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A training and development strategy is now required, as the new hotel geographic location and the staff proficiency could be challenging. For instance, the locals do have much better English language proficiency, but the general standards staffs are seen to be less proficient. Similarly, in the context of HR practices, the UK best practices and management methods must have brought into the hotel. In addition, the new HR manager must be prepared for the challenges his position could bring, both inside the Hotel management and in terms of general adjustments of living in Spain, and hence a clear training and development strategy is required.
In terms of international training for the expatriate Hotel manager, first a preparatory training or a pre-departure training is important. Most time organizations end up selecting an employee because of their skills, such as how they could manage a workforce or how much of years of experience they have in hotel management etc. Management skills and internationalization skills have to be assessed. Reardon in this case must select and employee based on how much cultural affinity they could develop with employees in Spain. They must prepare the selected Hotel manager for the cultural shock that the manager could face when they land in the country. The right training program will consider the existing skills of employee, such as even their cultural and acclimatization skills and then would aim at providing a successful transition into the cultural understanding of Spain.
This will be helpful for minimizing a failure. Reardon should also aim to provide cross cultural training. Cross cultural training will be a big benefit for the expatriate. In cross cultural training, the Hotel manager is introduced to cultural difficulties that previous expatriates to Spain would have faced. This would give the HR manager an idea of what they could expect in the country. The manager would have a better idea of the form of cultural differences that exist, and how to handle the cultural differences. In addition, they would be able to respond better to situations. Cultural shock is a single most popular reason for international assignment failures. This is reduced when proper cross cultural training is given to the expatriate.


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