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这是一场活动举办的好莱坞乐园,尽管这部电影是一部无声电影,但观众们都喜欢它。给定的场景包括悲伤,讽刺和欢乐。最初描绘了悲伤。在工作室里,他发现演播室老板宠爱了佩皮,他给了它一个讽刺的样子。他曾经是明星,但Peppy因此现在被誉为明星(Phillips,2011)。在电影结束时,他对他们的合作非常高兴,并且他与狗的场景充满情感。他们表达了良好的理解,他们之间的信任可以通过他们的活动和表达来看到。特定场景围绕3个重要主题展开 – 对身份的渴求,对现实和竞争的不同版本。信息以简单但令人信服的方式传达给观众。

电影的音乐艺术家是一个重大的打击。由于几个原因,这是特殊的 – 合适性,创造情绪和适合现场。
从技术上讲,电影的分数已经足够覆盖投影机的声音。没有外部噪音。由于这是在戏剧背景下发生的,它也可以追溯到历史(1927 – 1932)。作曲家将音乐的选择与剧院元素融合在一起考虑了历史与音乐的搭配。作曲家得分高的音乐的第三个方面是美学意义。没有一个场景留下空白或被沉默主宰。有一些愉快和相关的音乐来填补预计沉默的场景。这样可以更好地理解电影的目标,并让观众更好地关注。


It was a Hollywoodland where the event took place and the audience enjoyed every bit of it though it is a silent movie. The given scene includes sorrow, sarcasm and joy. Sorrows were initially portrayed. In the studio, he finds that the studio boss pampers Peppy and he gives a sarcastic look towards it. He was once the star but Peppy is consequently celebrated as a star now (Phillips, 2011). Towards the end of the movie, he is totally joyous about their collaboration and his scenes with the dog were emotional. They express excellent understanding and the trust between them was visible through their activities and expressions. The given scene revolves around 3 important themes – thirst for identity, different versions of reality and competition. The messages are conveyed in simple yet convincing ways that move the audience.

Analysis of music in scene
The music of the movie The Artist is a major hit. It is special due to several reasons – the appropriateness, the creation of mood and the suitability to the scene.
Technically, the film scores have sufficiently covered the projector sound. There is no external noise. Since this happens within a theatrical background, it also dates back to the history (1927 – 1932). The composer has paired up the history with the choice of music taking the theatre elements into consideration. The third aspect of music where the composer has scored high is the aesthetics sense. No scene was left blank or dominated by silence. There was some pleasant and relevant music to fill the scene where silence is anticipated. This creates a better perception about the objective of movie and lets the audience to focus better.

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