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本文主要讲人力资源管理的使用,Diageo可以实现的另一个方法是定制共享模型的实现。通过这种模式的实施,为世界各地的员工提供的服务将会越来越一致。此外,它还将有助于满足当地市场的需求。因此,它最终将有助于提高公司在市场上的整体生产力。人力资源管理服务,如果在世界上不同的国家以员工之间有效共享的方式提供,可以导致克服人力资源管理功能面临的挑战(Chong, 2012)。有了这个帮助,人力资源管理服务可以完成得更快,可以有更高的一致性,员工是公司的一部分。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Another method which can be implemented by Diageo is the implementation of the customized sharing model. By the implementation of this kind of model, there will be more and more consistency in the services which are being provided to the employees all round the world. In addition to this, it will also help in meeting the requirements of the local markets. Thus it will ultimately help in the overall increase in the productivity in the markets for the company. The HRM services, if provided in different nations of the world in such a manner that there is an effective sharing between the employees, can lead to overcome the challenges which are being faced by the HRM function (Chong, 2012). With the help of this the HRM services can be completed much faster and can have a higher consistency to the employees who are the part of the company. An example of the same is to have an effective knowledge repository which can help to serve to standardize the functions and the materials which are related to the HRM. In addition to this, the transactions will be processed in an easier manner. These processes will also ensure that all the local laws are being followed.
By having different centres for HRM services, there can be an easy navigation of the data which is complex with the assurance of protection of the privacy laws which are being present across borders. An example of the same includes the electronic employee filing system which can be implemented globally in order to have the easier access of the information which is related to the employees.
Thus, the most important recommendation for the HRM function at Diageo is to use the shared HRM services at different centres. There should be more and more HRM functions which is promising different HRM services which can be present in different regions of the world. By having shared HRM services there will be a better structure which would ensure a proper coverage of the markets of different parts of the world and will further ensure that the service centres will meet up the growing business requirements and other economic demands.


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