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学习方面,很多康奈尔大学的课程非常有意思,也可以自由的任意选课,但是月考比较多。学校重视小班教学,每周一次讨论课,一般人数为15个人左右,每个人都有互动发言的机会。在一个学霸聚集的学校里一定要提前预习上课内容,老师也理所应当的认为所有学生都自学过了,上课就不再学习这些知识,而是带着全班同学去应用,作为学生收获很大,压力也很大。 课下不单要写论文,还要预习、复习,时间上很紧张,这也是很多学生需要美国康奈尔大学论文代写的原因。


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对非营利性领域的行为进行了各种方法的审查。过去的几十年里,一些反对志愿非政府组织的人提出了一些反对意见。行政资助协议的修改、项目的联邦化和大幅的预算削减已经使非盈利区域陷入了一种主要灾难的境地。矛盾的是,正是在那个时候,这类重大的修改被安排在研究人员和政府的非营利性区域(Lunenburg,F.C. 2011)上。统计调查评估了中国志愿人员参与的情况,报告了一个非营利部门在中国经济中的显著性。由于代表团和资金的修改,大量的NPOs在资金不足的情况下,正面临着越来越多的问题。政府和江苏省正在举办研讨会和会议,以确定如何协助自愿领域,并处理不同的问题(Alatrista,J。和Arrowsmith,j . 2004)。


Kvale,s和Brinkmann,美国在2009年位于混杂的结果,在文献中对非营利组织所有权可能被变化说明主要研究人员的基本注意事项有关的依赖变量的轮廓,与不确定的方法以及方便的形式导致金融行为预测主要区别在非营利组织和营利组织(菲利普斯,H。和菲利普斯,c . 2010)。同样,Bryman,。2011年,e . e .(e .)的研究表明,研究结果的变化主要来自于研究系统方法的变化。

2003年,美国经济研究中心的布拉德肖·林恩(Bradshaw Lynn)回顾了许多文献,在他们的研究报告中指出,行业内的竞争程度严重影响了盈利性组织和非营利组织对金融催化剂的敏感性;这两个领域的表现往往会因为积极的负担而联合起来;而且,盈利性和NPOs供应商的表现远比不相似。


An assortment of methodical reviews of the conduct of the non-profit field has been carried out. The last few decades have been outlines by several objections for voluntary NGOs.  Modifications in administrative funding protocols, federalization of programs and sharp budget cut-offs have dropped the non-profit zone into a situation of main catastrophe. Paradoxically, it was at the time that such major modifications were scheduled that more consideration was focussed on the non-profit zone by researchers as well as governments (Lunenburg, F.C. 2011). Statistical surveys evaluating the involvement of the Chinese voluntary field reports how noteworthy a player the non-profit sector was in the Chinese economy.  Numerous NPOs, working on insufficient funds, were confronting rising issues as a result of delegation and funding modifications. The government and Jiangsu province were setting up seminars and conference to locate how to assist the voluntary field and deal with the varying matter (Alatrista, J., and Arrowsmith, J. 2004).

Vagueness of researches and its percussion on consequences of ignored circumstantial aspects

Kvale, S. and Brinkmann, S. in 2009 located that the miscellany of outcomes in the literature on NPOS ownership might be illustrate mainly by variation in researchers’ elemental considerations regarding the serviceable outline of the relying variables, with uncertain approaches along with handy forms contributing to forecast major differences in financial conduct among NPOs and for-profits (Phillips, H., and Phillips, C. 2010). Similarly, Bryman, A., and Bell, E. in 2011 affirms that variations in outcomes seem to take place chiefly from variations among studies’ systematic approaches.

Bradshaw Lynn, D. in 2003 reviewed many literatures that in their outlook reveal that the extent of competition in the industry drastically influences the sensitivity to financial catalysts of for-profit as well as non-profit organizations; that the performance of the two fields tends to unite as aggressive burden rise; and that the performance of for-profit and NPOs suppliers is far more comparable than dissimilar.

