


建设是劳动密集型工程,任务多样。所研究的个案是一幢十五层高的商业大厦,设有地下停车场。当前场景中的问题是访问施工现场。就像我们谈论建筑工程一样,它涉及重型起重机、机械和将要安装的巨大钢框架和结构,这些都要求按照政府规定采取严格的安全措施,以确保工人和附近基础设施的安全。此外,工作在高度将是一个关键的问题与巨大的脚手架和升降机和装具系统。这一切都需要一个深思熟虑的安全管理计划。安全管理也是必不可少的,以避免任何时间延误,由于不必要的事件,并满足时间表的安全和健全。根据政府政策,也需要处理代码(Kamardeen, 2014)。











Construction is a labour-intensive project, with diversity of tasks. The case under study is of a fifteen storey commercial building with a basement for parking. The issue in the current scenario is of access to the construction site. As when we talk about a building project, it involves heavy duty cranes, machinery and huge steel frameworks and structures to be installed, which demand intense safety measures as per government regulations to ensure the safety of the labour and nearby infrastructure. Plus working at height will be a crucial issue with huge scaffolding and lift and harness system. This all calls for a well thought safety management plan. Safety management is also essential to avoid any time delays due to unwanted incidents and meet the timelines safe and sound. Coping with the code is also required as per government policy (Kamardeen, 2014).

Australian Government has a Model Code of Practice for every kind of activity involved in construction work.“This model Code of Practice has been developed to provide practical guidance to principal contractors and other persons conducting a business or undertaking who carry out construction work on how to meet the health and safety requirements under the WHS Act and Regulations applying in a jurisdiction relating to construction work”.(Safe Work Australia)

Risk Assessment

Work at Height

Falling Objects

Working on heights and with crowded premises, the risk associated with falling objects became significant. For the current scenario, moving traffic is vulnerable to face such risk; hence fencing is very important to limit the working zone. Installation of signs is another precautionary measure.

Safety plan for Material Handling

Glass and steel are the major material of construction. Both require expert handling as damage to steel framework can risk structural integrity and mishandling of glass can create a hazardous situation in case of breakage, apart from financial loss. While shifting and installing both structures, proper route permit to be made and area should be made clear for safe movement.

Personal Protective Equipment

Pertinent to nature of the job, personal protective equipment should be provided to the working labour and made it mandatory. For instance, for height jobs safety helmets and harness should be made compulsory. For work in noisy place, ear plugs should be worn.

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