


当人们问及他们对韩国公司产品的疏忽时,他们给出的答案是,与日本公司相比,韩国公司的产品质量较差。从文献分析中可以看出,韩国产品受到的冲击很大程度上是由于其廉价、肮脏的形象。这种形象在日本人中非常普遍。日本经济研究所经济学家Hidehiko Mukoyama对日韩贸易关系的研究表明,当今韩国企业受到了不同韩国企业的严重影响。

然而,如果对现实进行分析,这是完全错误的。与日本品牌相比,经营电视机、手机、洗衣机和汽车的韩国电子公司的价格更高。这一点在消费者报告、C Net等组织的研究中得到了证实。另一件事证明了在现实中,韩国公司的产品并不比日本差,那就是评论。根据当地杂志的评论,LG的32英寸高清3D电视与三菱、夏普等日本公司相比,获得了更高的评级。


三星韩国产品在日本销量下降的另一个原因是购买电子产品最多的类型,即老年人和中年人购买日本产品(Wade, 1988)。三星未能在日本市场取得合适的成绩后,于2007年撤出了日本市场。


近年来,形势发生了一些变化。首先,韩国人民,特别是年轻一代对韩国产品给予了同等的重视。但是,这些人购买的产品相对于被日本产品吸引的老年人来说非常少,未来当年轻人安定下来的时候,他们也会从韩国公司购买产品。其次,品牌的重新推出,改变了三星在日本市场中智能手机的处境。为了应对软银、KDDI等竞争对手的竞争,日本最大的移动运营商转向三星(Park & Hong, 2016)。虽然,即使是现在,三星在日本的成功之路也并不容易,他们也经历了艰难的阶段,但人们现在已经开始意识到这些产品。据DoCoMo称,该公司发现,在夏季的促销活动中,三星Galaxy S4的40万部智能手机已经成功售出。另一方面,这甚至还不到索尼同期智能手机销量的一半。



Why Samsung are not liked in Japan more than Sony

When the question is asked from the people regarding their negligence for the products of the Korean companies, the answer given by them is that the Korean companies make inferior products in comparison to Japanese companies. From the analysis of the literature, it can be identified that the products of South Korea have been largely impacted because of its image for being the cheap and nasty product. This kind of image is largely prevalent among a Japanese people. According to the research conducted on Japan South Korea trade relations by Hidehiko Mukoyama who is an economist in Japanese Research Institute, it was stated that the South Korean companies in the present times have been badly affected by the different South Korean Companies.

Though, this is completely incorrect, if the reality is analyzed. The electronic companies of Korea who deal in the TV’s, Phones, washers and cars have higher prices in comparison to the number of Japanese brands. This has been proved after the research conducted by the Consumer report, C Net and other organization. Another thing which proves that in reality the products of Korean Companies are not inferior in comparison to Japan is the reviews. According to the review of the local magazine, LG’s 32 inch HD 3D capable LG TV is given a much higher rating in comparison to the similar to the Japanese companies such as Mitsubishi and Sharp.


A yet another reason for fewer sales of Korean products of Samsung in Japan is that the genre which buys the most electronics product i.e. the older and middle aged people goes for the Japanese products (Wade, 1988). After falling to make over a suitable mark in the market of Japan, Samsung moved out from the Japanese market in 2007.

Recent improvements

There have been some changes in the situation in the recent times. Firstly, the people of Korea particularly the younger generation have given equal consideration to the Korean Products. Though, these people buy very less products in comparison to the older people who are attracted for the Japanese products, in future when younger people will get settled, they will buy the products from Korean companies as well. Secondly, the reintroductions of the brand, Samsung in Japanese market amidst the smartphones have changed the situation. The largest mobile carrier in Japan has turned towards Samsung in order to cope up with the competition from the rivals such as Softbank and KDDI (Park & Hong, 2016). Though, even in the present times, the overall route of success for Samsung in Japan has not been easy and they have went through tough phases, the people are now getting aware of these products. According to DoCoMo, it has been found that under the summer promotional offers, and it has been successful in selling of the 400,000 smartphones of Samsung Galaxy S4. On the other hand, this was even lesser than half of the smartphones sold by Sony in the same duration.

At present, Sharp has dominated the market of smartphones in Japan with around 15 % market share and Sony has around 13 % of the market share. Samsung, on the other hand, is not among the top five companies in Japan for smartphones.

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