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Describe how and when you would use the ABC analysis. ANSWER – ABC method is an effective strategy to be used in assessing the behavioural pattern in a child development process. I would utilize it to collect and examine the data regarding the problem behaviour or any abnormality in the child behaviour. This method includes observation and reporting of situational aspects governing the problem behaviour. The ABC analysis means antecedent, behaviour followed by the consequence. I would try to generalize the events, atmosphere and the surrounding conditions preceding the behaviour.
The inspection of this stimulus or antecedent provides information of the conditions under which one can observe reinforcement and punishment with respect to the behaviour. Then I would analyze the details of the behaviour and the effects as the consequences of the behaviour. It can assist in manipulating the antecedents so as to modify the behaviour and correct the problem. Thus the ABC analysis would hint me the situations or the surroundings when the behaviour may repeat again.
You find that there is a lot of inappropriate behaviour in your program, and want to do something to improve the situation? Discuss what you need to consider and what you need to analyze before you begin to make changes.
ANSWER – If I find several incidents of inappropriate behaviour in my program, I would first conduct ABC analysis to locate where the problem lies. Before making any changes, the evaluation of the problem is necessary e. g. Why the child is arrogant and behaves inappropriately? Why the child pees in his pants without knowing? Why the child keeps distance from others and does not mix with others? I would analyze the social background of the children and their families. The daily routine and the activities of the children from their time to wake up till they sleep in the night are important to be considered in this assessment. I would also check children’s food habits, eating manners and the regular time they get hungry. If possible, the parents can be involved for discussions and for knowing more information about the children. These antecedents would definitely help me in perceiving the problem and then finding an apt solution to make a desired change.


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