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本文主要讲的是关键角色,案例分析让我们认识到,关键角色之间的有效性并不相互支持或相关。在关键角色方面的组织领导对于建立合适的领导方式是至关重要的,如ACCA等艺术组织需要这种领导方式(Brown, 2016)。研究表明,由于艺术总监和执行总监的领导体系是分离的、分而治之的,在一定程度上导致了领导的无效(Caust, 2015)。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The case study analysis has allowed the insight that the key roles’ effectiveness in association with one another is not inter-supported or related. The organizational leadership in respect to key roles becomes critical to understand for establishing the suitable manner in which the leadership is required to be situated within the arts organizations such as ACCA (Brown, 2016). The research has indicated that the existence of the leadership split makes the leadership ineffective to an extent as the leadership of Artistic director and Executive director does not cross each other because their segregated and bifurcated systems that causes ineffectiveness (Caust, 2015).
The board of directors at ACCA exerts their leadership to both the directors and obtain marginal level of input from these directors. The distinct roles of the artistic director to lead the artistic professionals and the executive director to lead the administrative professionals reduces the leadership effectiveness that can be achieved through the inter-connectedness.
The leadership of the board of directors have been recognized to be effective for the organizational leadership as they govern the overall structure, decision making and financial processes of the organization (Cray et al., 2007). The effectiveness of the board’s leadership become limited because of the dual leadership structure of the organization. The research has indicated that the barrier or a division of the artistic and managerial nature limits the efficiency of the key roles and subsequent leadership efficiency.


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