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The contest held within the nation for the initial time was an indication of the reform, opening and the international approach of China. It was identified that with this action, China had welcomed the globe to identify the nation of China in an open manner. Furthermore, the contest can improve the Sanya and Hainan’s popularity due to which the local tourism industry can be promoted. A senior consultant from the Central Policy Unit of Hong Kong namely Liuu Zhaojia compared the ban lift of the beauty contests to the extension of milestone for the reform of mainland and the policy opening from the earlier freed economic and political activities to the social and cultural events.

Therefore, the 2003 year is considered to be the initial year of pageant in China. This is due to the fact that apart from the Miss World, several beauty contests overwhelm the people of China. The initial Miss China Pageant being sponsored by Phoenix TV, China World Model Competition, International Advertising Model Competition and the Miss Shanghai took place one by one in the year of 2003 and all the contests were aired live on the television throughout the China. Moreover, heightened events were experienced in this year than others.

These events included the SARS plague and the initial manned space mission and the Xinhua News Agency. These had presented 10 different pictures from the 2013 year along with Miss World Pageant to be one of them.It is further to consider that the event named, “All China Women’s Federation” has stated it officially that they are against the beauty contests earlier in the year of 1994. They declared these contests to be male dominated social order’s products. However, since the initiation of the 21st century, the federation’s attitude is more in favor to the contests.

A spokeswoman within the federation mentioned that it is still against the pageants that concentrated merely on the appearance of the women and claimed to have no opposition for the contests. In these contests, the education, attitudes and bearing of the participants is also taken within the consideration. The perspective is that the feminists and the government of China are siding with the beauty pageants. This indicates that the women’s behavior and the de-gendered appearance that was encourage in the era of Mao have been replaced by the consumarised recreation of the Chinese femininity.


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