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本文主要讲的是员工培训的必要性,一个高技能的员工可能会带来更好的生产力和更好的客户满意度。一个训练有素、积极主动的员工将有助于降低管理成本,因为他们将拥有人才来评估自己的工作。如果它们能够诊断机器中的问题并能够有效地修复这些问题,它们可以帮助减少任何机器的停机时间(Oxenbridge et al., 2010)。一个有才能和技能的员工可以提高轮廓的功能灵活性,因为他们相对广泛的知识基础的各种人才更容易被保留。本篇论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A highly skilled staff might lead to better productivity and better customer satisfaction. A well-trained and motivated staff would help in reduction of cost of managing because they would hold the talent to assess their own work. They can help in reducing the downtime of any machines if they are capable of diagnosing the issues in machinery and can also effectively repair those (Oxenbridge et al., 2010). A talented and skilled employee can enhance the contours functional flexibility as they would be simpler to be retained because of their comparatively wide knowledge -base of various talents.
It is suggested that the staff members are trained on technical aspects so that the management gets confidence in using the latest technology and the business has further chances of quick adjustments to any changes in technology and business needs. Since Qantas operates in the intensive international competitive environment, there is the need of technically skilled employees who can typically use the advanced mechanisms. A well trained workforce and responsible staff members can lead to better efficiency by maintenance of great relationship with the clients and suppliers (Bates, Chen and Hatcher, 2012). They are capable of arranging smooth flow of resources and making the correct records so that the client satisfaction is attained to the maximum level.
It is suggested that management comments to training and development of the workforce so that the employees get an indication that they are valued by the Qantas. This kind of indication can boost the morale of employees and support their dedication towards the organisation. The training that they would be getting at work will allow them to carry out their jobs in a better way and make them more responsible and creative. This way, there would be higher satisfaction of job and higher motivation which can boost the productivity of Qantas in long run (O’Brien, 2010).


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