanding is driven by spenders and buyers. The consumerist society has driven this notion. This will only contribute towards percentage increase in GDP but will not have an impact on sustainability or environment improvement. Almost all countries after the Second World War have been focused on promoting an increase GDP as a policy goal. Environmental and social effects have taken a backseat. Although a global culture has been created around consumerism and GDP, it is now important to also assess for environmental effects and more. This is necessary to improve human wellbeing and lead their development in a more holistic way.

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While all the solutions will benefit Jollibee, having a knowledge driven market research team that will specifically advise Jollibee and prep Jollibee with respect to newer international ventures is the most significant one. The solution has been selected based on many points of perusal. Firstly, the solution will help address all other issues. It does not cater to solve one of the issues but instead it is built to solve all the issues. For instance, such a team would be able to advise the management to take up a transnational strategy and at the same time, would also be able to advise them on staffing issues in countries.
Knowledge base based on which decision making is done is a significant trend in current times, and Jollibee should take advantage of this situation. The ideas must be translatable into solutions for them to be successful. Now in the case of the selected solution, firstly Jollibee should collate a knowledge database of all the information they have on their international ventures. Past and current information must be collated.
International and local managers must be given access to such information and must be allowed to leave feedbacks on their operations and suggestions as well. Grievances of local partners and staffers must also be recorded into the system. Personnel with more than 10 years of experience in international operations must be aligned to put together a market research team that would be specifically decimated to proposing solutions and advices base don best practices to the newer ventures. This would enable the company to handle issues in internationalization and formulate better strategies as well.

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論文 代寫-研究結構分析

本文主要講鹽焗結構分析,它還顯示了用於描述研究結構的方法。結構顯示了項目的適當增強,同時也支持項目的框架。該項目圍繞著研究的適當增強,它也解釋了研究的重要性。它使研究工作得以加強,並顯示了報告的框架。為加強研究而進行的過程也加強了報告的內容。它解釋了適當的工作結構,因為它促進了研究過程的發展。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

It also shows the methods undertaken for the depicting the structure of the research. The structure show the appropriate enhancement of the project as also enables the framing of the project. The project surrounds the appropriate enhancement of the research and it also explains the importance of the research. It enables the enhancement of the research and also shows the framework of the report. The report is also enhanced by the process as undertaken for the enhancement of the research. It explains the appropriate structure of the work as it enhances the growth of the research process.
Qualitative analysis: Through the analysis of the slope size and shape, the geological structure of the slope, the geologic environment and the process of forming the slope, the soil properties, deformation and fracture of the slope and the factors affect its stability and then determine the slope evolution phase and stable conditions. Limit equilibrium analysis: The kinematic approach of limit analysis is explored in three-dimensional 2D stability analysis of slopes. The stability of the slope can be calculated by analyzing the possible sliding surface and simplifying the stress on the sliding surface to a uniform distribution, and then calculate the stability coefficient of the slope (Michalowski, 1989).
Alternatively, the kinematic approach yields the lower estimate of the stability factor cu/λH. The limit equilibrium methods use the Mohr-Coulomb expression in order to identify the shear strength along the sliding surfaces. Thus, the shear stresses which the soil fails in the shear are referred to the shear strength of soil. The limit equilibrium state exists when the mobilized shear strength is expressed as the fraction of shear strength. The shear strength at the moment of the failure is mobilized fully along with the failure when the critical conditions state is reached. It is expressed usually by the Mohr Coulomb linear relationship. The shear strength relies on the effective normal stress and type of soil and the mobilized shear stress relies on the external forces that act on the soil mass.

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本文主要讲的是行为主义,后果:任何行动都有后果,可能是积极的,也可能是消极的。课堂上进行了大量的正强化练习。这些包括对学生微笑,向家长表扬他们的能力,评论他们的特殊努力,并给他们更高的分数。消极的后果是给没有完成作业的“不及格”学生打分。由于那个学生没跟上功课,大家都在努力训斥他。此外,这是一种内在的动机。只有当学生对不参加这个计划有一种健康的恐惧时,他们才会努力(Churchill et al., 2013)。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Consequences: Any action has a consequence, and these could be positive or negative. A lot of positive reinforcements were practiced in the class. These included smiling at the students, praising their ability to the parents, commenting on their special efforts and awarding them with higher grades. The negative consequence was grading the students in the “Fail” category for not completing the works. Efforts were taken to reprimand the student for not keeping up with the work. In addition, this was an innate motivation. The students take an effort only when they have a healthy fear against not competing in this scheme (Churchill et al., 2013).
Extinction: Efforts were taken to reduce or make certain practices extinct. These included telling the students to not correct the other person while they try to talk in English. The efforts to reduce shyness were taken in the classroom discussions (Peñarroja et al., 2015).
Modelling: It is based on observational learning. Bandura has stated that modelling is the basis for creating of the Child behaviours. The children were taught to discuss their issues in English and not make the other person feel bad for trying to speak the language.
Shaping and cueing: This is gradual changing of the students. Towards the end of the course, it was observed that there was a definitive improvement in the speech of the children while speaking the English language. At the same time, efforts taken to study the language further. This shaping of behaviours was encouraged in the classroom. The cueing efforts that were taken in aiding the child were to teach the child to encourage the other person while talking. This is done by looking into their eyes and genuinely listening (Pennington, 2014).
Behaviour modification: It was the method where efforts taken to eliciting better classroom performance. The students were made to discuss about the specific outcome and what they expected in the classroom.


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本文主要讲的是员工培训的必要性,一个高技能的员工可能会带来更好的生产力和更好的客户满意度。一个训练有素、积极主动的员工将有助于降低管理成本,因为他们将拥有人才来评估自己的工作。如果它们能够诊断机器中的问题并能够有效地修复这些问题,它们可以帮助减少任何机器的停机时间(Oxenbridge et al., 2010)。一个有才能和技能的员工可以提高轮廓的功能灵活性,因为他们相对广泛的知识基础的各种人才更容易被保留。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A highly skilled staff might lead to better productivity and better customer satisfaction. A well-trained and motivated staff would help in reduction of cost of managing because they would hold the talent to assess their own work. They can help in reducing the downtime of any machines if they are capable of diagnosing the issues in machinery and can also effectively repair those (Oxenbridge et al., 2010). A talented and skilled employee can enhance the contours functional flexibility as they would be simpler to be retained because of their comparatively wide knowledge -base of various talents.
It is suggested that the staff members are trained on technical aspects so that the management gets confidence in using the latest technology and the business has further chances of quick adjustments to any changes in technology and business needs. Since Qantas operates in the intensive international competitive environment, there is the need of technically skilled employees who can typically use the advanced mechanisms. A well trained workforce and responsible staff members can lead to better efficiency by maintenance of great relationship with the clients and suppliers (Bates, Chen and Hatcher, 2012). They are capable of arranging smooth flow of resources and making the correct records so that the client satisfaction is attained to the maximum level.
It is suggested that management comments to training and development of the workforce so that the employees get an indication that they are valued by the Qantas. This kind of indication can boost the morale of employees and support their dedication towards the organisation. The training that they would be getting at work will allow them to carry out their jobs in a better way and make them more responsible and creative. This way, there would be higher satisfaction of job and higher motivation which can boost the productivity of Qantas in long run (O’Brien, 2010).


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1. 美国研究生PS框架的构建



2. 开头和结尾




3. 深入写作:申请人的独立思想


4. 深入写作:中国思维vs美国思维


– 细节的取舍



– 未来规划



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本文讲的是合伙创业的可能性,这家公司有两个所有者,他们以合伙的方式经营这家公司。公司拥有一支由8名员工组成的团队,他们将负责公司的日常运营,并被赋予不同的职责。公司聘请了经验丰富(技术和管理)、受过教育的员工为顾客提供服务,使顾客满意。业主拥有10年的零售销售、时装设计和零售会计行业经验。他们直接参与管理和经营服装业务。两位所有者都扮演了企业家的角色,在建立服装业务和推广自己的品牌(Moutray, 2009)。本篇paper代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The company has two owners which are running the firm under the partnership. It has employed a team of 8 employees and staffs who will look after the regular operations of the business who are assigned with different roles and responsibilities towards their job. The company has hired experienced (technical and management) and educated staff for providing services to the customers in the shop and to make the customers satisfied with their needs and demand. The owners have 10 years industry experience in retail merchandising, fashion and design and retail accounting. They are directly involved in managing and operating the clothing business. Both the owners play the role of Entrepreneurs in setting up the clothing business and promoting their brands (Moutray, 2009).
The ownership structure is in partnership form with equal rights and sharing equal profits and losses as per their partnership ratio. The employees are approached through putting advertises in job portals and newspaper which will help them to recruit the best candidate for store keeper. The compensation will be based on knowledge, experiences, and performance of the candidate. If the employee or staffs are able to retain or attract customers and increase sales, they will be rewarded with incentives. (Gupta and Shaw, 2014). The performance incentive and rewarding programs are part of the business agenda which will motivate the employees to give maximum input. They need the training to realize the taste and preferences of the customers which will help them to display the product based on their choices.
The company’s growth strategy is to provide value-added products and services which will ensure customer satisfaction. It also aims to provide value – pricing which will also attract the middle-class customer profile to purchase more products. The quality will be managed and maintained by reviewing the performances and profit earned monthly. The organization structure will change once the company happens to expand its store outsides Australia in respect of hiring more employees and managers to supervise the operations (Gopalani, 2010). The employees will have a career path in gaining experience in retail fashion and design and customer relationship building.


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A training and development strategy is now required, as the new hotel geographic location and the staff proficiency could be challenging. For instance, the locals do have much better English language proficiency, but the general standards staffs are seen to be less proficient. Similarly, in the context of HR practices, the UK best practices and management methods must have brought into the hotel. In addition, the new HR manager must be prepared for the challenges his position could bring, both inside the Hotel management and in terms of general adjustments of living in Spain, and hence a clear training and development strategy is required.
In terms of international training for the expatriate Hotel manager, first a preparatory training or a pre-departure training is important. Most time organizations end up selecting an employee because of their skills, such as how they could manage a workforce or how much of years of experience they have in hotel management etc. Management skills and internationalization skills have to be assessed. Reardon in this case must select and employee based on how much cultural affinity they could develop with employees in Spain. They must prepare the selected Hotel manager for the cultural shock that the manager could face when they land in the country. The right training program will consider the existing skills of employee, such as even their cultural and acclimatization skills and then would aim at providing a successful transition into the cultural understanding of Spain.
This will be helpful for minimizing a failure. Reardon should also aim to provide cross cultural training. Cross cultural training will be a big benefit for the expatriate. In cross cultural training, the Hotel manager is introduced to cultural difficulties that previous expatriates to Spain would have faced. This would give the HR manager an idea of what they could expect in the country. The manager would have a better idea of the form of cultural differences that exist, and how to handle the cultural differences. In addition, they would be able to respond better to situations. Cultural shock is a single most popular reason for international assignment failures. This is reduced when proper cross cultural training is given to the expatriate.


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本文的主要内容是治理航空污染,飞机不仅会向大气排放二氧化碳,还会向大气中排放碳氢化合物、一氧化碳、黑碳、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、铅等,造成严重的环境污染(Johnston, 2013)。航空公司部门的运作已造成环境退化,这显然意味着没有有效地遵守可持续发展的原则。可持续发展的重要组成部分之一是环境保护,它支持反污染法律和其他污染控制措施的实施。维珍航空等航空公司造成环境空气污染的事实证明,航空公司不符合可持续发展的原则。本篇代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Aircraft not only emits carbon dioxide but also emits hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, black carbon, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead etc. into the atmosphere causing substantial environmental pollution (Johnston, 2013). The operations of the airline sector have been causing degradation to the environment which evidently implies that the principles of sustainable development are not followed effectively. One of the significant parts of the sustainable development is environmental protection which supports the enforcement of anti-pollution laws and other pollution control measures. The fact that airlines like Virgin Atlantic have been causing air pollution in the environment proves that the airline companies do not comply with the principles of sustainable development.
Another important principle of sustainable development is the integration of environmental and economic decisions which state that companies like airline companies must make economic and profitable decisions by reflecting on the effects on the environment, human health and social impacts (Kaur Sahota, 2016). The tourism especially air tourism does not comply with sustainable development as there is a strong conflict between tourism and environment. This implies that social well-being, economy and environment are not effectively managed to impart benefits equally to the present as well as the future generations.
The sustainability programme of Virgin Atlantic is named as “Change is in the Air” which aims to focus on areas that have the greatest impact on the environmental footprint. The focus of the project is to reduce aircraft emission by innovating fuels, reducing wastes and operating efficient and quieter aircraft. Virgin Atlantic has been working with the buyers, suppliers and designers to ensure that environmental standards are maintained. The future development of Virgin Atlantic in the area of sustainability and carbon reduction has the capability to address and mitigate the disharmony between tourism, environment and sustainable development. Virgin has been supporting the global carbon deal in order to reduce carbon emission.