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布朗大学虽然面积不大,但各类设施很齐全,学校内有一条商业街,街道两旁分布着宿舍区、两个食堂、科技图书馆和学校书店这几个比较主要的地方。沿街一直向前走,会有各式各样的冰激凌店、咖啡馆、便利店、各个国家风味的饭馆、服装店鞋店等,其中也有中餐厅,偶尔可以吃个麻辣香锅。布朗大学旁边有一个很大的购物中心Providence Place,里面更是电影院、商场,餐厅应有尽有,生活购物很方便。布朗大学有一点不好就是第一年会强迫性的买学校食堂pian卡,价格昂贵并且不好吃,所以第二年很少有再续买的。



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因此,在利率上升的国家,在利率上升的时期,干预措施是为了强化本币。如表4 – 2所示,可能发生的情况是租金经济,生产下降,就业减少,收入分配不公。

最后,政府想要改善现状,改善政府的预算,然后是实际GDP和政府预算之间的差距,从而导致经济环境更加糟糕(Baillie和Willian 2008)。



The rate at which there is an intervention by the central bank in the interbank market so as to manage the liquidity of day-to-day is known as intervention rate. The repurchase and sale of agreement in which a financial dealer sells a financial instrument to another in which on a given date they agree to buy them back is known as repo rate. There are two legs to a repo transaction; on the value date, the repo seller sells securities (collateral) to the buyer for an agreed sum of money (initial transaction); ant maturity, the seller repurchase the securities for the original sum, and pays a return for the use of the cash proceeds during the term of the repo.
In Germany, France, and Italy, as the repo rates is low of expectation, it was leading decrease in consumption, reduction in investment, and reduction in demand and lower inflation
So in country with a higher intervention rate, in periods of rising rate of interest, interventions are made to strengthen the domestic currency. As the mechanism showed in the Table 4-2, the possible following happens are rent economy, decease in production, and decrease in employment and injustice in income distribution.
Finally, the government wants to make up the situation and improve the amount of budget of government, then the gap between real GDP and government budget, resulting in a more badly economic environment (Baillie and Willian 2008).
In the fast growing members a credit bubble was created by this factor because they raised the leverage and over a period of time asset bubble was produced in real and financial asset. Thus, when governments were forced to raise public expenditure so as to avoid bailout or larger recession; a part of this high level private debt became the part of the sovereign debt. At the same time coming from the burst of the bubbles some distressed private banks suffered a huge fall in the tax revenues. It is because of the unexpected financial crisis and design failure that the present sovereign debt crisis in some members of Eurozone has occurred.

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Analyse and document risks in consultation with relevant stakeholders
The risk of the company has to be categorized with the stakeholders of the company to attach proper risks assessment to the relevant stakeholder. The company may have a contractor for the production facility development and it may be exposed to the risk of payments schedules. The employees are dependent on the running of the company in a successful manner and if the company fails to do well, their jobs are at risk. Insurance agents are important in insuring the employees, the production facility, the company managers, etc. and if the company faces a natural calamity it may not receive any insurance from the company and also may not recover their investments easily. The managers of the business that are associated with the company may be at a loss when the company fails to fulfil their obligations of promised salary and career development. The company may not be able to provide certain benefits to managers due to a dull market and thus the managers may not be able to do their job with dedication and may leave the company.
Undertake risk categorization and determine level of risk
The risk of the management style being different in the new country is most likely due to the differences of culture, the people and their behaviours. The risk of legal and commercial relationships may be less likely if the effort of the lawyers is involved in identifying the risks involved and eliminating it with special safe clauses that is able to reduce the risk on the company. The risk of human activities and manpower culture can be categorized in the segment of being possible, because of different cultural background and inherent beliefs, but it can be easily solved with a standardized approach to employee behaviour and how everyone is expected to behave and act. The risk of the political environment is one of the most important and impactful and is categorized in the almost certain category because when the government decides to change the policies is not certain and this can impact the business in a significant manner (Pressman, 2009). The consequence of this risk is major as it impacts the whole industry.

