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The early process stage can be viewed as the return towards the satiation during the communist era less rigid times. This time was regarded as the socialist style of normality. However, over the previous 30 years post entering the 21st century, a gradual shift has been viewed towards the total femininity of consumer zed form. One of the primary striking elements of the burgeoning consumerism of China has been the manner through which women, specifically the glamourous young women, have growingly been utilized for the commercial activities by the Chinese advertising industry. The complete commercial exploitation with lack of the Chinese women that had impressed the Western women in the years of 1970s was eradicated. This led towards the Women of China to be involved within the advertising over the street billboards, magazines and the television.
In various nations, the glamorous Chinese women are being used as the models for a broad range of consumer goods and services that aim not only at the women but also at the generalized market. The market that is specific to female is similarly pervasive. The advertisements provide the consumer women with the complete range of cosmetics that are used to defy the age and beautification not only from the local level but also the level of international brands.
The female Chinese models have further been utilized broadly as the cover girls for the magazine within the strengthened competition that has been articulated within the magazine market of China. Until the year of 2003, most visible and the blatant utilized of Chinese women for the commercial purpose have been the lucrative market of the annual calendar. From the previous years of 1980s, young women of attractive nature were featured over the calendars with western style fashion. The different types of female’s were used to be featured over one or two month period. This is the reason for which the calendars dominated the gift calendar market of the New Year and the these calendars were interrupted only by the occasional kitten or landscape calendars.


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