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作为一个资深的代写老师,我们经常会接到各种类型的代写文章,如essay、assignment、report和申请文书,甚至还有毕业论文和学术论文。每一篇文章的写作,除了必要的知识外,还需要大量的素材。我们需要从那里下手去写,还需要有逻辑性和真实性,这都是几号精力和时间的。所以,今天要给大家讲的是如何找申请essay 的写作灵感,快来学习吧。







你有没有试过,因为某个突然迸发的灵感让你在深夜兴奋得睡不着?(反正小编为了写文章经常会在夜里惊醒) 又或者在回忆过去时,某些决定到现在还会让你欢呼雀跃或后悔莫及?看上去似乎有些“抓马”,但这些素材往往能让Essay精彩纷呈,因为它们或许就是对你而言最为重要的人生经历。











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本文主要讲什么是工作满意度,工作满意度在组织行为的语境中被定义为一个人以积极的方式享受工作的程度,或者是他们对工作的消极感受。工作满意度被定义为满足,或者是一个人在工作中满足了某些要求时的情绪状态。或者,当这些要求没有得到满足时,他们往往感到不满意。洛克(1969)从工作的各个方面、内在的价值体系以及个人感知和价值体系之间的关系来定义工作满意度。其他研究人员将满意度作为一种有效的反应(Cummings和Worley, 2014)。在这样的背景下,我写这篇文章是为了评估我在工作中所感受到的极度不满意,并运用了动机的三种理论来理解我不满意的原因。本篇ps代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Job satisfaction is defined in the context of organizational behaviour as how strongly an individual enjoys their job in a positive manner or alternatively the negative feelings they have about their job. Job satisfaction is defined as contentment, or an emotional state that the person feels when some requirement of theirs is met in the workplace. Alternatively, when these requirements are not met then they tend to feel unsatisfied. Locke (1969) defines job satisfaction with respect to facets of job, the internal value system and finally relationship between individual perception and value system. Other researchers term satisfaction as an effective response (Cummings and Worley, 2014). Given this background context, this essay is written to assess the extreme dissatisfaction that I felt in a job situation, and applied three theories of motivation to understand why I was dissatisfied.
However, it still did contribute to my dissatisfaction, as I felt my management could have explained this state better. During recruitment, things were different. Potential recruits were given more freedom of opinion. I was asked for what I like about the place. I gave some feedback and suggestions. However, once I was an employee, it was as if my opinion was no longer required. However, it was a very busy season and I do understand that management was more occupied with handling many things.
Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction parameters in the workplace are based on context. I have written the essay by taking the position of being extremely dissatisfied in my part time work. I have made use of three theories to explain where my dissatisfaction stemmed from.
Using the Maslow’s helped me understand how I have both subjective and objective needs. Understanding my own needs and balancing them would help me be more satisfied. Herzberg showed me how my dissatisfaction arose from some expectations that I had on the management. There are many personal reasons as well as professional reasons for the people to continue in a job. These factors are not always simple and the management should take some initiative to fulfil them. Finally having a participative management according to the Z theory would have gone a long way to making me feel satisfied.


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其實論文,就是我們所說的Essay。 Essay其實是一個Story,是一個關於你自己的Story。如果你的故事能夠讓招生的老師印象深刻,並且喜歡,那麼這個故事講的就是成功的。老師通過你的論文能夠分析出你想展現的特點、品質等,以及你的這些特點是否與學校相契合。一般來說Essay有三種問題形式,一種是關於“你”自己的文章,一種是“為什麼選擇某校?”的文章,還有一種就是充滿創造力的文章了。下面跟著我們的論文代寫老師一起來看看論文的寫作方法吧。










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本文主要讲述的是生命周期理论,根据生命周期模型,公司已经从成功的启动阶段过渡到在某些部门仍能看到增长的阶段,而在另一些部门,还没有成功地从启动阶段过渡到增长阶段。北方的门店是成功的,它们并不指望通过向国际水域扩张来实现其发展里程碑式的增长(约翰•斯托克斯(John Stokes)的计划就是如此)。然而,南方的商店甚至没有记录增长。这里的决策者是约翰·斯托克斯,他想要提升已经给予扩张的承诺。本篇论文抄袭文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The company according to the lifecycle model has gone from successful startup to a state where growth is still observed in some divisions and in others there has not been successful transition from inception to growth. The Northern stores are successful and are not looking to meet their developmental milestone in growth by expanding to international waters (as is the plan of John Stokes). However Southern stores have not even recorded growth. The decision maker here is John Stokes who wants to escalate the commitment that was already given to the expansion.
Despite the fact that the Southern stores are not performing, Stokes does not want to give up on them. Here, the decision maker does not want to accept that his decision was flawed. He does not want to accept the decision of the CEO and does not want to close the store. While this does show consistency in actions, it could be considered foolish given the situation also. Recommendation in this context: Openhium has two choices, either close the unproductive stores after a certain fixed time period and move on to focusing on strategy development with the other successful stores, or it should consider innovation strategies and more in order to develop the non-performers.
Step 2) In the process for change, it is necessary that there be a combination of approaches (Dodge et al, 1994). So while the life cycle theory can be useful to understand the overall change and growth initiative, the other theories can be useful to understand how the specific constructs in the change process can proceed. According to the teleological theory, the purpose of Openhium when it was a startup was to be productive in selling sports and water sports equipment. John Stokes thinks big and hence wants to expand the business both in New Zealand and internationally. He wants to go global and move into Australia as well.
This ambition is the purpose or the end point for the business. John Stokes now views the recommended shutting down of the Southern stores as being a damper on his plans as they will result in decreased expansion. However, this need not be so, according to the teleological theory, this could just be an adaptation for the overall business to be successful. So John Stokes could either accept that closing some business sectors now might not mean his expansion plan has to be dropped. The expansion venture could still be carried out successfully in better locations.


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留学 论文代写-消费者的需求

本文主要讲述的是消费者的需求,一般来说,与女性人口统计学相比,男性似乎更重视产品。为了迎合这种人口结构,人们做了很多工作。apple watch的主要目标客户是那些以奢侈品为导向的iPhone用户,他们往往会购买或拥有高档商品。这些消费者被发现拥有昂贵的汽车,更喜欢高级时装和昂贵的珠宝。公司的商业广告渠道就是明证。苹果的零售环境只适合高端消费者。本篇留学 论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In general men seem to give more importance to the product when compared to the women demography. There is a lot of emphasis that has been given to cater to this demography. Main target for whom the apple watch was primarily created was the luxury-oriented iPhone customers who show a tendency to buy or own premium goods. These consumers are found to own expensive cars, prefer high fashion and fancy jewelry. This is evidenced by the business advertising channels of the company. The retail environment of Apple is for only the premium consumers. They are the target for the company. This is true esp. for the millennials. The Apple Watch’s early branding and messaging have been largely revolving around it’s the premium features of the brand. It is for the consumer who would like to have a gold watch and use high quality pretty products to make sales.
For this the promotional campaigns that has been developed by the company are through TV, Internet, Mobile and Social media applications.
Hence the primary consumers for the product are premium users who are busy, young, active, healthy, and constantly on the move.
In the case of iWatch the consumers are the people who own Apple products. In this situation the product is not a stand-alone application. Owing to this there is dependence on sales of the other product. This product should be made more user friendly towards the android application to increase the sales of the product as a stand-alone product.
The efforts taken by the company to prevent brand dilution is impressive. They have periodically undertaken a number of efforts to ensure that the original sanctum and the brand persona of the product is undiluted. The vertical integration followed by the company to ensure the same has been appreciated by the marketing analysts and experts in the community. But there is no real variety in the product range(Schiffma et al., 2013).
Since the product is marketed to the affluent class as one an addendum there is declining of the consumer needs for the product (Sharma, 2016). The consumers feel that the product is not really a requirement like that of a phone but rather a symbol of luxury.


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本文主要讲述的是中国互联网的安全使用问题,在许多国家,政府正在采取可衡量的步骤,以便更大的群体或特定的群体如儿童和青少年能够安全地使用互联网。任何国家都采取了最好的可衡量的措施来执行互联网过滤器,并监管人们能够访问的内容,这就是中国。在这篇综述中,对中国的互联网和网络审查进行了更深入的研究(Yang & Liu, 2014)。中国政府不仅制定法律,中国政府反对明显令人不快的网络操作,还对互联网进行了监管,还开展了心理活动和政府支持的宣传。本篇代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are many countries, where the governments are taking measurable steps so that the access to the internet can be safely done by the larger group or specific group of individuals like the children and teenagers. The best measurable steps were taken by any country in order to execute internet filters, and regulating the sort of content that people are able to access, is China and it had worked very hard and safely toward it. In this review, a closer look on the internet and or cyber censorship has been taken with particular interest in China (Yang & Liu, 2014). The government of China not only institute laws and the government of China in opposition to apparent unpleasant cyberspace operations has employed regulation on the internet but psychological campaigns and government-sponsored propaganda.
A lot of condemnation has been received from the external forces as well as within the country itself as the government of China has employed the internet censorship. There came some situations when the officials of the government cannot avoid the question and had to speak publically and in that situation, they played very cleverly and justified their steps with respect to the protection of public safety, social ethics, stability and core societal values. Another justification has also been given by the government in order to prevent the valuable societal ethics that is corroded by the western culture, and the measurable steps that have been taken by the government of China that they are correct.
It should be clear in the mind of the government of China that by blocking some of the sites for the people China may result in unhappiness among the people, which may later turn into any kind of protest against their government. Human Right Watch, Amnesty International, Bloggers, Reporters without Borders, as well as academicians is most of the non-governmental institutions and individuals who have helped in exposing the detail of internet censorship of China. Any kind of aforementioned cardinal principles has been significantly failed by the Chinese internet filtering regimes. The most important issue that has been in doubt is that there are numerous individuals who will surely agree to the internet filtration on the issues like child pornography, and many more.


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本文主要讲人力资源管理的使用,Diageo可以实现的另一个方法是定制共享模型的实现。通过这种模式的实施,为世界各地的员工提供的服务将会越来越一致。此外,它还将有助于满足当地市场的需求。因此,它最终将有助于提高公司在市场上的整体生产力。人力资源管理服务,如果在世界上不同的国家以员工之间有效共享的方式提供,可以导致克服人力资源管理功能面临的挑战(Chong, 2012)。有了这个帮助,人力资源管理服务可以完成得更快,可以有更高的一致性,员工是公司的一部分。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Another method which can be implemented by Diageo is the implementation of the customized sharing model. By the implementation of this kind of model, there will be more and more consistency in the services which are being provided to the employees all round the world. In addition to this, it will also help in meeting the requirements of the local markets. Thus it will ultimately help in the overall increase in the productivity in the markets for the company. The HRM services, if provided in different nations of the world in such a manner that there is an effective sharing between the employees, can lead to overcome the challenges which are being faced by the HRM function (Chong, 2012). With the help of this the HRM services can be completed much faster and can have a higher consistency to the employees who are the part of the company. An example of the same is to have an effective knowledge repository which can help to serve to standardize the functions and the materials which are related to the HRM. In addition to this, the transactions will be processed in an easier manner. These processes will also ensure that all the local laws are being followed.
By having different centres for HRM services, there can be an easy navigation of the data which is complex with the assurance of protection of the privacy laws which are being present across borders. An example of the same includes the electronic employee filing system which can be implemented globally in order to have the easier access of the information which is related to the employees.
Thus, the most important recommendation for the HRM function at Diageo is to use the shared HRM services at different centres. There should be more and more HRM functions which is promising different HRM services which can be present in different regions of the world. By having shared HRM services there will be a better structure which would ensure a proper coverage of the markets of different parts of the world and will further ensure that the service centres will meet up the growing business requirements and other economic demands.


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1、留學生學到的單詞大多數消極單詞。所謂Negative word意思就是看到這個單詞一般可以認識,聽到的話也明白是什麼意思,但是在寫作和運用時候就不能夠正確運用。很多單詞書籍往往缺少單詞組詞和用法,這樣不利於學生更好的消化和運用單詞。

2、很多學生對單詞理解不對。中文和英文本來就不完全對等,很多英語單詞翻譯成中文看起來很笨拙,這樣讓學生們記住了是什麼意思,但是對於單詞理解不透徹,這在運用時候就不能夠很好運用。因此在選擇English Dictionaries時候,建議要選擇英漢雙解類型的English Dictionaries。只有真正理解了單詞意思,閱讀起來才可以理解更加透徹。

3、不要忽視單詞搭配。很多學生容易忽視了Word collocation,這樣在寫作時候就會出現一些不太明白的單詞,有些學生就顧不得這個單詞搭配習慣,胡亂使用起來。

4、書本中學到的單詞不如實踐生活中積累的單詞更讓人Deep memory。在生活中要多與朋友們和陌生人進行交流,在交流中你可以記住更多單詞,而且明白這個單詞在什麼語境下使用效果更好。

5、盲目追求單詞量,忽略了基本詞彙掌握程度。很多留學生Blind pursuit單詞量,大量的背誦單詞,對於一些難詞、長詞和生僻詞背誦的很熟練,卻忽略了一些基本詞彙的掌握熟練程度,這樣反而是Lose a great deal through trying to save a little。所以建議留學生們一定要抓住重點,不要忽略了基礎知識的掌握程度。


1、建議使用English-Chinese dictionary。上述已經介紹了英漢雙解詞典在英語學習中的必要性,如果是要進行單詞背誦的話,至少要將雙解詞典和單詞書結合起來使用。如果英語基礎不太好,建議使用《牛津中階英漢雙解詞典》;英語水平還好的話建議使用《Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English》。

2、如果留學生的English level達到了大學4級以上,在學習時候主要目的就是閱讀和寫作,這個時候建議使用《牛津高階英語詞典》。平時多查閱一下英語詞典可以培養自己很強的寫作語感,對於Writing and speaking提升很重要。

3、如果學些英語主要為了提高個人寫作能力,建議要再加上兩種字典,比如:《Oxford English Synonyms Dictionary》、《Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English》。在使用同義字典時候要注意,同義並不是說意思就一致,而是指詞義上有一定相同,但是相互之間還有區別。英語搭配詞典是告訴你如何搭配,可以讓你更好掌握詞語間搭配技巧。



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The Cathedral of Valencia beautified with the gothic door of the apostles, Chapter hall and Micalet, in houses the Holy Grail, the cup that was used by Yeses in the celebration of his last pass over has become a sight of touristic nature that encourages individuals from across the world to visit. Holy Grail has been declared as “Eucharistic year of the Holy Chalice” (Thai and Yuksel, 2017). This Cathedral is famous for its extraordinary paintings by some of the finest artists of the world including Hernando (Yañez de la Almedina y de Llanos) Vicente Macip, Vergara, Camarón, Planes, Maella and Goya (Borgia Chapel).
The Museum of the cathedral is a treat to the eyes. La Lonja de la Seda, the silk exchange market and Ciutat de las Arts I les Ciênces, an entertainment and cultural complex designed by a Valencia local, Santiago Calatrava are the beautiful offerings of this destination (Suhartanto and Triyuni, 2016). Valencia has a tremendous coastline being home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. A few of the Valencia’s beaches include Advocat Cove Beach, Aigua Blanca Beach, Albir Beach, Albufereta Beach, Alcudia Beach, Ambolo, Amplaries Beach and Almardá Beach. Paella, a traditional main course comprising rice, vegetables and meat, had its origin in Valencia. The city has best of the worldwide cuisines to offer but this is reducing the availability of the Spanish traditional food items (Shaw, 2015). Valencia houses immense mobility and has built up a good accessibility through public bus transport system, an extensive metro train system, trams and high speed inter-city train services, public bicycles for hire with dedicated bike lanes among others.
It has been established from the research on research methodology approaches that a variety of authors often use either a quantitative or qualitative research method for the purpose of addressing the research objectives (Sanz-Blas et al., 2017). However, various researchers have argued that many studies have obtained more effective and efficient outcomes through pursuing a mixed research method that makes use of two or more research methods. It was found that while extensive information of existing nature can be gained from the literature review, it will not be able to provide with the new information required for addressing the research objectives of this research project (Sanz-Blas and Buzova, 2016).


