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本文主要讲述的是生命周期理论,根据生命周期模型,公司已经从成功的启动阶段过渡到在某些部门仍能看到增长的阶段,而在另一些部门,还没有成功地从启动阶段过渡到增长阶段。北方的门店是成功的,它们并不指望通过向国际水域扩张来实现其发展里程碑式的增长(约翰•斯托克斯(John Stokes)的计划就是如此)。然而,南方的商店甚至没有记录增长。这里的决策者是约翰·斯托克斯,他想要提升已经给予扩张的承诺。本篇论文抄袭文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The company according to the lifecycle model has gone from successful startup to a state where growth is still observed in some divisions and in others there has not been successful transition from inception to growth. The Northern stores are successful and are not looking to meet their developmental milestone in growth by expanding to international waters (as is the plan of John Stokes). However Southern stores have not even recorded growth. The decision maker here is John Stokes who wants to escalate the commitment that was already given to the expansion.
Despite the fact that the Southern stores are not performing, Stokes does not want to give up on them. Here, the decision maker does not want to accept that his decision was flawed. He does not want to accept the decision of the CEO and does not want to close the store. While this does show consistency in actions, it could be considered foolish given the situation also. Recommendation in this context: Openhium has two choices, either close the unproductive stores after a certain fixed time period and move on to focusing on strategy development with the other successful stores, or it should consider innovation strategies and more in order to develop the non-performers.
Step 2) In the process for change, it is necessary that there be a combination of approaches (Dodge et al, 1994). So while the life cycle theory can be useful to understand the overall change and growth initiative, the other theories can be useful to understand how the specific constructs in the change process can proceed. According to the teleological theory, the purpose of Openhium when it was a startup was to be productive in selling sports and water sports equipment. John Stokes thinks big and hence wants to expand the business both in New Zealand and internationally. He wants to go global and move into Australia as well.
This ambition is the purpose or the end point for the business. John Stokes now views the recommended shutting down of the Southern stores as being a damper on his plans as they will result in decreased expansion. However, this need not be so, according to the teleological theory, this could just be an adaptation for the overall business to be successful. So John Stokes could either accept that closing some business sectors now might not mean his expansion plan has to be dropped. The expansion venture could still be carried out successfully in better locations.


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