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亚特兰大论文代写- Arduino的优点

本篇文章讲述的是Arduino的优点,覆盆子派在学校有不同的应用,覆盆子派mini就是其中之一。研究表明,覆盆子派微型计算机的使用提高了学校使用这些计算机的潜力(Ali等,2013年)。Pi微型计算机的低成本使其成为许多发展中国家大学课程的可行解决方案,在这些国家,成本是一个挑战(Tucker et al. 2004;Seviora 2005)。在社会经济地位较低的国家(Ali等,2013年;Grout & Houlden 2014)。本篇亚特兰大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are different applications of Raspberry Pi in school, the Raspberry Pi mini is one of them. Research has shown that the use of the Raspberry Pi mini-computer improves potential for schools to use those (Ali et al. 2013). Low cost of the Pi mini computers makes it a feasible solution for many university curriculums in developing nations where cost is a challenge (Tucker et al. 2004; Seviora 2005). Prototype solutions have been developed for schools like in Uganda viable modular systems are being considered in countries with a lower socio-economic status (Ali et al. 2013; Grout & Houlden 2014).
The second benefit of using the raspberry Pi is its modular and yet interconnected structure that enables the students to understand how an integrated application could be developed, it hence helps students to be innovative in projects (Lyn 2015).
Arduino is an open source extensible platform for microcontroller programming’s. Similar to the Raspberry, the Arduino comes with a detail set of pre-interfacings which solves much of the issues with microcontroller programming that was faced by embedded specialists in the past.
The Arduino boards are considered inexpensive which makes it a good choice for its use in schools and universities where budget allocations for newer curriculums could be very expensive. The least expensive version of the Arduino board is one that could be easily assembled by hand and even a pre-assembled board would not cost much more than fifty dollars (Caspi et al. 2015). However, research on curriculum incorporation of these Arduino boards seem to indicate that there are issues in costs when individual allocations to students are considered (Marwedl 2007; Lozano and Lozano 2014)
The second major benefit of the Arduino board which makes it a good choice for Universities and schools are that the Arduino software makes use of operating systems such as the Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems which operating systems are already used by students (Koopman et al. 2005; Henzinger and Sifakis 2007). They are familiar with these operating systems and hence are able to adapt faster. The Arduino is a very clean programming environment for students (Paraskevas & Zarouchas 2013). It ensures that students are able to be flexible in their understanding and usage and at the same time can also be used for students with experience.


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