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本文的主要內容是關於ACCA的研究,這項研究使澳大利亞當代藝術中心的藝術領導者能夠獨立承擔從設施和建築的開發到創意人員的表達等一系列責任(Hewison and Holden, 2016)。研究發現,藝術的內部領導不僅包括管理員工,還包括處理公共關係、市場營銷、管理決策和戰略規劃。 ACCA的藝術領導者被發現了解聯邦、州和地方的公共政策,因為它與醫療保險、勞動法、風險管理和人力資源相關(Ibbotson, 2008)。本篇代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The research has enabled indeitification that the art leaders at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art functions and undertakes number of responsibilities from the development of the facilities and buildings to the articulation of creative staff (Hewison and Holden, 2016). It is found that the internal leadership of the art consists of managing not only the workforce but also dealing with the public relations, marketing, management decisions and strategic planning. The art leaders of the ACCA are found to be aware of the federal, state and local public policies since it is associated with the health insurance, labour laws, risk management and human resources (Ibbotson, 2008).
It has been surfaced from the research that ACCA presents with both internal and external leadership because of constant navigation within the changing internal and external environments. It has been found that the ACCA presents internal leadership by concentrating upon the diversity and inclusion of the racial, ethnic and economic diversity for the purpose of changing the communities and lives (Landry, 2011). It is established that workplace values such as entrepreneurial spirit, change and experimentation is ranked as higher priorities across the organization.
It is found that the ACCA delivers leadership internally by both promoting creativity and encouraging innovation. The concentration of the ACCA remains on the selection of the emerging artists that can be further trained and developed for the purpose of the creating breakthrough artistic items (Lim, 2016). The internal leadership of ACCA further addresses handling financial issues by calculating the availability of the funds for the cultural projects and ensuring that the projects and art works can be successfully delivered within the allocated budgets. Moreover, the ACCA concentrates on development of the creative staff. This includes not only the artists but also culturists along with the other creative and administrative staff (Nisbett and Walmsley, 2016). Hence, the primary role of the internal leadership across this arts organization is accountable for instilling the values of autonomy, innovativeness and future thinking in order to motivate the artists to develop the works in such a manner that they represent both art and culture.

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論文 代寫-如何促進學生學習

文章主要講述的是如何促進學生學習,除學習方式外,學習者還可能因情感和行為障礙、注意缺陷障礙、行為障礙、言語和語言問題、語言不流利等原因而存在不同的需求領域。在孩子麵臨困難的情況下,教師應該為學生製定包容性的教學計劃。差異化的教學形式有助於包容性教學(Morgan, 2014)。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Other than the learning styles, different areas of needs could exist for the learners based on emotional and behavioral difficulties, or attention deficit disorders, or conduct disorders, speech and language issues, lack in fluency etc. In such contexts where the child faces difficulties, the instructor should plan for inclusive teaching plans for the students. Differentiated instruction forms would help in inclusive teaching (Morgan, 2014).
This would make sure that all learners have access to the education without any barrier in learning, no inferiority or no inequality. The student who needs the special assistance feels much more comfortable as they feel a sense of belonging in the study environment. The learner would feel more accepted in spite of there being some unique differences that set them apart from other learners in the learning environment.
A student-student interactive environment must be facilitated by the instructor in the classroom. The significance of such a collaborative learning environment was first highlighted by the Russian teacher and psychologist Vygotsky. Vygotsky in his works was able to show that the social environment will have a strong influence on the learning process (Vygotsky, 1978). In fact, learning takes please in the social environment only when there are strong interactions between the students, between the student and teacher and other professionals in the learning environment.
The significance of collaborations in the study environment is that it enables students to critically discuss and then learn. They learn factors like critical discussions, debates, negotiations and team work. They also learn to communicate more effectively and listen more actively. Vygotsky’s argument is that language is the primary tool that promotes literacy and for better language development, the instructor must act as facilitator and set up the student environment for motivating students (Vygotsky, 1962).
Discussion based classrooms using Socratic dialogue forms can be encouraged. In addition, Guided and directed interactions should be planned by the instructor. This would help students to be more open toward collaborative tasks. Guided form of tasks will help students to emulate good practices for collaborative learning. Later, the guidance can be withdrawn and this would help student form social learning skills on themselves. It would also help create more inclusive learning, as students would learn to follow a good neighbor approach and help one another in their learning.

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The discovery of jewellery, bangles, and other ornaments indicates the far economic reach of the Adwan and the other tribes of Transjordan and the use of cemetery by the Bedouin tribes in the end of the Ottoman Empire indicates their presence during the time of the world war. During the second half of the 19th century, the government of Istanbul imposed a direct law on the region and the Ottoman Empire was under its control. The direct control of the government triggered a massive change in the political space and social structure of the society.
The transition was a new chapter of life for the tribe and they had to slowly change their way of practicing their religious rituals and nomadic lifestyle to a more sophisticated and adjustable lifestyle under the rule of new government.The transition is the call of time as with every new decade and ruler coming new rules and a new life which is to be led in accordance with the legislative obligations. The tribes had been alive under the Ottoman Empire which was thriving since centuries and the change and transition is just natural, as anything with time needs to adjust with the external changing factors.
The transition which is studied is none other than the change that ties demanded. The tribe could have undergone an earlier change if the empire would have collapsed earlier. Just as the tribes and empires before the Bedouin and the Ottoman Empire had to undergo change and accept the call of time, it is always necessary and natural that this tribe living in Transjordan had to undergo a special change which was anyway going to come. This is because the external space was triggering nee policies, and new partnerships were being shaped and there was a need to make the necessary change at the time it happened.
If this transition is termed as unique, then all other transitions which happened before this will also be called as unique. The change in culture is the norm of time, the upswing of a particular religion and the unpopularity of a religion are also calling of time and they do not happen overnight, but multiple processes work together for years and then the transition effectuates into reality. Thus, this transition has taken multiple experiences to make it a reality and it can be called as natural as any other transition has happened and will happen in the future.


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Describe how and when you would use the ABC analysis. ANSWER – ABC method is an effective strategy to be used in assessing the behavioural pattern in a child development process. I would utilize it to collect and examine the data regarding the problem behaviour or any abnormality in the child behaviour. This method includes observation and reporting of situational aspects governing the problem behaviour. The ABC analysis means antecedent, behaviour followed by the consequence. I would try to generalize the events, atmosphere and the surrounding conditions preceding the behaviour.
The inspection of this stimulus or antecedent provides information of the conditions under which one can observe reinforcement and punishment with respect to the behaviour. Then I would analyze the details of the behaviour and the effects as the consequences of the behaviour. It can assist in manipulating the antecedents so as to modify the behaviour and correct the problem. Thus the ABC analysis would hint me the situations or the surroundings when the behaviour may repeat again.
You find that there is a lot of inappropriate behaviour in your program, and want to do something to improve the situation? Discuss what you need to consider and what you need to analyze before you begin to make changes.
ANSWER – If I find several incidents of inappropriate behaviour in my program, I would first conduct ABC analysis to locate where the problem lies. Before making any changes, the evaluation of the problem is necessary e. g. Why the child is arrogant and behaves inappropriately? Why the child pees in his pants without knowing? Why the child keeps distance from others and does not mix with others? I would analyze the social background of the children and their families. The daily routine and the activities of the children from their time to wake up till they sleep in the night are important to be considered in this assessment. I would also check children’s food habits, eating manners and the regular time they get hungry. If possible, the parents can be involved for discussions and for knowing more information about the children. These antecedents would definitely help me in perceiving the problem and then finding an apt solution to make a desired change.


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如果你對你的研究一點興趣也沒有,卻要經年累月深入研究再加以徹底檢查,相信我,光是讀文獻你就會痛不欲生(更別說是要讀英文了)。所以,選擇自己有興趣的研究題目,或是在有興趣的領域中找出一個研究題目是above all的原則。







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The Bauhaus was one of the most significant schools in the field of architecture, art and design. It was originally founded by Walter Gropius during 1919-1933 with the initial idea of expressionism. This has been subsequently changed with the concept of rationalism and constructivism in the later period. These concepts were considered to be the greater period of mechanism that greatly influenced the newer style of the architecture and school. Owing to the political issues, there were three movements of the Bauhaus, which happened in 1919-1925 Weimar periods, 1925-1932 Dessau periods and 1932-1933 Berlin period1.
The purpose of this analysis is to understand about the relevance of the Bauhaus in the modern times and to comprehend the ways in which they differ from the school’s approach and directions in the current times.
From 1919-1925, Grand Ducal School of Arts and Crafts in Weimar had paved the way for the foundation of the Bauhaus2. As the headmaster of the school, Walter Gropius released the Bauhaus Manifesto to show his core teaching concepts. This was to create a future that would have no boundary among architecture, sculpture and painting. All crafts were brought together to achieve this goal3. One of the most famous art pieces, Cathedral of the Future by Lyonel Feininger, was produced based on the idea stated in the Bauhaus Manifesto. This represented the main idea of expressionism, namely using arts to express the genuine part of one’s thoughts8. Choosing wood as the main material of this project was a more appropriate representational example for crafting this idea. This was owing to the fact that during this period carpenters prevailed over the country. As the project showed, the medieval cathedral was delicately carved with three bright and shiny stars above it. In order to have a great reflection of the manifesto, three stars respectively represented the painting, sculpture and architecture. This was found to express the idea of combination of craft elements. It was done by carving the lights connecting them with each other1. Furthermore, the medieval cathedral was a symbolic piece that indicated the kinds of art works which would finally be available in architecture with the spirit of teamwork.
Another important work was the Diagram of the Bauhaus Curriculum, which contained the main teaching principle and the approach of the Bauhaus before 1923. It was initially based on Gropius’s thought. However, later on greatly influenced by Johannes Itten, who helped Groupius to effectively develop the craft-based curriculum, students were firstly taught to understand the colour, shape and materials through the basic-training, namely the preliminary course9. They were encouraged to get rid of boundary of traditional European academic thought. It was the natural materials and abstract forms that inspired students to find their deep inner ideas8. Under the idea of expressionism, the students would create hand-craft art pieces with their true thoughts. Students also specialized in different kinds of hand craft works, such as metal working and weaving. It believes that the visual impact would be a way to inspire students’ ideas, and the colour wheel was created by Itten, which included specific contracts of colours10.

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本文是关于误导信息的讲解,首先,本文中Advance Australia对Burqua使用的论证方法的不足之处在于使用了误导信息。误导信息是不道德的,这种行为也会产生后果。看看Advance Australia是如何不恰当地使用罗伊•摩根(Roy Morgan)关于女性是否应该穿罩袍的研究数据的。Advance Australia在其文章中强调,约81%的澳大利亚人反对在公共场合穿Burqua的政策。虽然统计数字为真,但应用这些数字的陈述是假的。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Firstly, the weakness of the argument approach used by Advance Australia in this article on the use of Burqua is that it has made use of misleading information. Misleading information is unethical and the action has consequences as well. Consider how Advance Australia makes improper use of statistics from the Roy Morgan study on whether women should wear the burqa. Advance Australia in its article highlights that around 81 percent of Australians are against the policy of wearing Burqua in public. While the statistical number is true, the statement for which the numbers are applied is false.
In the Roy Morgan study, it has simply been implied that 81 percent of Americans are against women wearing Burqua in the court. In fact, in the context of whether women should be allowed to wear Burqua in public places, the vote was a divided one. Forty eight percent said “yes” and the rest said “no”. This was the true state of the census taken and for Advance Australia to make the claim that around 81 percent said no to burka without stating the location for which they said no, was highlight misleading as a journalistic practice. Secondly Advance Australia was seen to be overgeneralizing some things misleading the audience once again. The report on the theft clearly mentions a robbery where the person was dressed in either an IRA balaclava or a Muslim style scarf. Also, the persons were men. Advance Australia has taken this fact and constructed a very misleading case where it has associated the Burqua unnecessarily to the theft, stating that thieves are making use of it. This once again highlights the weak unethical argument of Advance Australia.
The second premise is how Advance Australian makes use of misleading strongly persuasive rhetoric’s. The strength of this approach is that it can be highly persuasive. However, the weakness is that Advance Australia’s argument is unbalanced when it comes to persuasive rhetoric’s, more pathos is used and less of logos and ethos. Pathos is the state of representing everything in a more emotional way. Advance Australia’s makes use of a strong emotional approach where they blame the non-supporters of the Burqua ban, kind of like shaming them. The weakness of this approach is that not all readers are interested in emotions alone; they want to see a logical supported clear argument, from a credible source, like a member of the Parliament support the claim before they will accept it.


