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論文 代寫-防火牆性能的研究

本文主要講防火牆性能的研究,防火牆的性能一直是研究的一個主題,只有很少的研究。在分析防火牆性能方面的工作甚至更少。可用的工作主要是考慮加強與防火牆系統相關的配置管理,並檢測是否遺漏了任何配置。 Salah等人使用基於馬爾可夫鏈的解析隊列模型研究了防火牆的性能。該方法對防火牆進行了分析,並考慮了一般的流量和DoS攻擊流。 Asmi等人(2012)研究了防火牆的幾種操作方式。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Firewall performance has been a subject of study in only few studies. Lesser work is even done within the field of analysing firewall performance. Mostly the available work is of the consideration to enhance the management of configuration related to firewall systems and detect whether any configuration has been missed. The firewall performance has been studied by researchers such as Salah et al through use of a model named, analytical queue model based upon the chain of Markov. Firewalls are analysed by this methodology subjected to general flow of traffic along with the flow of attack for DoS. Several kinds of operations of firewalls were examined by other researchers such as Asmi et al, (2012).
In the study, the researchers tested the various firewalls performance as well as security inclusive of Cisco, ASA, and filter of packet and SPLAT checkpoint. With regard to performance, only the throughput was considered by the researchers along with the maximum concurrent relationship number. The research results from the investigation depicted that ASA Cisco has a performance which is good in comparison to the other types involved in the study. When it comes to security, simple tests were performed by them and it was reported by them that firewalls have shown a good type of resistance.
The influence of firewall implementation over the performance of networks has also been studied by researchers such as Martin et al, (2010). Their results from simulation depicted that use of firewalls enhances the display of networks and average time from response. They suggested moreover that use of firewalls of parallel nature is essential for performance of network’s improvement. The performance of applying layered firewalls has been investigated by researchers such as Claire et al. (2009). This has been done by them with regard to time of response and utilization of network. The results of simulation resulted in proving that firewalls result in degrading the network performance on the whole.

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