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本文是对嵌入式系统的介绍,在当今时代,计算机和电气工程师越来越多地使用嵌入式技术(Ali et al. 2013)。基于计算机的嵌入式系统的设计是必要的,因为在过去的十年中,在不同的行业,如计算机、航空航天、电信、电力生产等,对高度专业化的应用的需求不断增加(布鲁斯等,2013年;(Grout & Houlden 2014)。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In current time, there is an increased use of embedded technology by computers and electric engineers (Ali et al. 2013). The design of computer-based embedded system are needed as there is an increase in demand for addressing highly-specialized applications in different industries such as the computer, aerospace, telecommunications, power-production, and more in the past decade (Bruce et al 2013; Grout & Houlden 2014)
An embedded system is a dedicated computer system, which unlike the general purpose computer will not address multipurpose tasks but rather is designated for the purpose of achieving one or more tasks only (Brand et al. 2011). This is more properly considered as a subsystem of another larger system and might include electrical or mechanical components in its construction. It is hardwired and controlled by a single processor board which is the controlling unit for the embedded system. Embedded systems are more often made use of using fuzzy logic (Grout & Houlden 2014).
This report will be demonstrating how embedded systems are being implemented current education. It will be investigated using existing research data on the topic involving Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Arduino is an open source electronics platform that is useful for hardware software interchanges and is made use of in embedded systems programming. While Arduino enables for more open interfacing, the Raspberry Pi is a more limited interfacing one that comes with a proper programming and display setup. The report involves relevant and worthy methods for RMIT to embed it into INTE2043 Business Information Technology education curriculum.


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