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众所周知,零售业是提供服务行业中最具活力的行业之一。在当前竞争激烈的环境下,零售商店或超市的商品销售有很多相似之处,所以集中在商品的选择上是很重要的。虚拟商品的销售应该是非常重要的。商品销售基本上是把顾客拉向零售商店的渠道。主要目的在于提高顾客对商品销售的欲望。商品的销售是通过内部和外部的展示来对客户进行的。在这些报告中,必须对组织(Connolly 2005)所遵循的整体主题的使用进行协调。维持和创建一个商店的销售计划不能被认为是一个简单的任务。持续确定客户所看到的东西是很重要的。

零售商品的销售基本上被称为是一系列不同的活动,导致产品被卖给客户以满足他们的最终需求。对于零售商店来说,这是非常重要的,因为它在商店中对顾客的吸引力起着重要作用,并促使他们购买。这对组织的成功有很大的影响,因为客户是零售业中商业组织的最重要的利益相关者。每一项投资和每一项投资都是为吸引和满足顾客而进行的(Craven 2014)。因此,可以说明组织的成功高度依赖于客户的满意度。除此之外,如果顾客满意,他们将保持对品牌的忠诚,这最终将有助于留住老顾客和吸引新顾客。


The sector of retail is known to be one of the most dynamic sector amongst the sectors of providing services (Bateson 2009). In the current era of highly competitive environment, where there are a number of similarities in the offering of merchandize by retail stores or supermarkets, it is important for concentrating on the selection of merchandize. Virtual merchandize should be given huge importance. Merchandizing is basically a source to pull the customers towards the outlet of retail store. The main objective is focused on enhancing desires for the attraction of customer to the business outlet for the sale of merchandize. The offering of merchandize is done to the customers by interior and exterior presentation. There must be coordination in these presentations with respect to the utilization of the overall theme being followed by the organization (Connolly 2005). Maintaining and creating a merchandizing plan of a store cannot be considered as an easy task. It is important for continuously determining what is being seen by the customer.
Merchandizing of retail basically is referred to as a number of different activities that result in contributing towards products being sold to the base of customers for meeting their final needs. This is extremely important for retail stores as it plays a significant role for the attraction of customer in the stores and to prompt them for making purchases as well. This has a major impact on the success of the organization as customers are the most important stakeholders for the business organizations in retail industry. Each and every investment is made and every single function is performed for the attraction and satisfaction of customers (Craven 2014). Hence, it can be stated that the success of the organization is highly dependent on the satisfaction of customers. In addition to this, if customers are satisfied, they will stay loyal to the brand and this will ultimately help in the retention of old customers and the attraction of new customers.

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留学生活也有很多的烦恼,挂科、找加拿大圣约翰斯论文代写被骗,和室友不合等等,有烦恼时就到处走走散散心吧,反正圣约翰斯处处都是风景。市中心有一片街区的房子被刷成了五颜六色,远远望去像纸上的绘画。散心的好地方还有信号山,在上面可以俯瞰整座城市,尤其是看夜景更美。再或者去远一点的Cape Spear灯塔,那里是北美最先看到日出的地方。-6


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SPP:加拿大SPP计划全称为Student Partners Program(中加国际学生合作计划),主要面向申请加拿大公立社区学院的学生。













