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本篇文章的內容是直線經理的職責,然而,事實上,這種策略也有一些缺點。 Giordano, Manuti & de Palma(2016)指出,直線經理的主要工作是監督和支持員工的工作。在這種背景下,當他們被提供人力資源的責任,如招聘和選擇,他們發現很難監控員工和他們的表現,這最終很難實現角色和責任下放的主要目的。此外,值得注意的是,監測工作進展和員工表現是費時的。因此,如果在雪山集團酒店賦予直線經理額外的職責,那麼企業在經營績效上帶來效率和生產力的首要目的可能就無法實現。本篇論文代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

However, it is also a matter of fact that, this very strategy has some disadvantages as well. Giordano, Manuti & de Palma (2016) remarked that, the main job of line managers is to monitor and support employees in their work. In this context, when they are provided with HR responsibilities like recruitment and selection, they find it difficult to monitor the employees and their performance which ultimately hard the main purpose behind the devolution of role and responsibilities. Further, it is also notable that, monitoring progress of work and employee performance is time consuming. Therefore, if line managers are given with extra responsibilities in Snow Mountain Group hotels, the primary purpose of bringing efficiency and productivity in business performance might not be possible to achieve by the firm.
On the other hand, Jabbour & de Sousa Jabbour (2016) found out that line managers are a part of strategic business decisions and goals. In order to achieve the business goals, the assistance of line managers is essential. However, providing them with extra duties to do in day-to-day operations decreases their energy and encouragement to achieve the strategic goals by keeping the bigger picture in mind. The same can happen with Snow Mountain Hotel group if line managers are given with extra duties. However, it is not only the single problem. Even though Snow Mountain intends to implement these strategies, there are few practice issues that need to be solved.
Line managers are mainly responsible for supporting and encouraging the employees to do their work. They are engaged with the employees not with the HR department. However, when it comes to devolving responsibility to line managers, they need to be trained regarding HR activities and skills which will cost money Flynn et al. (2015). Further, in order to ensure that line managers are engaged actively with the HR managers, it might be important to conduct a survey to understand the perception of line managers regarding their new role as HR manager cum line managers. Further, it is also important to select those line managers who are capable of carrying out HR tasks. Other than that, it might cause employee dissatisfaction.

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