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After this, it was reported that in April 2010, officials of China were in a meeting with the US over their interest for this regions. Though later on these reports were found to be unreliable, after this, there were statements from the United State government who stated that they want to have freedom of navigation on this region and asked for an open access for all the regions. Also, it was declared that the US support will be given for a collaborative rule in these regions. Further, it offered the support for the end of the dispute, but it was rejected by China. Thus, after this, other than the dispute between China and the other South East Asian regions for the issue, there was also a disagreement between US and China.
Another issue rose when the fishermen of Vietnam were arrested by China, there was harassment by the Chinese vessels in the oil survey activities in Philippines in Reed Bank. Some other issues were the Chinese vessels cut down the cables of the boats of Vietnam which were engaged in exploration. In 2012, an attempt was made by the navy of Philippines to inspect the fishing vessels in the area of Scarborough Shoal. It further resulted in the control of China over the shoal and loss of Philippines over this region. China also, led to strengthen its capacity in these regions and enforced its own laws. As a result of the disputes, it was clear that China is not the only nation to claim, but it is the most powerful claimant in comparison to other ones.
These disputes have been referred to as the litmus test of the China and are regarded to be true in many ways. These disputes have led to the dilemma in the security relations between China and other ASEAN nations. The weaker nations have also realized that they must be together in order to show a lager influence over China. The powerful nation i.e. China, on the other hand, is trying out ways to create a dispute between the weaker nations but it has not been useful.
These disputes are like litmus tests of the effectiveness of the multiple of institutions and approaches; it gave an idea if they can actually influence other nations through a collective pressure or through the military power.


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論文 代寫-象徵主義及其在廣告中的應用

本篇文章主要講述象徵主義及其在廣告中的應用,牛仔是陽剛之氣的直接象徵,可以更好地傳達萬寶路香煙的形象(quek&ling, 2013)。因此,僅僅通過牛仔這一陽剛之氣的象徵,公司就有效地傳達了其所要傳達的信息。因此,它有助於在消費者中樹立更好的香煙形象。它有助於在消費者和廣告商之間形成一種思想的統一性。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Cowboy is the straight forward symbol of masculinity and can communicate the image of Marlboro cigarette in a better manner (Quek& Ling, 2013). Thus, just by using cowboy, which is the symbol of masculinity, the company effectively used to convey the message which has been intended. Thus, it helped in serving a better image of the cigarette amongst the consumers. It helped to develop a sense of oneness of thought between the consumers and the advertisers.
There are many other advertisers who are used such symbols which have a very deep meaning. These are used in order to enhance the accuracy in the communication and differentiate the brand from the other competitors. The essential thing while using the advertisement is that it tries to create a brand and enhance the associated value with the same.
An example of the use of symbol in the advertisement has been reflected in the advertisement of Wells Fargo Bank. In this advertisement stagecoach has been used as a symbol. The advertisement broadcasts that the stagecoach has been pulled by the team of horses. The nostalgic background music has also been used as a symbol in order to communicate that the bank has opened up in the west. Another example is the advertisement of Acura Automobiles, which has used race cars and airplanes as the symbols in order to communicate the high use of technology and sportiness in the cars. Use of blues musicians was another symbolism used in Levi’s jeans (Burton& Collins, 2015). This kind of music has been used in the advertisement of jeans just to spread the message related to the long lasting comfort which the people can get by the use of Levis jeans. Use of greyhound dog in the advertisement of Greyhound bus symbolizes the image of the bus services to the consumers.
Another example of symbolism has been reflected in the advertisement of ‘Hutch’ network (presently Vodafone), where a dog has been following a man. The dog tries to follow and be with the man everywhere. The dog has been symbolized as such a network which follows the people wherever they go.
In addition to the product advertisers, symbols have been also used by the service companies. Though it is a challenge for the service markets to represent the service through the use of symbols, the use of symbols makes the services look much more tangible. Examples of the use of symbols includes the advertisement of Merrill Lynch which uses the bull in order to help to communicate its image and to reflect its image and benefits in the “Bullish on America” advertisements, the use of rock in the advertisement of the ‘prudent insurance company’ in order to communicate its strengths and the use of ‘Good Hands’ in the advertisements of ‘Allstate Insurance company’ in order to communicate its strengths related to protection (Tadajewski, 2013).

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本篇文章的內容是直線經理的職責,然而,事實上,這種策略也有一些缺點。 Giordano, Manuti & de Palma(2016)指出,直線經理的主要工作是監督和支持員工的工作。在這種背景下,當他們被提供人力資源的責任,如招聘和選擇,他們發現很難監控員工和他們的表現,這最終很難實現角色和責任下放的主要目的。此外,值得注意的是,監測工作進展和員工表現是費時的。因此,如果在雪山集團酒店賦予直線經理額外的職責,那麼企業在經營績效上帶來效率和生產力的首要目的可能就無法實現。本篇論文代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

However, it is also a matter of fact that, this very strategy has some disadvantages as well. Giordano, Manuti & de Palma (2016) remarked that, the main job of line managers is to monitor and support employees in their work. In this context, when they are provided with HR responsibilities like recruitment and selection, they find it difficult to monitor the employees and their performance which ultimately hard the main purpose behind the devolution of role and responsibilities. Further, it is also notable that, monitoring progress of work and employee performance is time consuming. Therefore, if line managers are given with extra responsibilities in Snow Mountain Group hotels, the primary purpose of bringing efficiency and productivity in business performance might not be possible to achieve by the firm.
On the other hand, Jabbour & de Sousa Jabbour (2016) found out that line managers are a part of strategic business decisions and goals. In order to achieve the business goals, the assistance of line managers is essential. However, providing them with extra duties to do in day-to-day operations decreases their energy and encouragement to achieve the strategic goals by keeping the bigger picture in mind. The same can happen with Snow Mountain Hotel group if line managers are given with extra duties. However, it is not only the single problem. Even though Snow Mountain intends to implement these strategies, there are few practice issues that need to be solved.
Line managers are mainly responsible for supporting and encouraging the employees to do their work. They are engaged with the employees not with the HR department. However, when it comes to devolving responsibility to line managers, they need to be trained regarding HR activities and skills which will cost money Flynn et al. (2015). Further, in order to ensure that line managers are engaged actively with the HR managers, it might be important to conduct a survey to understand the perception of line managers regarding their new role as HR manager cum line managers. Further, it is also important to select those line managers who are capable of carrying out HR tasks. Other than that, it might cause employee dissatisfaction.

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亚特兰大论文代写- Arduino的优点

本篇文章讲述的是Arduino的优点,覆盆子派在学校有不同的应用,覆盆子派mini就是其中之一。研究表明,覆盆子派微型计算机的使用提高了学校使用这些计算机的潜力(Ali等,2013年)。Pi微型计算机的低成本使其成为许多发展中国家大学课程的可行解决方案,在这些国家,成本是一个挑战(Tucker et al. 2004;Seviora 2005)。在社会经济地位较低的国家(Ali等,2013年;Grout & Houlden 2014)。本篇亚特兰大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are different applications of Raspberry Pi in school, the Raspberry Pi mini is one of them. Research has shown that the use of the Raspberry Pi mini-computer improves potential for schools to use those (Ali et al. 2013). Low cost of the Pi mini computers makes it a feasible solution for many university curriculums in developing nations where cost is a challenge (Tucker et al. 2004; Seviora 2005). Prototype solutions have been developed for schools like in Uganda viable modular systems are being considered in countries with a lower socio-economic status (Ali et al. 2013; Grout & Houlden 2014).
The second benefit of using the raspberry Pi is its modular and yet interconnected structure that enables the students to understand how an integrated application could be developed, it hence helps students to be innovative in projects (Lyn 2015).
Arduino is an open source extensible platform for microcontroller programming’s. Similar to the Raspberry, the Arduino comes with a detail set of pre-interfacings which solves much of the issues with microcontroller programming that was faced by embedded specialists in the past.
The Arduino boards are considered inexpensive which makes it a good choice for its use in schools and universities where budget allocations for newer curriculums could be very expensive. The least expensive version of the Arduino board is one that could be easily assembled by hand and even a pre-assembled board would not cost much more than fifty dollars (Caspi et al. 2015). However, research on curriculum incorporation of these Arduino boards seem to indicate that there are issues in costs when individual allocations to students are considered (Marwedl 2007; Lozano and Lozano 2014)
The second major benefit of the Arduino board which makes it a good choice for Universities and schools are that the Arduino software makes use of operating systems such as the Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems which operating systems are already used by students (Koopman et al. 2005; Henzinger and Sifakis 2007). They are familiar with these operating systems and hence are able to adapt faster. The Arduino is a very clean programming environment for students (Paraskevas & Zarouchas 2013). It ensures that students are able to be flexible in their understanding and usage and at the same time can also be used for students with experience.


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My weaknesses include being compulsive and have a lot of expectations from myself. This makes me take on a number of tasks that creates issues for me later. Even though I have clarity of thought and newer ideas, sometimes my introvert natures takes over. I have a fear of public speaking and this prevents me from presenting my ideas. Being very passionate about work has its limitations. I get to be overly attached with my ideas and this sometimes causes me to not complete the task at hand.
The areas of opportunities that I should look for is looking into the smaller startup companies to create innovative deliverables. It would be easier to innovate and implement my ideas if I start to work in a startup company. There is the opportunity to define and try out my creative ideas in the real time environment.
To summarize, the real threats that all students in colleges face is the increasing competition. There is a real threat of creating a niche space to succeed. My areas of strength are creative ideas and adapting to the changes in the world. My weaknesses include not being able to communicate effectively and I need to work on those skills to express or pitch in my ideas. The areas of opportunities are venturing in a startup companies to deliver innovative services or deliverables to the people.
The action plan that I plan to focus on in the future can be developed using the PLOT (Points listed, List obligation and Time)framework.
As a first step I would document the innovative ideas and market analysis data. The idea is to develop my creative and communication skills. An integrated approach would enable me to address my skill development. The creative idea cannot sustain without practical backing of data and facts. I need to convince people of the ideas. For this purpose there should be more development of technical skills to meet the requirements. My inherent weakness lies in communication to the people. I would focus on more public speaking. Undertaking classes on public speaking and actually start the process of speaking to others.





在合同签订前阶段,有关方面进行了许多谈判。通常,在合同中一方向另一方提出报价。这是一方提出的一套条款和条件,用以代替项目的要求。要约的另一方应仔细审查要约条款的细微差别。他们应该理解合同条款的意图和考虑。在初始方案的基础上,另一方接受合同条款(Vogenauer, 2013)。一旦对方作出承诺,合同即具有法律约束力。如果接受方提出了新的条款和条件,有关方的首次报价将不具有约束力。这是新报盘的建议。

对于IT公司,应该注意确保软件开发标题和合同权利是如何开发的。IT的合同经理应该有一个适当的框架,以确保对所开发软件的合同条款和所有权共享有适当的协议(Vogenauer, 2013)。除了这个软件公司的合同经理需要确保在合同前阶段有适当的合同条款(Vogenauer, 2013)。他们应该能够估计出合同延期后的潜在负债。验收应根据合同条款进行。


意向书是指一方当事人订立具有法律约束力的协议的意向。然而,这些意向书只是一方提供的要约的一种形式(Vogenauer, 2013)。它不具有任何法律价值,而是表达了合同一方当事人订立具有法律约束力合同的意愿。

一旦提出报价,合同经理需要了解合同条款。在构建合同时,需要在供应商、供应商或员工之间制定单独的合同(Vogenauer, 2013)。每家公司的合同经理都有一定的自由裁量权。合同管理者应充分了解情况,谨慎运用这种权力。



In the pre contractual phase, there are a lot of negotiations that goes on between the concerned parties. Typically, in a contract one party extends an offer to the other. This is a set of terms and conditions proposed by one party in lieu of the requirements of the project. The other receiving party of the offer should carefully scrutinize the nuances of the offer terms. They should understand the intent and consideration of the contractual terms. Based on the initial proposal, the other party accepts the contractual terms (Vogenauer, 2013). Once the other party makes the acceptance, it is understood that the contract becomes legally binding. In cases where the receiving party makes new set terms and conditions initial offer made by the concerned parties will not be binding. This is proposal of new offer.

In the case of IT companies there should be care taken to ensure how the software development title and contractual rights are developed. Contract manager of IT should have a proper framework in place to ensure proper agreement of the terms of the contract and title sharing for the software developed is in place (Vogenauer, 2013). Apart from this contract manager for software company needs to ensure that there are proper contractual terms proposed in the pre contractual phase (Vogenauer, 2013). They should be able to estimate the potential liabilities of a contract when an offer is extended. Acceptance should be made based on the terms of the contract.

Letters of intent

Letters of Intent is defined as the intent of one party to enter into a legally binding agreement. Nevertheless, these letters of intent are only a form of offer extended by one party (Vogenauer, 2013). It does not hold any legal value rather expresses the intent of one party of the contract to enter into legally binding contract.

Once an offer is made, the contract manager needs to understand the terms of the contract. While framing contracts separate contracts needs to be drawn between suppliers, vendors or employee (Vogenauer, 2013). Contract managers of each company have certain discretionary powers that have been allowed. Contract managers should fully comprehend the situation and utilize this power carefully.