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While mobile phones are being used indiscriminately across the age groups, according to various researches, the ownership of mobile phones among teenagers is as high as 100 percent in most of the countries across the globe. This age group is the thought to be the most influenced by the mobile phone technology.
The handiness, size and applications present in the mobile phones have enticed the youth to an extent that they consider these devices as an indispensible part of their daily lives. Diverse brands of mobile phones are used by the teenagers as a status symbol to compete with their friends and acquaintances on the grounds of social standing. The “Carphone and Warehouse” Research also reveals that 78 percent of the teenagers consider themselves “unwanted” or “lonely” if they don’t get any phone calls or text message for the entire day.
Being too much in public
Among the numerous mobile phone applications, instant messaging is identified as the favorite among the masses with mobile phone calling (using mobile networks or low-cost apps) grabbing the second spot.. Cheap and convenient instant messaging applications such as Whatsapp, Viber, Snapchat, iMessage etc are facilitating in sharing even the slightest of their feelings with a huge group of peers simultaneously and stay connected at a minimal or no cost. Because of our mobile phones, we are living too much in the public. Is it necessary to make others know what we had in the breakfast today or how is the weather outside our windows or the office work seems too hectic today? Such trivial information about us is now actively being shared, liked and commented on by our social circle. Even the least important people can know about our whereabouts, feelings and habits. This raises a question mark on the issue of privacy and confidentiality.
According to a survey conducted by Vodafone experts, there are about 600 million active Facebook users who produce more or less 30 billion pieces of content per month. Kudos to the mobile phones!

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The ownership, employees and structure of the company are some of the core strengths of CC. CC will basically be a partnership firm. Here there are two individuals that will own and operate the restaurant. A limited form of partnership will be employed here. Partnerships can either be general partnerships or limited partnerships.The limited partnership again can have general partners and limited partners; here both the partners however have an equal share of rights. Both of them will share liability concerns. There is a tax advantage to being a partnership rather than a sole proprietorship. Here the partnership will only pay tax on the income but are allowed to pass through the profit and loss that are connected to them individually.
Key Issues
Some of the key issues encountered at the time of planning for the business were that of location and budgetary concerns. Location was to be central to all the areas we planned to serve. This was necessary not only to attract clientele but also to service them when they order in for door deliveries. The next issue was that of the funds available. We were launching CC with a full range of services rather than launch them in steps and this was quite an expensive initiative.
The People
The key person involved in running the franchise at the physical location is the general manager. They oversee the operations in the restaurant and ensure that food is top quality. There are also assistant managers and shift managers to handle the delivery tasks. An accountant handles the financial affairs of handling daily cash flows. The assistant manager, shift manager and the accountant directly report to the General Manager. The General Manager is directly accountable to the partners of the restaurant.
The Chef was personally selected by the partners. The Chef is the main employee of the restaurant who brings style and finesse to the dishes planned for the restaurant. The Chef has a sous chef, kitchen staff, dishwashers and bus boys working under him. The Chef is given total authority over the floor and is directly accountable to the General Manager only.

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For truly reinforcing the development of knowledge, students should be given exceptional opportunities for actively exercising their skills of leadership and applying their skills in the real and virtual settings. Practical applications of skills are as extremely important action for supporting the career aspirations as a student of business management (Ozbilgin 2009). This is due to the fact that the actual situations can be more different in comparison with what has been scribbled down in the form of texts, and not all have the skills of applying these in the actual setting until or unless they have been able to experience such an action. With respect to the theme of globalization, one must consider having a strong focus for understanding a number of different factors and forces that drive change along with the internal responses needed for the survival and prosperity of the business organization.
Strong theoretical knowledge must be blended with soundness in practical knowledge; this will help in aligning the aspirations of a student in his or her career with the needs of the business organizations in the recruitment of innovative talent of management (Ozbilgin 2009). Students must focus on gaining wide range of skills related to management along with competencies that include finance, accounting, leadership, management of human resource, technologies of communication and information, law, marketing and economics. Students must be performing activities that help in balancing their practical study as well as theoretical knowledge. Projects of real life must be used for the enhancement of learning experience and provision of capabilities to students for working in an effective manner with a volatile and dynamic environment of the business (Ozbilgin 2009). The professional skills of communication and attitudes are needed for succeeding in actual business setting, by complementing the knowledge of business gained from theoretical knowledge as well as practical experience. It is also important for enhancing skills of critical analysis and active participating and evaluating the highly diversified environment in the actual setting of business.

