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本文的主要內容是關於ACCA的研究,這項研究使澳大利亞當代藝術中心的藝術領導者能夠獨立承擔從設施和建築的開發到創意人員的表達等一系列責任(Hewison and Holden, 2016)。研究發現,藝術的內部領導不僅包括管理員工,還包括處理公共關係、市場營銷、管理決策和戰略規劃。 ACCA的藝術領導者被發現了解聯邦、州和地方的公共政策,因為它與醫療保險、勞動法、風險管理和人力資源相關(Ibbotson, 2008)。本篇代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The research has enabled indeitification that the art leaders at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art functions and undertakes number of responsibilities from the development of the facilities and buildings to the articulation of creative staff (Hewison and Holden, 2016). It is found that the internal leadership of the art consists of managing not only the workforce but also dealing with the public relations, marketing, management decisions and strategic planning. The art leaders of the ACCA are found to be aware of the federal, state and local public policies since it is associated with the health insurance, labour laws, risk management and human resources (Ibbotson, 2008).
It has been surfaced from the research that ACCA presents with both internal and external leadership because of constant navigation within the changing internal and external environments. It has been found that the ACCA presents internal leadership by concentrating upon the diversity and inclusion of the racial, ethnic and economic diversity for the purpose of changing the communities and lives (Landry, 2011). It is established that workplace values such as entrepreneurial spirit, change and experimentation is ranked as higher priorities across the organization.
It is found that the ACCA delivers leadership internally by both promoting creativity and encouraging innovation. The concentration of the ACCA remains on the selection of the emerging artists that can be further trained and developed for the purpose of the creating breakthrough artistic items (Lim, 2016). The internal leadership of ACCA further addresses handling financial issues by calculating the availability of the funds for the cultural projects and ensuring that the projects and art works can be successfully delivered within the allocated budgets. Moreover, the ACCA concentrates on development of the creative staff. This includes not only the artists but also culturists along with the other creative and administrative staff (Nisbett and Walmsley, 2016). Hence, the primary role of the internal leadership across this arts organization is accountable for instilling the values of autonomy, innovativeness and future thinking in order to motivate the artists to develop the works in such a manner that they represent both art and culture.

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