Terms proposed in the contract should be direct, tangible and standard code of conduct followed by similar counterparts.




建设是劳动密集型工程,任务多样。所研究的个案是一幢十五层高的商业大厦,设有地下停车场。当前场景中的问题是访问施工现场。就像我们谈论建筑工程一样,它涉及重型起重机、机械和将要安装的巨大钢框架和结构,这些都要求按照政府规定采取严格的安全措施,以确保工人和附近基础设施的安全。此外,工作在高度将是一个关键的问题与巨大的脚手架和升降机和装具系统。这一切都需要一个深思熟虑的安全管理计划。安全管理也是必不可少的,以避免任何时间延误,由于不必要的事件,并满足时间表的安全和健全。根据政府政策,也需要处理代码(Kamardeen, 2014)。











Construction is a labour-intensive project, with diversity of tasks. The case under study is of a fifteen storey commercial building with a basement for parking. The issue in the current scenario is of access to the construction site. As when we talk about a building project, it involves heavy duty cranes, machinery and huge steel frameworks and structures to be installed, which demand intense safety measures as per government regulations to ensure the safety of the labour and nearby infrastructure. Plus working at height will be a crucial issue with huge scaffolding and lift and harness system. This all calls for a well thought safety management plan. Safety management is also essential to avoid any time delays due to unwanted incidents and meet the timelines safe and sound. Coping with the code is also required as per government policy (Kamardeen, 2014).

Australian Government has a Model Code of Practice for every kind of activity involved in construction work.“This model Code of Practice has been developed to provide practical guidance to principal contractors and other persons conducting a business or undertaking who carry out construction work on how to meet the health and safety requirements under the WHS Act and Regulations applying in a jurisdiction relating to construction work”.(Safe Work Australia)

Risk Assessment

Work at Height

Falling Objects

Working on heights and with crowded premises, the risk associated with falling objects became significant. For the current scenario, moving traffic is vulnerable to face such risk; hence fencing is very important to limit the working zone. Installation of signs is another precautionary measure.

Safety plan for Material Handling

Glass and steel are the major material of construction. Both require expert handling as damage to steel framework can risk structural integrity and mishandling of glass can create a hazardous situation in case of breakage, apart from financial loss. While shifting and installing both structures, proper route permit to be made and area should be made clear for safe movement.

Personal Protective Equipment

Pertinent to nature of the job, personal protective equipment should be provided to the working labour and made it mandatory. For instance, for height jobs safety helmets and harness should be made compulsory. For work in noisy place, ear plugs should be worn.

















Zara has proved to be one of most successful clothing brand in the present times. It has captured the worldwide market and also the attention of the people. In this research the marketing report of Zara has been done. The report includes the discussion on Zara’s mission and vision, its objectives and strategies. Also, the PEST analysis and SWOT analysis has been done. Further, microeconomic review of the company, the position of Zara in the women’s wear market, the marketing mix of the company has been analysed. In the end, the recommendations for the Women’s wears of Zara have been discussed.


One of the most popular fashion brands in the world which has been famous for its clothing and other accessories is Zara. The company has been founded by Amancio Ortega in 1975 in Spain and presently belongs to the ‘Inditex’ Group. The company has reconciled as a popular fashion brand and has continued to fulfil the demand of the customers for a long time.

Mission Statement of Zara

The mission statement of Zara is to satisfy the desires of the customers. In order to do the same, they also ensure and pledge to provide consistent and innovative business strategies in order to improve customer experience. Zara also promises to provide the new and elegant designs to the customers which are made from the quality materials which are affordable.

With the help of the business model of Zara, the company aims to contribute towards the development of the society in a sustainable manner.

Objectives of Zara

The objectives of Zara Company can be illustrated as follows:

To ensure competitive advantage as a company known for “Fast Fashion”

To use and implement such an innovation strategy which is incremental. This can be done by the use of information technology practices.

To investment more and more in the latest technologies including information technology and mobile technology.

To be able to keep us with the growing economy by adapting to the technological innovation including the mobile apps.





许多研究支持证券价格在EMH概念出现之前的随机性,EMH的概念始于20世纪初的Bachelierin。在考虑完全市场理论的情况下,可以预测证券价格会有准确的、即时的调整,从而获得新的信息。关于完美市场的假设可以分为以下几类(Flifel 2012):





EMH从更广泛的角度预测,在市场完善的情况下,资本市场的证券交易价格能够充分反映与证券相关的信息。EMH的概念往往走在随机游走模型的前面,随机游走模型认为证券连续价格的变化是随机的,因此无法预测(Shiller 2014)。因此,效率效率的概念被分为三种不同类型的效率,即强效率、半强效率和弱效率。弱形式认为当前的证券价格提供了与历史证券价格一致的信息的充分反映。半强形式认为当前的证券价格提供了涉及公共可用性的可能信息的充分反映。最后,强形式认为,当前的证券价格最终反映了当前存在的所有信息,即使公开与否(Fama和French 2004)。

EMH概念的主要假设是完全市场假设。在市场完善的情况下,没有交易成本,没有获取信息的成本。除此之外,投资者的预期是同质的,这使得投资者的预期在本质上是理性的,因此市场是有效的。有效的市场可以被认为是与证券有关的价格充分反映现有信息的市场。在现实世界的背景下,完美市场中EMH的基本假设并没有最终被持有,因此市场缺乏充分效率(Lo 2012)。然而,一些证据表明,即使在社会运行的不完美世界中,市场的效率也会达到一个特定的极限,因为对新信息的响应会有价格的调整。即便如此,如果现实世界的市场倾向于根据基本价值的反映进行调整,那么它们也可以被认为不那么确定。其次是银行系统故障系统的和最近的全球金融危机,有清晰的事实失败相关的许多假设完美的市场,突出存在的非理性的投资者,异构的期望、信息不对称和交易成本导致价格泡沫和错误定价。这通常会破坏EMH的概念。然而,交易律师作为诉讼律师的角色能否通过交易价值的实际创造而成功地为商业交易增加价值,则是值得怀疑的。持怀疑态度的人可能会考虑让律师成为最佳选择交易的必要成本,而在最坏的情况下,他们的交易是为了杀死寄生虫。由于EMH (Flifel 2012)中没有包含基本假设,许多学者已经在努力论证律师如何在实际工作中成功地提高交易价值。


The Concept of Efficient Market Hypothesis and Key Assumptions

A number of studies have supported the randomness regarding emergence of security prices prior to the concept of EMH starting with Bachelierin the years of 1900s. When considering the theory of perfect market, there can be a prediction that there is adjustment of security price accurately and instantaneously for obtaining new information. The assumptions regarding perfect market can be categorized in the following terms (Flifel 2012):

The population of participants is large in a way that actions of a single participant may not have a materialistic impact on the market.

Each and every participant has been informed fully, with equal accessibility of the market, and acting in a rational way.

Homogenous nature of the commodity

No costs of transaction

From a broader perspective, the EMH holds the prediction that in the situation of perfect market, the trading prices of securities in markets of capital provide full reflection of information in concern with the securities. The concept of EMH tends to be going ahead of the random walk model that perceives the notion that changes take place in successive price of securities randomly, and hence, cannot be predicted (Shiller 2014). Due to this, the concept of EMH has been categorized into three different types of efficiency that is the strong form, the semi- strong form and the weak form. The weak form perceives the notion that current prices of security provide a full reflection about information in consistency with the historical prices of security. The semi- strong form perceives the notion that current prices of security provide a full reflection of possible information that involves a public availability. Finally, the strong form perceives the notion that current prices of security end up reflecting all information in present existence, even if available publicly or not (Fama and French 2004).

The main assumptions for the concept of EMH are the assumptions of perfect market. In the situation of perfect market, there are no costs of transaction, with no cost for availing information. In addition to this, the expectations of investors are homogenous making them rational by nature, and hence, there is efficiency of markets. An efficient market can be considered as the one within which prices related to securities provide full reflection of information available. In the setting of real world, the underlying assumptions of EMH in perfect market do not end up being held and hence, there is lack of full efficiency in the market (Lo 2012). However, a number of evidences have stated that even in the scenario of imperfect world within which the society functions, there is efficiency of markets to a specific limit as there is adjustment of price for responding to a new piece of information. Even though, if markets of real world tend to be adjusting for reflection of fundamental value, they can be considered as less certain. Followed by the systematically failing system of banking and the recent crisis of global finance, there is clarity in the fact that failure of a number of assumptions related to perfect market and the prominent existence of irrational investors, heterogeneous expectations, information asymmetries and transaction costs has resulted in price bubbles and mispricing. This holds the tendency to generally undermine the concept of EMH. However, it is doubtful if transactional lawyers, playing the role of litigation lawyers become successful in adding value to the commercial transactions by the actual creation of deal value. Skeptic may show consideration towards lawyers for being a necessary cost of transaction at the best options while dealing to kill parasites in the worst scenario. A number of scholars have put in effort for demonstrating the ways in which a lawyer will be successful in increasing the deal value actually in the precise real work as the underlying assumptions are not held under EMH (Flifel 2012).




战略管理包括对公司进行分析,确定其竞争优势,整合资源,确保可交付成果得到满足。根据公司在市场中的表现,对管理政策进行变更(Rothaermel, 2015)。为此,有必要分析资源、能力、核心竞争力和可持续竞争优势的概念。竞争优势、资源、能力和核心竞争力之间存在着复杂的动态关系(Epstein and Buhovac, 2014)。这些已经通过三星与苹果的案例分析进行了详细的探讨。






为了创造一个有竞争力的可持续优势,公司应该有一个不可复制的战略。另一家公司不应该轻易开发它们。他们应该拥有良好的、服务或流程,以确保他们能够满足消费者的需求(McGrath, 2013)。公司应该通过确保满足所有要求的四个标准,来发展长期的可持续优势。

在三星公司,他们相信自己有垂直整合的能力,能够为消费者生产大量的产品。产品设计、品牌形象以及各种产品之间的整合是苹果公司的可持续竞争优势(Menzel, 2014)。苹果拥有相当大的封闭网络和品牌形象,被认为是一款精英级的高端产品。三星的产品多样化程度更高,而且数量也更多。

这两家公司都为自己的产品建立了强大的战略市场。这些公司所形成的竞争优势是其战略管理的副产品(Menzel, 2014)。


Strategic management involves conducting analysis of a company, identifying its competitive advantage, aligning resources and ensuring that the deliverables are met. Based on the performance of the company in the markets, changes are enacted into the management policy (Rothaermel, 2015). For this, there is a need to analyze the resources, capabilities, core competencies and a concept for sustainable competitive advantage. There is an intricate dynamics that exist between the competitive advantage, resource, capabilities and core competencies (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014). These have been explored in detail with the case study analysis of Samsung vs. Apple.

Purpose of this analysis is to identify the specific criteria that the manager uses to decide the organization’s competences and derive an action plan that makes the company gain competitive advantage.

Elements of sustainable competitive advantage

Four criteria for sustainable competitive advantages

Analysis sustainable competitive advantage of Samsung vs. Apple

Based on these four criteria, companies develop sustainable competitive advantage.

To create a competitive sustainable advantage, companies should have a strategy that cannot be duplicated. Another firm should not easily develop them. They should have the good, services or processes to ensure that they are able to cater towards the requirements of the consumers (McGrath, 2013) Companies should develop sustainable advantage for a long period of time by ensuring that all the four criteria required has been met.

In Samsung Corporation, they believe that they have the vertical integration and capability to produce large volumes of products for the consumers. Product design, brand image and integration between the various products are the sustainable competitive advantage of Apple (Menzel, 2014). Apple has a considerable closed network and brand image that is considered to be an elite premium product. Product diversification is more in Samsung and the sheer volume of numbers is higher for Samsung.

Both these companies have established a strong strategic market for their products. The competitive advantage that has been developed by these companies is a by-product of their strategic management (Menzel, 2014).




宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)崇尚并集中体现了品质、工艺、独家和奢华。他们销售高品质的奢侈品和精美的皮具和鞋子制造。古驰公司成立于1921年。它成功地树立了巨大的品牌形象,并在充满挑战的时期保持了下去。古驰于2001年收购了宝缇嘉。现在它们都属于开云集团(Kering),这是一家由法国跨国公司组成的集团。



2. 品牌描述(使命-愿景-情绪板)



在为奢侈品牌制定目标定位时,需要考虑两个因素:时尚宣言和高端战略。溢价策略是付出更多,获得更多的质量(Atsmon, Dixit, and Wu, 2011)。它还应该关注独特的因素

上图是通过观察分析和公司品牌资产分析得出的。这是基于对该地区几家经营公司的分析(Chevalier, and Mazzalovo, 2008)。新的高级定制系列应该把重点放在流行的排他性因素上,使产品对公司当前的市场基础更具吸引力


Quality, craftsmanship, exclusivity and luxury are espoused and epitomized in the brand Bottega Veneta. They sell high quality luxury goods and fine leather goods and shoes manufacturing. Gucci Company was founded in the year 1921. It has managed to garner immense brand image and has sustained through challenging times. Gucci acquired Bottega Veneta in the year 2001. Now they all belong to the Kering a French Multinational group of companies.

For this particular research there has been analysis of the market and analysis is drawn after a mixture of primary and secondary research. A combination of primary and secondary data is used to deliberate about the product launch. Initially there is discussion about the new product, market analysis of the product, strategic marketing plan, campaign and financial analysis of the promotional has also been divulged in detail. Risk factors for the product has also been factored in after the analysis. From this the conclusions has been drawn for the product.

1.1About New Product in the proposed market.

2. Brand Description (Mission –Vision – Moodboard)

2.1 Target position

The target position for the brand will be a mix of luxury strategy, fashion strategy and premium strategy.