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下一步是行动,涉及到将组织文化转化为预期和已计划的具体行动。这一步在本质上是高度复杂的,因为它包括目标、寻求支持、寻找适当的资源,然后是计划和执行(Nutt 2002)。这一特定步骤有两种形式。这些形式是解决问题的方向和远景的方向。组织可以根据组织的特定情况来调整其中的一种形式。


 Cultural change has also been stated as development and transformation of organization. Irrespective of the kind of change that has to be adopted by an organization, several problems are faced by the management in bringing the change. Severe consequences can faced due to cultural change considering the impacts on organizational performance and interests of employees. Therefore, it is important to follow a specific theory for bringing change in organizational culture (Lines 2004). Apple can adopt Lewin’s “Force Theory of Change”.
On the basis of observations made by Lewin with regards to real world organizational culture, three step process has been proposed in order to bring the in a successful manner. These three steps refer to unfreezing, moving, and freezing. The step of unfreezing begins from creating an understanding of member with regards to crisis or vision of organization that motivated the management to bring change. This particular process also goes through three stages.
The first stage includes gathering of information that indicates the present condition of organizational culture is not ideal (Lines 2004). The second stage moves to relating the information that has been gathered with relevant goals and objectives of the respective organization. This stage helps in eliciting the anxious feelings of members. In the final stage of this particular step, solution has to be provided that will help in the reduction of insecurity amongst members and make them resistant towards the change.
The next step, which is moving, involves initiation of specific actions for transformation of organizational culture to what is expected and has been planned. This step is highly complicated in nature as it includes, setting of goals, seeking of support, finding appropriate resources, followed by planning and execution (Nutt 2002). There are two forms of this particular step. These forms are orientation of problem solving, and orientation of vision. The organization has an option for adapting one of these forms as per the particular situation of the organization.
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Abraham Lincoln addressed in the speech about the inequalities and injustice presented by whites over the minorities. Country can never achieve development in true manner until it makes contributions towards the minorities living in the country. Resources when not distributed equally then situations like southerners are observed that provokes people and they come up with a revolution. Contributions of many people especially southerners was commendable as they chose not to remain neutral (Scruggs, 22). These contributions were commendable as most of people in the revolution were fighting against a mindset that was present at that time. Indians served as strategists during the war and gave military assistance during the war. All of these groups felt the need of an independent America that was better after the Civil war. This revolution was about the idea of fairness and justice to most groups present in the country. People who participated in the revolution were not only soldiers or military people but other people like writers and poets also contributed in the revolution by using their pen as a symbol of peace and prosperity. Contribution of women can be highlighted because without their contributions in the war it world have impossible for the soldiers to serve in the military and at the same time cook and do other chores that are important.
Importance of women in home or in war is important and this could be viewed by the contributions given by women. Africans gave the major contribution because most of them were giving voluntary services in the war and most of them were slaves and prisoners. They felt the need of a country where justice and equality would be present (Scruggs, 89).They felt the need that change is necessary and important and only we can change our situation. United we stand can be stated after looking at the contributions of minorities in civil war. Today the situation is reversed and people have easily forgotten the contributions of these individuals. It is high time that Americans unite and fight for the cause of terrorism and other issues that are present. It is important that all of the communities and minorities in the country unite against discrimination and inequality.

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For many years now social scientists have been interested in studying the relationship between income inequality and social development in a country. Access to the comparable data on the distribution of income within multiple countries was available in 1970’s; this further increased the interest of researchers to understand the relationship between economic inequality and development. Many indicators were put to use in order to compare the economic developments within different countries and come out with empirical results. Some of them are Gross national product per capita, Physical quality of life index, Human development index etc.

In this paper we are going to discuss the Kuznets hypothesis, Kuznets curve and ratio, studies that support Kuznets curve and studies that do not. The study of understanding the relationship between income inequality and income is tough because it is highly dependent upon the quality of data used for analysis and making sure that right parameters are taken into account while coming up with a hypothesis.

Kuznets U shaped curve or the relationship between per capita income and income inequality is a long standing tradition in developmental economics. Thus, when a country first starts on the path of development for becoming a rich country from a poor country, it follows the Kuznets curve. Thus, the income inequality and per capita income are going to be at the lowest; with time and development the incomes and inequality reaches a threshold post which the decline starts again.

