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本文主要内容讲的是旅游体验,令人惊讶的是,对第8题的分析结果褒贬不一,80%的欧洲旅行者认为在瓦伦西亚非常安全,而20%的受访者认为在问题中值为3时有些不安全(Lopez-Guzman et al., 2014)。这表明,由于餐饮和俱乐部设施入口的安全性较低,再加上文化差异,使得一些游客对这种体验不太满意。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Surprisingly, mixed responses were analysed for the question 8 as 80 percent of the European travellers felt extremely safe in Valencia whereas 20 percent of the respondents felt somewhat unsafe with the value 3 on the question (López-Guzmán et al., 2014). This indicates that the low security surrounding the entries of dinning and club establishments combined with the cultural difference makes the experience undesirable for some of the visitors.
However, its mitigation is critical to ensure that the dissatisfied experiences do not impact the tourism sector of Valencia. According to the literature review, the quality of the tourism experience is critical (López-Guzmán et al., 2014). Therefore, whether the experience is facilitated under the monitoring of the travel companies or organized by the traveller itself, the factor of strong physical security makes the destination appealing but at the same time positive perception of destination is declined if the security is low. Hence, the majority of the European citizen visits the city of Valencia repeated due to experience of feeling physical safety.
90 per cent of the respondents answered with value 5 for the ninth question and indicated that the system of transportation is adequate due to which personalized transportation does not become a concern when they visit Valencia (Krippendorf, 2010). This implies that the absence of reliance on the private vehicles in the city makes the travel within the city of Valencia more convenient and cost effective. This functions as a positive experience encountered by the tourists that develops the customer satisfaction. The research has indicated that 10 percent of the individuals rated it at 2 levels indicating the need for improvisation (Ivkov et al., 2015). Hence, the timing of the travel plays a significant factor during the intercity movement. Since many stores across the city of Valencia close earlier than the European stores, some individuals find the overall transportation to be inconvenient.


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