Two factors need to be considered while developing a target position for the luxury brand it is the fashion statement and the premium strategy. Premium strategy is pay more and get more quality (Atsmon, Dixit, and Wu, 2011). It should also focus on the unique factor

The figure above was drawn based on the observational analysis and the brand equity analysis of the company. This is based on analysis of a few companies operating the region (Chevalier, and Mazzalovo, 2008). The new couture line should focus on building on the prevalent exclusivity factors to make the product more appealing to the current market base of the company

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The characteristics of a weak organisational culture includes isolated thinkers, resistance to change, politics and favouritism. If the organisation has a weak culture, the above mentioned scenarios would be visible. Organisations with weak culture can never bring together its employees and hence all the employees work in their zone and do not consider the people sharing the same work space as their well wishers. They do not welcome suggestions and are happy to work in their own way. This creates a hostile culture within the firm and hence the performance suffers. The organisation with weak culture cannot embrace any kind of change with open arms. They want all things to be status quo. This results in a monotonous working environment which is not good for the organisation as a whole. Motivation, rewards, and recognition, etc. are not appreciated in the organisations with weak culture and the promotions are all decided on the basis of the supervisors will. This results in favouritism and such events translate to an extremely unhealthy working space within the organisation.

Three Types of Organizations and Their Differences

There are mainly three types of organisations. They are dynamic, static and adaptive. The dynamic organisation has fixed practices and procedures within the organisation but varies in size. These types of organisations have a set of procedures and processes which need to be followed as per the tasks assigned. Though these types of organisation are quite competitive and are ready to change as per the market, these organisations would never compromise with their rules and regulations. Thus changing the way these types of organisations work is very difficult since they rely on their procedures profoundly.

Considering the static organisations, they are never prone to changes and do not embrace changes with open arms. Such organisations are of fixed size and fixed practices. It keeps on working in the same manner year on year without paying heed to what its competitor is doing. These organisations are happy in their own space and are not overly ambitious. They believe in completing the job in hand rather than making plans for future expansion.

Adaptive organisations manifest the present day organisations which love to change as per the changes in the market. They are quite adaptive and are looking forward to bettering their current standing in the market. These organisations stress on continuous learning, send employees for trainings and exchange programs so as to make them aware of the conditions prevailing in the market. These organisations are highly competitive and value the achievers and high performers. Companies like Facebook, Google etc. fall in this category as they are always looking forward to do something new and amaze the market.




当人们问及他们对韩国公司产品的疏忽时,他们给出的答案是,与日本公司相比,韩国公司的产品质量较差。从文献分析中可以看出,韩国产品受到的冲击很大程度上是由于其廉价、肮脏的形象。这种形象在日本人中非常普遍。日本经济研究所经济学家Hidehiko Mukoyama对日韩贸易关系的研究表明,当今韩国企业受到了不同韩国企业的严重影响。

然而,如果对现实进行分析,这是完全错误的。与日本品牌相比,经营电视机、手机、洗衣机和汽车的韩国电子公司的价格更高。这一点在消费者报告、C Net等组织的研究中得到了证实。另一件事证明了在现实中,韩国公司的产品并不比日本差,那就是评论。根据当地杂志的评论,LG的32英寸高清3D电视与三菱、夏普等日本公司相比,获得了更高的评级。


三星韩国产品在日本销量下降的另一个原因是购买电子产品最多的类型,即老年人和中年人购买日本产品(Wade, 1988)。三星未能在日本市场取得合适的成绩后,于2007年撤出了日本市场。


近年来,形势发生了一些变化。首先,韩国人民,特别是年轻一代对韩国产品给予了同等的重视。但是,这些人购买的产品相对于被日本产品吸引的老年人来说非常少,未来当年轻人安定下来的时候,他们也会从韩国公司购买产品。其次,品牌的重新推出,改变了三星在日本市场中智能手机的处境。为了应对软银、KDDI等竞争对手的竞争,日本最大的移动运营商转向三星(Park & Hong, 2016)。虽然,即使是现在,三星在日本的成功之路也并不容易,他们也经历了艰难的阶段,但人们现在已经开始意识到这些产品。据DoCoMo称,该公司发现,在夏季的促销活动中,三星Galaxy S4的40万部智能手机已经成功售出。另一方面,这甚至还不到索尼同期智能手机销量的一半。



Why Samsung are not liked in Japan more than Sony

When the question is asked from the people regarding their negligence for the products of the Korean companies, the answer given by them is that the Korean companies make inferior products in comparison to Japanese companies. From the analysis of the literature, it can be identified that the products of South Korea have been largely impacted because of its image for being the cheap and nasty product. This kind of image is largely prevalent among a Japanese people. According to the research conducted on Japan South Korea trade relations by Hidehiko Mukoyama who is an economist in Japanese Research Institute, it was stated that the South Korean companies in the present times have been badly affected by the different South Korean Companies.

Though, this is completely incorrect, if the reality is analyzed. The electronic companies of Korea who deal in the TV’s, Phones, washers and cars have higher prices in comparison to the number of Japanese brands. This has been proved after the research conducted by the Consumer report, C Net and other organization. Another thing which proves that in reality the products of Korean Companies are not inferior in comparison to Japan is the reviews. According to the review of the local magazine, LG’s 32 inch HD 3D capable LG TV is given a much higher rating in comparison to the similar to the Japanese companies such as Mitsubishi and Sharp.


A yet another reason for fewer sales of Korean products of Samsung in Japan is that the genre which buys the most electronics product i.e. the older and middle aged people goes for the Japanese products (Wade, 1988). After falling to make over a suitable mark in the market of Japan, Samsung moved out from the Japanese market in 2007.

Recent improvements

There have been some changes in the situation in the recent times. Firstly, the people of Korea particularly the younger generation have given equal consideration to the Korean Products. Though, these people buy very less products in comparison to the older people who are attracted for the Japanese products, in future when younger people will get settled, they will buy the products from Korean companies as well. Secondly, the reintroductions of the brand, Samsung in Japanese market amidst the smartphones have changed the situation. The largest mobile carrier in Japan has turned towards Samsung in order to cope up with the competition from the rivals such as Softbank and KDDI (Park & Hong, 2016). Though, even in the present times, the overall route of success for Samsung in Japan has not been easy and they have went through tough phases, the people are now getting aware of these products. According to DoCoMo, it has been found that under the summer promotional offers, and it has been successful in selling of the 400,000 smartphones of Samsung Galaxy S4. On the other hand, this was even lesser than half of the smartphones sold by Sony in the same duration.

At present, Sharp has dominated the market of smartphones in Japan with around 15 % market share and Sony has around 13 % of the market share. Samsung, on the other hand, is not among the top five companies in Japan for smartphones.




这里有三个战略大纲,从中选出最适合公司的。首先是通过需求驱动的推送策略。这种策略的目的是将产品定位于零售和批发等经销商,以说服他们购买该服务。然而,这种策略在这里并不适用,因为将目的地推到客户或游客面前可能不会唤起对目的地的好感(Gretzel et al., 2010)。这只会给该地区的品牌带来问题。另一种策略是利用展会来推广目的地,但这种策略也不是最新的。它可能导致对组织没有那么有效。因此,选择最合适的策略是社交媒体策略作为推广工具。在当前的环境下,所有的机构都需要利用社交媒体作为平台,同时拥有一个社交媒体策略,以成功的方式继续他们的活动(Gretzel et al., 2010)。这一战略是一个制定和实施计划以及策略的过程,以最优地利用社会媒体的力量,以促进和营销的目的。简而言之,在商业领域最有效地利用社会化媒体优化营销,就是行动计划。此外,社交媒体营销是通过社交媒体渠道推广该地区的网站或其业务的过程(Gretzel et al., 2010)。从这个角度来看,这将是一个强大的战略,将有助于获得大量的链接,重点和流量。在考虑在web上推广Burleigh区域时,需要考虑各种因素,以实现最大的实时销售潜力,并以现实的方式实现相同的目标。为了推广这个目的地,将会对社交媒体平台使用社交媒体策略,如Facebook, youtube和Twitter上的视频使用(Gretzel et al., 2010)。通过这种方式,甚至在游客到达黄金海岸地区之前就有可能接触到他们。

黄金海岸,Burleigh区域将在昆士兰创意框架下共同推广(Gretzel et al., 2010)。这是昆士兰旅游和活动的一种国家旅游方式。这是一项将在社交媒体上获得优势的战略,也是一种确保昆士兰州的旅游目的地以及体验的定位方式,其重点是竞争优势,并有助于与游客群体建立联系。昆士兰品牌战略基石包含四个基本主题的体验。这些都是昆士兰的生活方式,岛屿和周围地区的海滩,与自然的接触和冒险的机会。通过体验的所有基本主题,展示了基本属性和Burleigh地区的卖点。


对于所选择的目的地,可以理解为存在需求,并且供给将通过所期望的目的地向前推进(Pike, 2016)。黄金海岸地区旅游业对Burleigh地区的作用在于通过以下方式促进旅游业:








为Burleigh地区更新的旅游基础设施确定并确保潜在的投资者(Mak, 2016)








There are three strategies outline here from which the most appropriate will be selected for the company. First is the push strategy which is driven through demand. This strategy has been designed for marking the products towards resellers such as retailing and wholesaling for convincing them to purchase the service. However this strategy will not be suitable here as pushing the destination in front of the customers or tourists might not result in evoking favourability for the destination (Gretzel et al., 2010). This will only lead towards issues for the brand of the region. Other strategy is to use trade shows where the destination can be promoted but this strategy also is not the latest one in the list. It might result in not being that effective for the organization. Therefore, the strategy selected most appropriately is social media strategy as a promotional tool. In the current environment, all the establishments need to make use of social media as a platform along with having a strategy of social media for continuing their activities in a successful manner (Gretzel et al., 2010). This strategy is a process to devise and implement plans as well as tactics for harnessing optimally the social media power for purposes of promotion and marketing. In brief, it is the action plan to use optimization of social media in the most effective manner for marketing in commercial domain. Marketing of social media furthermore is the process to promote the site of the region or its business by channels of social media (Gretzel et al., 2010). From this perspective it will be a powerful strategy that will help in obtaining links, focus and traffic in massive amounts. There are various factors to be kept in perspective while considering promoting the Burleigh area over the web in order to lead towards maximizing the real time sales potential and achieve the same in a realistic manner. In order to promote this destination, there will be use of social media strategy with regard to social media platform such as Facebook, use of videos on You Tube and Twitter (Gretzel et al., 2010). In this manner, it will be possible to reach the customers as tourists even before they arrive to the area of Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast, Burleigh area region will be promoted collectively under the Brand Queensland creative framework (Gretzel et al., 2010). This is an approach of state tourism for Queensland Tourism and events. This is a strategy which will gain strength over social media and is an approach that will ensure destinations of Queensland as well as experiences have been positioned in a manner that focuses over competitive benefits and helps in connecting with visitor groups. Brand Queensland strategy cornerstone is inclusive of 4 essential themes of experience. These are lifestyle of Queensland, Islands and the Beaches in the surrounding area, Encounters of Natural nature and the opportunity to adventure. Essential attributes and Burleigh area selling points are showcased through all the essential themes of experience.


With regard to the selected destination, it is understood that there is a need for demand and the supply will come forward through this desired destination (Pike, 2016). The role of tourism in the Gold Coast region with regard to Burleigh area will lie in promotion through the following:

Demand driven through marketing of destination

Global and local campaigns as well as missions being conducted

Bidding through business based events, distributing and service making

Market research conduction of primary and secondary nature

Leverage at the level of state and national industry level

Leadership within the local industry.

In order to meet with the demand, supply will be offered and this further will be inclusive of:

Identifying and securing investors of potential nature for newer infrastructure of tourism in Burleigh area (Mak, 2016)

Developing infrastructure within the area

Ensuring there are several events being conducted

Making policies and planning according to them

Development of the niche sector as well as promoting and educating the potential and actual tourists in relation to this area

Formulating connections internationally and with the domestic public

Focusing on development of exports as this also brings forward tourist preferences


swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者


有魅力的领导者被发现非常善于沟通。他们是这样的人,有雄辩的语言,能够与他们的追随者在深层的情感层面上联系(Walman和Javidan, 2013)。这样的领导者能够发展出一种吸引人的愿景,并有效地在追随者中唤起强化的情感。这使他们成功的动力。这里给出了一个史蒂夫·乔布斯的例子。他的聪明才智和个人魅力使他能够让有才能的人分享他的远见卓识。根据Lukeman(2014)的研究,这使得领导者在进入一个环境时就与其他领导者有所区别,因为他们会给其他人无法匹配的个体留下一种感觉。这意味着领导者对语言沟通的影响(Vlachos et al., 2013)。有魅力的人,具有领袖气质,能与他人建立联系,并能与他人产生共鸣,给予他人与他人同等的重视。

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者


另一个决定领袖魅力对一个好领导的重要性的关键因素是观察。这表明领导者要善于观察周围的人,周围的环境,能量,个体的现实,找出人为聚会背后的真实原因(Connelly et al., 2013)。根据研究人员Keith(2010)的观点,这种远见使有魅力的领导者能够详细地观察每件事,以确保没有任何事情会越过他们,并对每件事进行分析。有魅力的领导者的行动是由他们通过观察事件来研究所关注的问题来指导的,这使他们能够为任何可能出现的情况做好准备。

研究人员Doug和David(2013)认为,时间是非常重要的。这表明,有魅力的领导者能够决定正确的时间和地点,他们的行动的重点仍然是让其他人觉得自己很重要,而不是把他们的注意力集中在无关紧要的事情上(Sosik et al., 2014)。这使得互动的个体记住了领导者,并增加了他们投入更多努力的动机,从而提高了生产率。

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者

As per Mark (2009), leaders that are successful possess the ability of getting the workforce around them to assist in achievement of the final organizational goal and objective. They general have the belief of instilling ability and courage in order to support the present tasks of others and assisting them in meeting their needs. This is not what a leader primarily does but it is done for the purpose of ensuring that other’s follow.