Kuznets curve though describes a typical relationship between two parameters, but studies show that the hypothesis is entirely not correct and the assumptions made for coming up with this hypothesis are not entirely correct, leading to a very limited scope. Empirical studies show much more promising and reliable results.


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Risks are unavoidable in any project. But those can be managed to some extent. As this project is a pilot project, thus there will be more risks associated to it. Risk management process for this project will be more important and critical.
Risk management is a step by step process. It should be started as early as possible in a project. Then risk management process goes in parallel to the actual project development process. Risks can come out any time during a project development process. So, risk management process is needed to be carried out continuously. A typical risk management process will have five steps.
The first step is risk identification. It helps in identifying risks so the problems can be understood. Risk identification is needed to be done as early as possible and in later stages, this step should be carried out frequently during the life cycle of the project.
In the next step after risk identification, the identified risks are needed to be analyzed and prioritized. This is called risk analysis step. In this step, the data and estimations gathered from the risk identification step, will be prioritized and used for making decisions. It helps in committing resources to different operations for managing important risks according to the prioritization. There are many process, tools and techniques for risk analysis. All these can be categorized into two categories. Those are qualitative risk analysis and quantitative risk analysis. In qualitative risk analysis different characteristics of a risk are considered and the risk is analyzed and prioritized based on that. On the other hand, quantitative risk analysis depends on some application of probability theory. It considers likelihood of occurrence of the risk and possible impacts of the risks. Possible impacts are mapped to equivalent monetary value and is multiplied to the likelihood. Based on the results, priorities are set to the risks. (Carroll, 2012)
Next step is risk planning. In this step results from the risk analysis phase will be used for formulating strategies, actions, change requests etc. After planning the risks, the risks will be scheduled to ensure the approval of the plans. These plans are then incorporated into daily activities of the project management process and related infrastructure.

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The global programme of HIV or AIDS was created and conducted on 2002 to sustain the World Bank efforts. The main solution of the Global HIV/AIDS Program is to escort the noticing and assessment labours of UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) partners at country level.

The programme of the worldwide HIV/AIDS supports the World Bank into all sectors in its labours to creating awareness programme on AIDS/HIV. The Program is actively working to:

The capability of the Bank’s has been strengthen and it has react to the needs of countrywide governments, public society and other stakeholders;

It tries to stop the spread of the disease by sharing and expanding the available knowledge on the HIV/AIDS and also it is trying to develop new precautions and approaches.

AIDS related issues are trying to develop the quality of campaigning and monitoring on this particular problem by working on the AIDS or HIV related issues. (worldbank, 2002)

World Bank is playing however important role in this to create an awareness programme on it among the other seven co sponsors related to this issue. On January 1, 1996, UNAIDS began its extension on United Nations reaction to HIV/AIDS on multi sectors, which has since extended to a joint venture inclusive of governments, NGOs, and the private sector. The eight co-sponsoring organizations are the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and lastly the World Bank who is playing key role.1st December considered as the World AIDS Day. (Petersen, 2003)


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The first and the most important factor that affects the vote bank is the risk of unemployment. 56.22% respondents believe that unemployment is an unlikely scenario whereas 16.75% think it is a likely scenario. If ambiguous responses be included, nearly three-quarter of the respondents feel that risk of unemployment is either unlikely or is going to remain the same.

However, a large majority feel household economics has not gotten better over the past election period; the total percentage being 81.64%. This implies that the leaders need to focus on the household economic systems more as compared to the previous year. It essentially points out to the fact that while employment has stayed same, if not gotten better over the past years, the household management systems are facing problems. The key here would be to determine the factors which lead to these problems.

One of the possible reasons for this maybe the perception of the people about the cost of living index. Only 19.79% feel that it stayed same or got lower. Clearly rising cost of living or rising inflation is a major problem and the politicians need to address the issue urgently. Those with strict methods to target inflation are bound to get preference here.

