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In compliance with the qualitative research approach selected for this study, a descriptive form of data analysis process was selected to assess the information collected. The analytical form differed for the primary data and the secondary data obtained. The primary data obtained was thus interpreted with the use of content analysis, wherein the responses were assessed to explain the implications of nurses’ knowledge and experience on their efficiency in care delivery for patients in their post PCI phase. These findings were then compared and contrasted with the information gathered through the literatures reviewed to obtain accurate answers related to the research objectives.
It must be noted in this regard that quantitative elements, such as statistical tools and numeric explanations were avoided in this study, as it would have increased complexities in the study and lowered its level of comprehensiveness at large. Moreover, the data gathered were of qualitative nature. Coding these obtained data into numerical forms could have increased risks of data biasness and misinterpretation, owing to which it was avoided in this study. On the other hand, comparing and contrasting the primary data with the secondary information helped justify the research arguments and explore whether nursing knowledge has any impact on the quality of care delivered to the post PCI patients.
Overall, this analytical strategy helped to increase criticality of the study findings.With the involvement of nursing professionals from the CCU department of Hong Kong based healthcare centre, ethical considerations in this study has also been non-negligible. To access information from the nursing professionals, due permission was required from the authority in the healthcare centre. Although it was a time consuming process and involved quite a few formal meetings, permission was obtained to perform the data collection procedure. Correspondingly, informed consents were obtained from the respondents, with regards to the guidelines and practices required to be followed when delivering care to the post PCI patients.


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