Leaders with charisma are found to be highly skilled in communication. They are such individuals that are eloquent verbally and are able to connect with their followers on the deep emotional levels (Walman and Javidan, 2013). Such leaders are able to develop a vision that is captivating and effective in arousing strengthened emotions among their followers. This enables their drive to success. An example of Steve Jobs is given here. His ingenuity and charisma both enabled him to get the people with high talents to share his vision. According to Lukeman (2014), this differentiates the leaders from the other upon their entry in an environment as they leave a way of feeling on the individuals that others are not able to match. This implies the impact that is left by a leader upon verbal communication (Vlachos et al., 2013). The individuals with charisma, possesses alpha personality that connects with others and empathizes to give them the same importance as others.

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者

It is argued by numerous researchers that leaders with charisma possess certain characteristics that enable them to become a good leader, as per Donald (2009). The importance of listening is undervalued by majority of people. However, the charismatic leaders are generally great listeners. They practice listening not to offer importance to any member of workforce but instead for determining the mental state of the employee and to know what exactly the other person is communicating (Sosik et al., 2014). The charismatic leader responds to it with appropriate questions along with eye contact, nodding and body language. There is an understanding of the concerns to voice out or to hold back in various situations among such leaders. This is determined through listening the other individual’s concern.

Another critical factor in determination of charisma being important for a good leader is observation. This suggests the leader to be observant in terms of the surrounding people, nearby setting, energy, the reality of individuals and finding out the actual reason behind the artificial gatherings (Connelly et al., 2013). According to researcher Keith (2010) the vision enables the charismatic leaders to view everything in detail to ensure that nothing passes over them and everything is analysed. The actions of the charismatic leader are guided by their study on the concerns through watching the matter which allow them to be prepared for any potential instance to arise.

The timings are of high essentiality as per researchers Doug and David (2013). It is suggested that leaders with charisma are able to determine the right time and place for their actions and the focus remains on making other individual feel important instead of directing their concentration over the matters to little significance (Sosik et al., 2014). This makes the interacted individuals to remember the leader and increases their motivation to put in increased efforts that result in higher productivity.


essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

对于今天的商务人士来说,航空旅行和通讯已经被重新划分为基本需求。从技术上讲,经济衰退意味着经济和商业的放缓,这引发了各个行业的成本管理,但对产品和服务的需求仍然很高。诀窍在于,即使在经济衰退时期,也能够以负担得起的价格提供所需的产品和服务。近年来,这一直是亚洲航空关注的重点领域,即使在经济低迷时期,这一领域也让它们得以繁荣发展。在经济衰退期间,他们能够向公众提供廉价的航空旅行,确保尽管经济放缓,商务旅行仍能继续(success, 2014)。然而,为了让人们负担得起航空旅行的费用,像亚洲航空这样的航空公司已经采取了一些激进的措施,使经济的航空旅行成为可能。除了负担能力和需求外,经济稳定、社会文化观点、全球趋势、技术进步、政治/法律稳定和人口统计等因素也有助于企业的成功。必须仔细分析和处理每一个问题,以确保满足消费者的需要。

essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

经济承受能力和购买力是需要考虑的重要因素,因为只有当消费者买得起产品或服务时,需求才可能保持高位。这使得地理位置成为联系企业成功的一个重要因素,而企业的成功必须仔细选择地理位置(Rodiek, 2006)。虽然欧洲和美国历来是投资者的热点,但在过去20年里,投资者的兴趣越来越多地转向印度和中国等发展中经济体。这是因为他们提供的廉价劳动力直接影响到制造成本。人口多、经济稳定的公民比例大,也意味着许多人可以在经济不稳定时期消费。



essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

For business people today, air travel and communication have been reclassified as basic needs. Technically, recessions mean slowdown in economies and business which triggers cost management in every industries but the demand for the products and services continues to remain high. The trick is being able to deliver the demanded products and services at affordable prices even during a recession. This has been the area where Air Asia have focused their attention in recent years allowing them to prosper even during the economic downturn. They have been able to deliver affordable air travel to the public during the recession ensuring business travel continues despite of the slowdown (Succeed, 2014). Nevertheless, to deliver affordable air travel companies like Air Asia have adopted several radical measures that have helped make economical air travel possible. In addition to affordability and demand, factors such as the economic stability, socio-cultural views, global trends, technological advancement, political/legal stability, and demographics also contribute towards the success of the businesses ventures. Each has had to be carefully analysed and addressed to ensure the consumers’ needs are addressed.

essay 評判:航空旅行和通讯

Economic affordability and buyer power are important elements to take into consideration since demand is likely to remain high only when the consumer can afford to purchase the product or services. This makes geographical location an important element linked to the businesses success where the location must be carefully chosen (Rodiek, 2006). While Europe and the USA where traditionally investor hot spots, the past two decades have seen an increasing interest turning towards developing economies like India and China. This is due to them offering affordable labour which affects the manufacturing costs directly. The high population and large proportion of economically stable citizens also means many can spend during economic instability.

The large population on the Asian continent also means that there are ample demands and customers which have resulted in budget airlines to be established in the past 2 decades. Today, Air Asia is a preferred airline as it delivers almost the same services at considerably lower cost. Air Asia and many others are today registering considerable gains and expansion during the global recession since they took advantage of the recession to expand and set their requirement. Each will also target a specific consumer group which results in reducing the threat of new entrants entering and taking an existing companies business.

With regard to substituting products and income, many offer food and duty-free products for sale on the aircraft and practice staff multitasking which helps reduce the cost incurred by the company. It’s all about reducing costs and Air Asia has mastered the skill of cutting costs to deliver more affordable air travel.








从文章的分析可以看出,自金融危机或解约冲击澳大利亚以来。澳大利亚一直面临着典型的失业问题,在这种情况下,雇主无法向雇员支付足够的工资。这可以看作是世界经济所面临的金融危机的消极影响。虽然可以看出,澳大利亚劳动力市场已经出现了很大的增长,但仍有一些部分保持不变。另一方面,澳大利亚政府也未能平衡失业和经济增长(Goday & Knut, 2016)。失业反映贫困有两种现象,它们是:





Economics, therefore, is a social science, which examines people behaving according to their self-interests. There are two major branches of economics and they are micro-economics and macro-economics. Therefore for the analysis of current topic, following macro-economic factors are required to be understood.


Measure for unemployment is the unemployment rate the country has. Unemployment has different aspects that every country required to manage so as to control unemployment rate. In this report, analysis of how unemployment has contributed in moving Australia towards poverty has been analysed.


From the analysis of the article it can be observed that since financial crises or rescission hits Australia. Australia has been facing the issue of classical unemployment under which employer is not able to pay adequate wage rate to their employees. This can be seen as the negative effective of financial crises that world economy has been facing. Although it can be observed that Australian labour market had shown great growth but there is still some section that remains unchanged. On the other hand, government of Australia has also failed to balance unemployment and economic growth (Goday & Knut, 2016). There are two sights that unemployment reflects on poverty and they are as follows:

It can be observed that there is high level of unemployment among particular section of society and this situation increases poverty threshold line from its actual position.

Unemployment in the economy provides some benefits but during financial crisis these benefits are much lower than benefits of employment.

Unemployment brings lower level of income and spending rate in the economy. Another outcome of unemployment is uneven distribution of resources and wealth of the nation. Countries facing issue of unemployment has higher probability of having higher poverty level. Since such countries are not able to grow all sections of society or economy with great efficiency. Therefore from the above points it can be suggests that unemployment is not only issue that needs to be solved but it will impact many economic issues.




BLT fitness & well – being公司承受着巨大的维持压力。公司管理层已决定增加会员人数以维持下去。为此,他们推出了更新的项目和广告活动。他们决定利用社交媒体、在线网站、平面媒体作为广告活动的一部分来吸引更多的消费者。直线经理Marc对澳大利亚消费者法律(ACL)没有真正的了解。BLT公司非常认真地确保该公司遵守ACL法律。它多次声称服务和产品是不真实的。除此之外,广告活动的某些部分可以被认为是虚假的或误导性的,该公司还沉迷于不公平的销售技巧。公司应该整顿一些广告宣传活动,改变销售策略,以避免未来可能出现的法律问题。该公司依赖于最新的食品促销活动,它不想忍受任何可能的法律问题。







BLT fitness & Wellbeing Company is under a lot of pressure to sustain. The company management has decided to boost membership to sustain. For this they have launched newer programs and ad campaigns. They have decided to use social media, online website, print media as a part of ad campaign to bring in more consumers. The Line manager, Marc has no real knowledge about Australian Consumer Law (ACL). BLT company is serious about ensuring that the company is compliant with the ACL laws. It has made several claims about the services and products that are not true. Apart from this, some parts of the advertising campaign can be considered as falsified or misleading, the company has also indulged in unfair sales techniques. The company should rectify some of the advertising campaign and change its sales strategy to avoid possible legal issues in the future. The company is depending on the newer promotions for sustenance and it does not want to endure any possible legal issues.

I have been asked by the company to analyze and identify any foreseeable risks to prevent any legal issues from the government and the consumers in the future.


The company is found to breach several section of the Australian Consumer law. They could incur civil or criminal liability in the form of fines or from damage claim. I would recommend that the company immediately corrects the advertising campaign and also gain the consent of the existing BLT consumer to sell the magazines. The actions of the company could be considered as unconscionable conduct and be liable for fines up to 1.1. million dollars. The courts can also use Section 224 to give additional fine amount.

There is contravention of Section 18, S19, S 20, S21, S22, S151, S 29(1)(a), S 29(1)(b), S 29(1)(g), S 29(1)(e), s 29(1)(f) S 40, S41, S42 and each contravention has a pecuniary fine of 1.1 million. The reasons about each one of these laws have been probed in detail.

The company should change many of its adverting campaigns if it wants to continue in the business. I have tried to use the previous case laws to explain the issues.







研究人员指出,考虑到社会地位,受教育年限是决定职业成就的因素。相反,社会阶层在决定学科所获得的教育水平方面起着重要的作用(Mallman, 2015)。虽然一个人如果接受高等教育,获得一份好工作的机会就越大。这个过程导致社会流动,因此教育可以把一个人从一个社会阶层传递到另一个阶层。因此,可以确定,班级在高等教育的各个阶段都扮演着重要的角色,包括进入高等教育,学生的参与,目标的确定,以及在未来实现就业和稳定的社会阶层。

在高等教育背景下研究阶级时,会多次遇到分层这一术语。分层是指根据社会地位、职业、收入群体、财富或经济实力对人进行分类(Thomas, 2004)。简言之,分层是指社会阶层在更广范围内的分布。摘要基于教育理论的高等教育分层研究已有若干篇。本文对功能主义理论和冲突理论进行了评述。这些理论为教育的功能提供了深刻的见解。


Education is the most important pillar of any society. Standard and environment of education shape up the future economy, ethics, social values and development of the society. In order for a society to ensure stability and prosperity, it is essential to maintain healthy education system. There are certain differences reported among the students at all levels of education. This essay focuses on the differences based on class in higher education.

Higher education possess distinguished importance in any society as higher education produces professionals which make participation in the market and economy of the country once graduating from the institute. Therefore, it is necessary to provide professional, unbiased and constructive environment along with the uplifted quality of institutional standards. Higher education not only benefits the society by producing intellects and professionals, but also if the quality of higher education is up to the mark, it also attracts foreign students. Thus, it is strengthening the economy of the country. In this essay, class discrimination in higher education is analyzed under functionalist and conflict theory.


Researchers have stated that the number of years of education is the factor which determines the professional achievement, considering the social statuses. On contrary, social class plays a significant role in determining the level of education attained by the subject (Mallman, 2015). Although if a person is attains higher education, the more chances of acquiring a well job. This process results in social mobility and consequently education can transmit a person from one social class to another class. Therefore, it is established that class plays an important role in all stages of higher education including entering into higher education, participation of students, goal determination and achieving employment and stable social class in future.

When class is studied in context of higher education, the term of stratification is encountered several times. Stratification means the categorization of people based on social status, occupation, income group, wealth or economic power (Thomas, 2004). In short, stratification refers to distribution of social classes on broader spectrum. There are several research articles found on stratification in higher education based on educational theories. Functionalist theory and conflict theory are observed in this essay. These theories provide deep insight into the function of education.

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因为文化的差异,每个国家对于约会中的很多细节都不太一样。 除对方要求或特殊情况,否则不要两人并肩而坐。不要把手机放在桌面上,否则好像有比此刻的约会更重要的事。除了对同伴以外,对服务员也一定要客气。如果担心独自约会不太自然,那么就来一个double date。





总之很多留学生来到美国后还沉浸于“中国式”交际圈,很难留学社交瓶颈,甚至会陷入孤独无助的状态。严重时还会影响到学生的心理健康和学业,造成被美国大学开除的后果。美国论文代写老师相信同学们只要努力,社交圈子就会不断扩大,就会真正融入美国校园 。

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认知治疗师的角色是寻找与客户互动和深思熟虑的方法。这使客户能够形成结论。这包括基于所有治疗阶段的积极参与和协作(Corey, 2015)。这包括决定客户是否需要与客户进行积极的协商。其中包括结论的客户端框架,以开发可测试的假设。治疗师被发现在治疗过程中参与病人的参与。这些问题包括如何探索和制定议程。贝克被发现将合伙关系概念化,为客户的负面假设设计有意义的评估(Corey, Corey & Corey, 2013)。这些使我们能够在处理解决方案时采取更积极的方法。


The strength in this treatment are that there is reality testing that is considered. Clients are found to gain perspectives from the experimental levels of their misconstrued situation. In this process, the rational thinking of irrational beliefs is discussed. There is also self-realization that is possible in these situations. In this notion, Beck takes into account the rules formulated by the individuals and their roles in society. The people get into trouble when they are able to evaluate their sets of rules. Beck asks the people to merely retrospect into the issues and look for solutions. They want to create a system where the people are able to reassess their situation. There is also fluidity in this model. It enables flexibility for Stan to address the situation at his own pace. There is no real pressure that the therapist tries to lay down on Stan. There is guidance offered and solutions are provided based on these contexts.

