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論文 代寫-象徵主義及其在廣告中的應用

本篇文章主要講述象徵主義及其在廣告中的應用,牛仔是陽剛之氣的直接象徵,可以更好地傳達萬寶路香煙的形象(quek&ling, 2013)。因此,僅僅通過牛仔這一陽剛之氣的象徵,公司就有效地傳達了其所要傳達的信息。因此,它有助於在消費者中樹立更好的香煙形象。它有助於在消費者和廣告商之間形成一種思想的統一性。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Cowboy is the straight forward symbol of masculinity and can communicate the image of Marlboro cigarette in a better manner (Quek& Ling, 2013). Thus, just by using cowboy, which is the symbol of masculinity, the company effectively used to convey the message which has been intended. Thus, it helped in serving a better image of the cigarette amongst the consumers. It helped to develop a sense of oneness of thought between the consumers and the advertisers.
There are many other advertisers who are used such symbols which have a very deep meaning. These are used in order to enhance the accuracy in the communication and differentiate the brand from the other competitors. The essential thing while using the advertisement is that it tries to create a brand and enhance the associated value with the same.
An example of the use of symbol in the advertisement has been reflected in the advertisement of Wells Fargo Bank. In this advertisement stagecoach has been used as a symbol. The advertisement broadcasts that the stagecoach has been pulled by the team of horses. The nostalgic background music has also been used as a symbol in order to communicate that the bank has opened up in the west. Another example is the advertisement of Acura Automobiles, which has used race cars and airplanes as the symbols in order to communicate the high use of technology and sportiness in the cars. Use of blues musicians was another symbolism used in Levi’s jeans (Burton& Collins, 2015). This kind of music has been used in the advertisement of jeans just to spread the message related to the long lasting comfort which the people can get by the use of Levis jeans. Use of greyhound dog in the advertisement of Greyhound bus symbolizes the image of the bus services to the consumers.
Another example of symbolism has been reflected in the advertisement of ‘Hutch’ network (presently Vodafone), where a dog has been following a man. The dog tries to follow and be with the man everywhere. The dog has been symbolized as such a network which follows the people wherever they go.
In addition to the product advertisers, symbols have been also used by the service companies. Though it is a challenge for the service markets to represent the service through the use of symbols, the use of symbols makes the services look much more tangible. Examples of the use of symbols includes the advertisement of Merrill Lynch which uses the bull in order to help to communicate its image and to reflect its image and benefits in the “Bullish on America” advertisements, the use of rock in the advertisement of the ‘prudent insurance company’ in order to communicate its strengths and the use of ‘Good Hands’ in the advertisements of ‘Allstate Insurance company’ in order to communicate its strengths related to protection (Tadajewski, 2013).

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