
swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者


有魅力的领导者被发现非常善于沟通。他们是这样的人,有雄辩的语言,能够与他们的追随者在深层的情感层面上联系(Walman和Javidan, 2013)。这样的领导者能够发展出一种吸引人的愿景,并有效地在追随者中唤起强化的情感。这使他们成功的动力。这里给出了一个史蒂夫·乔布斯的例子。他的聪明才智和个人魅力使他能够让有才能的人分享他的远见卓识。根据Lukeman(2014)的研究,这使得领导者在进入一个环境时就与其他领导者有所区别,因为他们会给其他人无法匹配的个体留下一种感觉。这意味着领导者对语言沟通的影响(Vlachos et al., 2013)。有魅力的人,具有领袖气质,能与他人建立联系,并能与他人产生共鸣,给予他人与他人同等的重视。

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者


另一个决定领袖魅力对一个好领导的重要性的关键因素是观察。这表明领导者要善于观察周围的人,周围的环境,能量,个体的现实,找出人为聚会背后的真实原因(Connelly et al., 2013)。根据研究人员Keith(2010)的观点,这种远见使有魅力的领导者能够详细地观察每件事,以确保没有任何事情会越过他们,并对每件事进行分析。有魅力的领导者的行动是由他们通过观察事件来研究所关注的问题来指导的,这使他们能够为任何可能出现的情况做好准备。

研究人员Doug和David(2013)认为,时间是非常重要的。这表明,有魅力的领导者能够决定正确的时间和地点,他们的行动的重点仍然是让其他人觉得自己很重要,而不是把他们的注意力集中在无关紧要的事情上(Sosik et al., 2014)。这使得互动的个体记住了领导者,并增加了他们投入更多努力的动机,从而提高了生产率。

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者

As per Mark (2009), leaders that are successful possess the ability of getting the workforce around them to assist in achievement of the final organizational goal and objective. They general have the belief of instilling ability and courage in order to support the present tasks of others and assisting them in meeting their needs. This is not what a leader primarily does but it is done for the purpose of ensuring that other’s follow.

Leaders with charisma are found to be highly skilled in communication. They are such individuals that are eloquent verbally and are able to connect with their followers on the deep emotional levels (Walman and Javidan, 2013). Such leaders are able to develop a vision that is captivating and effective in arousing strengthened emotions among their followers. This enables their drive to success. An example of Steve Jobs is given here. His ingenuity and charisma both enabled him to get the people with high talents to share his vision. According to Lukeman (2014), this differentiates the leaders from the other upon their entry in an environment as they leave a way of feeling on the individuals that others are not able to match. This implies the impact that is left by a leader upon verbal communication (Vlachos et al., 2013). The individuals with charisma, possesses alpha personality that connects with others and empathizes to give them the same importance as others.

swot analysis 代写:如何成为成功的领导者

It is argued by numerous researchers that leaders with charisma possess certain characteristics that enable them to become a good leader, as per Donald (2009). The importance of listening is undervalued by majority of people. However, the charismatic leaders are generally great listeners. They practice listening not to offer importance to any member of workforce but instead for determining the mental state of the employee and to know what exactly the other person is communicating (Sosik et al., 2014). The charismatic leader responds to it with appropriate questions along with eye contact, nodding and body language. There is an understanding of the concerns to voice out or to hold back in various situations among such leaders. This is determined through listening the other individual’s concern.

Another critical factor in determination of charisma being important for a good leader is observation. This suggests the leader to be observant in terms of the surrounding people, nearby setting, energy, the reality of individuals and finding out the actual reason behind the artificial gatherings (Connelly et al., 2013). According to researcher Keith (2010) the vision enables the charismatic leaders to view everything in detail to ensure that nothing passes over them and everything is analysed. The actions of the charismatic leader are guided by their study on the concerns through watching the matter which allow them to be prepared for any potential instance to arise.

The timings are of high essentiality as per researchers Doug and David (2013). It is suggested that leaders with charisma are able to determine the right time and place for their actions and the focus remains on making other individual feel important instead of directing their concentration over the matters to little significance (Sosik et al., 2014). This makes the interacted individuals to remember the leader and increases their motivation to put in increased efforts that result in higher productivity.

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