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While all the solutions will benefit Jollibee, having a knowledge driven market research team that will specifically advise Jollibee and prep Jollibee with respect to newer international ventures is the most significant one. The solution has been selected based on many points of perusal. Firstly, the solution will help address all other issues. It does not cater to solve one of the issues but instead it is built to solve all the issues. For instance, such a team would be able to advise the management to take up a transnational strategy and at the same time, would also be able to advise them on staffing issues in countries.
Knowledge base based on which decision making is done is a significant trend in current times, and Jollibee should take advantage of this situation. The ideas must be translatable into solutions for them to be successful. Now in the case of the selected solution, firstly Jollibee should collate a knowledge database of all the information they have on their international ventures. Past and current information must be collated.
International and local managers must be given access to such information and must be allowed to leave feedbacks on their operations and suggestions as well. Grievances of local partners and staffers must also be recorded into the system. Personnel with more than 10 years of experience in international operations must be aligned to put together a market research team that would be specifically decimated to proposing solutions and advices base don best practices to the newer ventures. This would enable the company to handle issues in internationalization and formulate better strategies as well.

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