


在合同签订前阶段,有关方面进行了许多谈判。通常,在合同中一方向另一方提出报价。这是一方提出的一套条款和条件,用以代替项目的要求。要约的另一方应仔细审查要约条款的细微差别。他们应该理解合同条款的意图和考虑。在初始方案的基础上,另一方接受合同条款(Vogenauer, 2013)。一旦对方作出承诺,合同即具有法律约束力。如果接受方提出了新的条款和条件,有关方的首次报价将不具有约束力。这是新报盘的建议。

对于IT公司,应该注意确保软件开发标题和合同权利是如何开发的。IT的合同经理应该有一个适当的框架,以确保对所开发软件的合同条款和所有权共享有适当的协议(Vogenauer, 2013)。除了这个软件公司的合同经理需要确保在合同前阶段有适当的合同条款(Vogenauer, 2013)。他们应该能够估计出合同延期后的潜在负债。验收应根据合同条款进行。


意向书是指一方当事人订立具有法律约束力的协议的意向。然而,这些意向书只是一方提供的要约的一种形式(Vogenauer, 2013)。它不具有任何法律价值,而是表达了合同一方当事人订立具有法律约束力合同的意愿。

一旦提出报价,合同经理需要了解合同条款。在构建合同时,需要在供应商、供应商或员工之间制定单独的合同(Vogenauer, 2013)。每家公司的合同经理都有一定的自由裁量权。合同管理者应充分了解情况,谨慎运用这种权力。



In the pre contractual phase, there are a lot of negotiations that goes on between the concerned parties. Typically, in a contract one party extends an offer to the other. This is a set of terms and conditions proposed by one party in lieu of the requirements of the project. The other receiving party of the offer should carefully scrutinize the nuances of the offer terms. They should understand the intent and consideration of the contractual terms. Based on the initial proposal, the other party accepts the contractual terms (Vogenauer, 2013). Once the other party makes the acceptance, it is understood that the contract becomes legally binding. In cases where the receiving party makes new set terms and conditions initial offer made by the concerned parties will not be binding. This is proposal of new offer.

In the case of IT companies there should be care taken to ensure how the software development title and contractual rights are developed. Contract manager of IT should have a proper framework in place to ensure proper agreement of the terms of the contract and title sharing for the software developed is in place (Vogenauer, 2013). Apart from this contract manager for software company needs to ensure that there are proper contractual terms proposed in the pre contractual phase (Vogenauer, 2013). They should be able to estimate the potential liabilities of a contract when an offer is extended. Acceptance should be made based on the terms of the contract.

Letters of intent

Letters of Intent is defined as the intent of one party to enter into a legally binding agreement. Nevertheless, these letters of intent are only a form of offer extended by one party (Vogenauer, 2013). It does not hold any legal value rather expresses the intent of one party of the contract to enter into legally binding contract.

Once an offer is made, the contract manager needs to understand the terms of the contract. While framing contracts separate contracts needs to be drawn between suppliers, vendors or employee (Vogenauer, 2013). Contract managers of each company have certain discretionary powers that have been allowed. Contract managers should fully comprehend the situation and utilize this power carefully.

Terms proposed in the contract should be direct, tangible and standard code of conduct followed by similar counterparts.

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