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40%的受访者表示,巴伦西亚的用餐环境不需要任何改善;另外60%的受访者表示需要通过回答“值4”来改进。60%的受访者表示,需要改进的地方是,由于城市的餐饮和夜生活部门呈指数级发展,食物菜单已经从传统演变到全球化。然而,这影响了整个城市传统食物选择的广度(Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016)。因此,将巴伦西亚和西班牙的传统食物包括在内是非常重要的。

这将满足游客对餐饮体验中的文化取向的期望,并为他们提供更满意的体验。巴伦西亚是城市的性质和节奏的今天。这座城市展示了充满活力的现代生活和丰富的文化遗产,挺拔和自信(加西亚和Alejandra Castillo, 2017)。这个城市是一个旅行者的喜悦,因为它保留了复杂的建筑,几个世纪的古老教堂和遗产纪念碑,一些世界上最好的菜肴和奢侈的美食,美丽的海岸线加上现代的生活方式。


这表明巴伦西亚迫切需要一个更严格的公共安全系统(Della Corte et al., 2015)。部署有效的规划和资源以改善其安全系统,是进一步加强巴伦西亚旅游业的必要先决条件。虽然巴伦西亚的公共安全信息不多,但正如上面所指出的,巴伦西亚的公共安全目前还没有达到世界标准(Del Chiappa et al., 2014)。还有很大的改进余地。这个城市似乎在绿地方面得分不高。



40 percent of the respondents indicated that the dinning environment does not require any improvements in Valencia; the other 60 percent respondents indicated a need for improvement through answering the value 4. The need for improvement indicated by the 60 percent respondents implies that since the dinning and nightlife sectors of the city have developed exponentially, the food menus have evolved from being traditional to globe. However, this has impacted on the breadth of the traditional food option that is available across the city (Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016). Therefore, the focus on including the food items consumed and prepared traditionally within both Valencia and Spain at large is essential.
This will meet the expectations of the travellers about the cultural orientations within the dining experience and provide them with a more satisfaction. Valencia is urban in its nature and pace today. The city demonstrates a vibrant modern life with a rich cultural heritage that stands tall and confident (Garcia and Alejandra Castillo, 2017). The city is a traveller’s delight due to its preserved intricate architecture, centuries old churches and heritage monuments, some of the world’s best served dishes and extravagant cuisines, beautifully developed coastline coupled with a modern lifestyle.

This indicates that it becomes imperative for Valencia to have a tighter public security system in place (Della Corte et al., 2015). Deployment of effective planning and resources for the improvement of its security systems are an essential pre-requisite for further enhancement of the budding tourism industry in Valencia. Though not much information is available about the public security in Valencia, with all the robust positives pointed above, the public security in Valencia as understood is at present not good enough to match the world’s standards (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). There remains a lot of scope for improvement. The city seems to score not so well on its green spaces. The combination of the literature and questionnaire’s analysis has identified that majority of the individuals from Europe visit the city of Valencia in order to not only explore the scenic landscapes developed by the river and park in the middle of the city along with the beaches, but also to experience the distinct festivals, dinning and architectural innovations (Cohen and Cohen, 2015). Therefore, the visitors from Europe have formed a general positive perception about the visit to Valencia that has increased the number of travellers on an annual basis.

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