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論文 代寫-緩解社會孤獨感

本文講的是緩解社會孤獨感,工人們進行家訪是為了緩解社會孤立。個人諮詢是為了改善人們的幸福感。另一個選擇是為孤獨的人創建社交網絡。有一些旨在提供社會支持的個人友善計劃(Chenoweth等,2010)。這些程序中的導航器用於在個人和本地服務之間創建鏈接。提供電話服務作為乾預措施。在許多情況下,考慮到情況的嚴重性,護理人員無法親自與老人見面。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Home visit by the workers is done to alleviate social isolation. Individual counseling is done to improve the feelings of wellbeing of the people. Another option is creation of the social networks for the lonely individuals. There are individual befriender programs that are designed to provide social support (Chenoweth et al., 2010). The navigators in these programs are used to create a link between the individuals and the local services. Telephonic services are provided as interventions. In many cases, given the volume of the situation, the care givers cannot physically meet the seniors in person.
In these situation, the people are best serviced by the telephonic interviews. Added to this, there is the use of the computer training. These are found to be based on the ways in which the older people communicate with the families and friends. The intervention design needs to be a broad-based program that factors in the nuanced subjective nature. To this system, the most important factor is the development of the programs based on cost effectiveness data. These are the economic evaluation that are derived from the psychosocial group rehabilitation programs. The health services costs are rising. These cost considerable amount for the service sector to focus on the physical ailments.
In this schema, the use of the health service costs is needed to address these grievances. The people are essentially given the intervention program based on the costs that are involved. Flexibility and choice of the people are the key attributes that are used for the development of the effective and appropriate interventions.These intervention programs highlight the innate issues that exist in the system. However, there are tangible impacts that are caused in this schema. They are explained in the following section.

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