





研究人员指出,考虑到社会地位,受教育年限是决定职业成就的因素。相反,社会阶层在决定学科所获得的教育水平方面起着重要的作用(Mallman, 2015)。虽然一个人如果接受高等教育,获得一份好工作的机会就越大。这个过程导致社会流动,因此教育可以把一个人从一个社会阶层传递到另一个阶层。因此,可以确定,班级在高等教育的各个阶段都扮演着重要的角色,包括进入高等教育,学生的参与,目标的确定,以及在未来实现就业和稳定的社会阶层。

在高等教育背景下研究阶级时,会多次遇到分层这一术语。分层是指根据社会地位、职业、收入群体、财富或经济实力对人进行分类(Thomas, 2004)。简言之,分层是指社会阶层在更广范围内的分布。摘要基于教育理论的高等教育分层研究已有若干篇。本文对功能主义理论和冲突理论进行了评述。这些理论为教育的功能提供了深刻的见解。


Education is the most important pillar of any society. Standard and environment of education shape up the future economy, ethics, social values and development of the society. In order for a society to ensure stability and prosperity, it is essential to maintain healthy education system. There are certain differences reported among the students at all levels of education. This essay focuses on the differences based on class in higher education.

Higher education possess distinguished importance in any society as higher education produces professionals which make participation in the market and economy of the country once graduating from the institute. Therefore, it is necessary to provide professional, unbiased and constructive environment along with the uplifted quality of institutional standards. Higher education not only benefits the society by producing intellects and professionals, but also if the quality of higher education is up to the mark, it also attracts foreign students. Thus, it is strengthening the economy of the country. In this essay, class discrimination in higher education is analyzed under functionalist and conflict theory.


Researchers have stated that the number of years of education is the factor which determines the professional achievement, considering the social statuses. On contrary, social class plays a significant role in determining the level of education attained by the subject (Mallman, 2015). Although if a person is attains higher education, the more chances of acquiring a well job. This process results in social mobility and consequently education can transmit a person from one social class to another class. Therefore, it is established that class plays an important role in all stages of higher education including entering into higher education, participation of students, goal determination and achieving employment and stable social class in future.

When class is studied in context of higher education, the term of stratification is encountered several times. Stratification means the categorization of people based on social status, occupation, income group, wealth or economic power (Thomas, 2004). In short, stratification refers to distribution of social classes on broader spectrum. There are several research articles found on stratification in higher education based on educational theories. Functionalist theory and conflict theory are observed in this essay. These theories provide deep insight into the function of education.

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