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本文是對公司的主要建議,主要的建議是針對服務經理和IT員工的。考慮到2個用戶正在使用系統。人們認為,Windows 7將不適合使用的要求,因為只有系統的Windows 10可以推薦,因為高可用性和支持類似的界面為2個用戶(Lu et al., 2008)。該系統還支持高兼容性,這意味著它可以在不增加服務器成本的情況下有效地與組織的現有服務器建立連接,並將為多個系統之間的數據同步提供方便和可靠的支持。本篇代寫論文費用文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The key recommendation is intended for the service manager and IT employee. Considering 2 users are being present for the use of system. It is considered that Windows 7 will not suit the requirement of the use due to which only system of Windows 10 can be recommended due to the high usability and support for similar interface for 2 users (Lu et al., 2008). This system also support high compatibility which implies that it can establish connection with the existing servers of the organization effectively without addition cost in servers and will provide easy and reliability in synchronization of data between multiple systems.
Windows 10 will also enable the service manager will increased productivity as system is updated automatically and will always remain secure as well as fast performing. The stability along with high hardware compatibility is one of the reasons behind the recommendation (Ng, 2009). Apart from which, various support features involving multiple language, seamless connection with other devices, implementation of other hardware components and all the processes related to the system will perform with an improvised level of speed. Moreover, the architecture of windows 10 is designed in such a manner that it is able to operate even on the existing hardware.

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