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The discovery of jewellery, bangles, and other ornaments indicates the far economic reach of the Adwan and the other tribes of Transjordan and the use of cemetery by the Bedouin tribes in the end of the Ottoman Empire indicates their presence during the time of the world war. During the second half of the 19th century, the government of Istanbul imposed a direct law on the region and the Ottoman Empire was under its control. The direct control of the government triggered a massive change in the political space and social structure of the society.
The transition was a new chapter of life for the tribe and they had to slowly change their way of practicing their religious rituals and nomadic lifestyle to a more sophisticated and adjustable lifestyle under the rule of new government.The transition is the call of time as with every new decade and ruler coming new rules and a new life which is to be led in accordance with the legislative obligations. The tribes had been alive under the Ottoman Empire which was thriving since centuries and the change and transition is just natural, as anything with time needs to adjust with the external changing factors.
The transition which is studied is none other than the change that ties demanded. The tribe could have undergone an earlier change if the empire would have collapsed earlier. Just as the tribes and empires before the Bedouin and the Ottoman Empire had to undergo change and accept the call of time, it is always necessary and natural that this tribe living in Transjordan had to undergo a special change which was anyway going to come. This is because the external space was triggering nee policies, and new partnerships were being shaped and there was a need to make the necessary change at the time it happened.
If this transition is termed as unique, then all other transitions which happened before this will also be called as unique. The change in culture is the norm of time, the upswing of a particular religion and the unpopularity of a religion are also calling of time and they do not happen overnight, but multiple processes work together for years and then the transition effectuates into reality. Thus, this transition has taken multiple experiences to make it a reality and it can be called as natural as any other transition has happened and will happen in the future.


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