The role of the cognitive therapist is looking for ways to interact and deliberate with the clients. These enable the clients to form conclusions. These include the active participation and collaboration based on all the stages of therapy (Corey, 2015). These include deciding the client as to how long there must be active deliberation with the clients. These include the client frame of conclusions to develop testable hypothesis. The therapists are found to engage in the client participation throughout the phases of therapy. These include how the problems are meant to explore and set agenda. Beck is found to conceptualize the partnership to devise the meaningful evaluation for the negative assumption of the client (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2013). These enable in developing of a more positive approach in dealing with the solutions.


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The company uses marketing strategies such as integrated marketing communication with the consumers to improve the relationship. The objective of the company is to create positive consumer strategy with a lager consumer base, it mainly targets the lower income group to form long term relationship with the consumers. It is increasingly focused on meeting the consumer relationships based on the interim consumer needs. This is owing to the fact that the consumer needs are changing and the company wants to create a positive brand relationship. The company has adopted a different brand communication strategy with the consumers. It focuses on providing the consumer with mobile app technology, Star reward programs.

The main consumer base for the company is the professionals, students and tourists who simply do not have time to make a good coffee at home. The company tries to customize the products and ensure that the services to the consumer are met. They have also changed some of the taste of the product with the local Australian taste in order to form cohesive positive relationship with the consumers. It also changes its coffee tastes with the different consumer markets in order to meet the consumer needs of each place. This value addition enables the company to form positive relationship with the people in the different communities. Apart from this it also sells food products, packaged goods and also has a retail chain. The juices and beverages are some of the best sold products. The packaging techniques such as high pressure pasteurization (HHP) have enabled the company to create unique selling proposition.


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Inappropriate excavation: Slope corner excavation may reduce the shear strength of the rock, and when triggered by other factors, there is a possibility of immediate damage.
Geographical Discontinuities: The geographical discontinuities are referred as the structural discontinuities that are seen due to the natural phenomenon. With the excavations undertaken at the hillsides of any plain areas, the slope of the soil seems to be at a imbalanced position which clearly states the imbalance with forming the foliation, fracture, cleavage, crack and fissures etc. the properties of the discontinuity such as the orientation roughness infilling and the persistence are important for the bringing stability of the slope of the jointed rocks.


The discontinuity seems to be occurred due to the development of the immense pressure, and the mechanical characteristics are illustrated to be lying at the discontinuity set. It enables the creation of the anisotropic rock mass or the soil that enhances the gap between the developments of the mechanical characteristics. The orientation of a major geographical discontinuity is depicted to be relative by considering the engineering structures with o controlling the possibility for determining the unstable conditions. The structure clearly shows the orientation of the discontinuity which must be defined by the help of the dip and the dip direction. The strike seems to be created at the right angles to the top, and thereby, the relationship can be appropriately explained by the helping relationship between the strike and the dip direction.

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这是一场活动举办的好莱坞乐园,尽管这部电影是一部无声电影,但观众们都喜欢它。给定的场景包括悲伤,讽刺和欢乐。最初描绘了悲伤。在工作室里,他发现演播室老板宠爱了佩皮,他给了它一个讽刺的样子。他曾经是明星,但Peppy因此现在被誉为明星(Phillips,2011)。在电影结束时,他对他们的合作非常高兴,并且他与狗的场景充满情感。他们表达了良好的理解,他们之间的信任可以通过他们的活动和表达来看到。特定场景围绕3个重要主题展开 – 对身份的渴求,对现实和竞争的不同版本。信息以简单但令人信服的方式传达给观众。

电影的音乐艺术家是一个重大的打击。由于几个原因,这是特殊的 – 合适性,创造情绪和适合现场。
从技术上讲,电影的分数已经足够覆盖投影机的声音。没有外部噪音。由于这是在戏剧背景下发生的,它也可以追溯到历史(1927 – 1932)。作曲家将音乐的选择与剧院元素融合在一起考虑了历史与音乐的搭配。作曲家得分高的音乐的第三个方面是美学意义。没有一个场景留下空白或被沉默主宰。有一些愉快和相关的音乐来填补预计沉默的场景。这样可以更好地理解电影的目标,并让观众更好地关注。


It was a Hollywoodland where the event took place and the audience enjoyed every bit of it though it is a silent movie. The given scene includes sorrow, sarcasm and joy. Sorrows were initially portrayed. In the studio, he finds that the studio boss pampers Peppy and he gives a sarcastic look towards it. He was once the star but Peppy is consequently celebrated as a star now (Phillips, 2011). Towards the end of the movie, he is totally joyous about their collaboration and his scenes with the dog were emotional. They express excellent understanding and the trust between them was visible through their activities and expressions. The given scene revolves around 3 important themes – thirst for identity, different versions of reality and competition. The messages are conveyed in simple yet convincing ways that move the audience.

Analysis of music in scene
The music of the movie The Artist is a major hit. It is special due to several reasons – the appropriateness, the creation of mood and the suitability to the scene.
Technically, the film scores have sufficiently covered the projector sound. There is no external noise. Since this happens within a theatrical background, it also dates back to the history (1927 – 1932). The composer has paired up the history with the choice of music taking the theatre elements into consideration. The third aspect of music where the composer has scored high is the aesthetics sense. No scene was left blank or dominated by silence. There was some pleasant and relevant music to fill the scene where silence is anticipated. This creates a better perception about the objective of movie and lets the audience to focus better.

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外部环境由不属于公司内部的不同控制因素组成。竞争的存在对企业至关重要。为了在特定的市场中生存,了解竞争至关重要。许多公司参与竞争分析,将其战略和产品与市场上的其他参与者进行比较(Esuh Ossai-Igwe Lucky,2011)。众所周知的外部因素将分为政治,社会经济,技术和道德或法律。政治,道德和法律是遵守商业法律和履行对社区和客户的社会或道德责任(Justino and Tengeh,2016)。社会经济因素是针对目标客户的态度,价值观和不同顾虑以及提供产品的经济能力。在某些行业中,企业的需求是由技术革新驱动的,以适应和研究改进。公司盛行的市场经济影响着成功的程度。在销售产品和服务的同时,如果客户无法直接付款,那么该业务将无法生存(Tsuruta,2016)。经济学是特定于客户的行业,或者是在全球范围内对供求关系产生影响(Chen et al。,2010)。对外交流非常重要;公司与观众之间如何互动以及客户如何影响其形象。


内部因素可以由公司控制。 企业的形象,信誉和声誉等一些因素是企业实施的最终结果(Song,Feng and Jiang,2017)。 还有一些其他因素,如管理结构,实体装饰和人员配置等,这些因素都是基于业务决策的,可以在需要时进行修改。 对内部因素进行修改涉及间接性成本,如培训新员工时的生产力降低以及到期前租赁终止所涉及的惩罚等直接成本(Andries和Czarnitzki,2014)。 相反,公司无法控制外部因素。 政府规定,竞争激烈和贷款条件紧张影响所有小企业。


The external environment is composed of different factors that are not within the firm on which there is not much control of the firm. Existence of competition is critical to the business. It is essential to be aware of the competition in order to survive in a given market. A number of firms engage in competitive analysis to compare their strategies and offerings with the other players in the market (Esuh Ossai-Igwe Lucky, 2011). The commonly known external factors will be categorised into political, socio economic, technological and ethical or legal. Political, ethical and legal are in terms of abiding with business laws and meeting the social or ethical responsibility towards the community and customers (Justino and Tengeh, 2016). Socio economic factors are in regard to attitudes, values and the different concerns of the target customers along with the economic ability of affording the products. In certain industries, the need of the firm is driven by technological evolution for adapting and researching for improvement. The economy of the market where the firm prevails affects the level of success. While sale of products and services are achieved, if the client is not able to pay directly, then the business will not survive (Tsuruta, 2016). Economics is specific to the industry of the client or it would be on a global level having impact on demand and supply (Chen et al., 2010). External communication is immensely significant; how a firm interacts with the public audience and customers impact its image.


Internal factors can be controlled by the firm. Certain factors like the image, creditworthiness and reputation of the business are the end result of how a business is carried out (Song, Feng and Jiang, 2017). There are certain other factors like the management structure, physical décor and staffing that are based on the decisions regarding the business and can be modified as and when necessary. Making alternations in the internal factors involve costs that are indirect in nature like less productivity during training of new employees and direct costs like penalty involved in the lease termination prior to expiry (Andries and Czarnitzki, 2014). On the contrary, a firm has no control on the external factors. Government regulations, prevalence of competition and tight conditions in lending affect all small businesses.

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对于一篇美国论文来说,引用是必不可少的,是论文写作不可分割的重要部分, 它不仅仅是简单的格式问题。
简单来说,美国论文引用格式主要有三种Style:APA,MLA,Chicago。APA(American Psychological Association is used by Education, Psychology, and Sciences);MLA(Modern Language Associationstyle is used by the Humanities);Chicago(Chicago style is generally used by Business, History, and the Fine Arts)其中MLA 格式为英语专业广泛运用。MLA 格式的最大特点是简明扼要, 科学严谨。它采用文中用圆括号夹注形式( parenthetical citations) , 圆括号中有文献作者的姓氏和引文页码。APA格式是一个为广泛接受的研究论文撰写格式,特别针对社会科学领域的研究,规范学术文献的引用和参考文献的撰写方法,以及表格、图表、注脚和附录的编排方式。Chicago格式是以数字的形式出现,一种是以作者+发表日期的形式出现。


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基督教选择世俗的观点,不区分或区别性别,并认为他们没有区别。这已经严重影响了女性寻求男性属性并在健身房锻炼的能力,许多男性受到女性气质的影响,她们的行为和想法更像女性。 Gorely,Holroyd和Kirk(2003)描述了关于男性和女性属性以及需要性别相关教育来打破两种性别角色混合的主题。当生物差异不匹配并且不可能匹配并变得普遍时,这是有利的,这可能通过将差异视为歧视而导致令人不安的观点。当性别角色之间没有差别时,当固有的性别特征被错误的东西误导时,可能会出现重大混淆。这可能会导致严重的心理问题,特别是对于试图变得男性化的女性而言,她们的生物根源与男性完全不同,因此她们失败惨重。即使男性在试图变得女性化时也会受到严重影响,可能会丧失生殖和性生殖方面的生物责任。




Christianity opts for a secular outlook which does not differentiate or discriminate between genders and regards them as no different. This has had a serious impact on women’s ability to seek masculine attributes and working out in gym, and many men have been impacted by feminine qualities who behave and think more like women. Gorely, Holroyd and Kirk (2003) describe the theme that argues about masculine and feminine attributes and the need for gender-relevant education to break the intermixing of the two gender roles. This is beneficial when the biological differences do not match and cannot ever match and become universal, which could cause a distressing perspective by taking differences as discrimination. When there is no difference between gender roles, there can be significant confusions when the inherent gender traits are misled to something they are not. This can cause serious psychological issues, especially for women who try and become masculine and they fail miserably because their biological roots are completely different from men. Even men can be seriously impacted when trying to becoming feminine, there can be a loss of their biological responsibilities of procreation and sexual union.

Intersection of the two gender and sexuality
Sexual intercourse is one intersection where both genders come mutually to receive and part physical pleasure, and this role is constructed primitively and not socially. No one is more dependent on the other during sexual relationships, because it is a divine arrangement that the two genders come together and play their respective roles in realizing sexual ecstasy.

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在过去的传统领导力中,它关注的是保护公司计划和信息的所有权。 合作领导者是透明的领导者。 他们允许整个企业的员工战略为改进运营流程做出贡献。 这些领导者也很灵活地为员工建立合作环境。 这些领导者可以在公司结构的横向移动中发挥作用。 这些通常通过灵活的绩效评估来促进。


These diverse group of people need to work in the same level to achieve the targets. The fostering of team building would enable the company to meet these objectives. The most important aspect of team building is the level of trust that each team member in the company have. They must be honest with one another and eliminate the conflict of interest. The management also needs to have clear roles and responsibilities (Navarro-García, Peris-Ortiz and Rueda-Armengot, 2015). The team members need to learn from one other and find ways to help out each other people in the team. This as a whole would create the situation for the team to find innovative solutions. The companies in the contemporary times spend a lot of money to create team building activities (Maloney, 2016). In addition, the actions of social responsibilities between the members of the company play an important role for the fostering of team building in the companies. There must also be cohesive communications between the people to address conflict management. The leader also needs to play a facilitator role that is played by the team members to resolve the issues that arises during the operational process of the company. Added to these, they must develop team activities to find ways in which the companies can lead to resolution of the conflicts between the members of the team. Hence, as the article points out, the first inception system of building close communication and team is to focus on the aspects of team building of the company. These roles of leadership will be probed in the following section.


In the past traditional leadership, it is concerned with the guarding of the ownership of the company plans and information. The collaborative leaders are the transparent leaders. They allow the strategy of the staff to throughout the business to contribute to the improving of the operational process. These leaders are also flexible to create a collaborative environment for the employees to adhere. These leaders enable in the horizontal movement of the company structure. These are usually facilitated by the flexible performance review.

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