Another indicator of the economic situation in the country is economic optimism captured here by the willingness of respondents to buy assets or whether they perceive the current time to be a good time to buy. 14.19% show low economic optimism whereas 22.64% show high economic optimism. More importantly, 54.42% show indifference and this group can be converted into a favorable vote bank by an optimum mix of appropriate policies.
The most important economic or probably a socio-economic indicator is the expectation of poverty. But, this expectation is fairly stable with 68.68% people believing that the risk is not very high or poverty is less likely. However, 31.32% people believe that poverty risk is high and that an increased incidence of poverty is going to be seen. The percent is a good number and can be used as a pivotal vote bank conversion by the politicians.

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It is clearly evident that the concerned situation is that of personality conflict and the same can have severe impacts or consequences on the overall company or its professional health.
Stress is the most common consequence of workplace conflicts and since the employee is new in the company, he / she is expected to experience severe level of stress leading to greater extent of anxiety and tension. As other employees does not seem to be cooperative, preparing for the next unpleasant situation or being in a constant states of alert can lead to both mental and physical strain for the new employee (Fischer 2012). The level of stress can be unbearable for the new employee and may cause him / her to leave the job.
Lower productivity – It is a well known fact that when work force lacks cooperation and engages in such conflicts, the professional health of the whole is severely or negatively affected. This impact can either be on the productivity or profitability, or on both. It is found that when some members of the company are engaged in conflict with each other, as in the concerned case, that conflict can heavily drain the energy of employees and thus, may lead to lower productivity for the company (Cahn 2007). The effectiveness and efficiency of the work force is heavily dependent on the degree of cooperation amongst them. The analysis demonstrates that in the situation of disruption in cooperation, the progress of the company negatively suffers because of its influence on morale of work force.
Waste of Time: As personality conflicts within a workplace involve two or more employees arguing for a certain topic, the company may experience a heavy loss of time. Despite of concentrating on the duties and responsibilities, in the situation of conflict, employees waste their time in divisive issues that eventually lead to the delay in certain tasks and practices.
Other than the outlined consequences, their personality conflicts may reduce the productivity of employees and eventually the business’s profitability. It is evident that more the number of personality conflicts, more will be the stress and wastage of time, thus resulting into reduction in the level of performance of the concerned employees. Sometimes, if two employees are engaged in personality conflicts, other may also get affected by the same, thus, negatively affecting their focus and concentration.

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Earlier when internet was not there in much practice and social media sites do not have any existence, mass media in form of press and also broadcasting was seen as a perfect and most appropriate mode for the democratic view and opinion on politics and also sustaining the people views in public sphere (Castells, 2005). These form of medium where information about the public events was passed to the all citizens of the country including politicians and government get a place to criticise or appreciate the society and the politics. However, the outburst of public could not reach the government because of the fact that the flow of information was vertical and because of the commercialisation of media there were lots of filters. That is why there was a wide gap between the public and the leaders or institution and students or organisation and employees. Therefore earlier the mass media has the limited access and they were also responsible for discouraging of active dialogue by the public towards the politics and other social issues (Castells, 2008). The new age media is the complete opposite of previous one and people are more aware of different mediums because of which they have various ways to send their opinion to the top official of the company, or government or institutions. The flow of information is now both ways so much so that any types of organisation do not take any decision without the consultation of their employees. This has become very significant for the survival of the organisation in the long run. Gone are those days when an opinion of a grassroots employee or a citizen does not matter for the top level of management (Castells, 2008). Now, even a small man from a village has the capability to move the existence of the organisation and top officials have to move forward very carefully by taking into consideration all the people affecting the existence of the organisation.

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这个中国故事描绘了一个真正的考验,蔑视许多希望在中国合作的西方公司 – 他们如何从一个直接的,有用的关系转向制造深刻的信任感?这种情况进一​​步困扰着西方信仰的含义在中国可能需要混响(Kriz和Flint,2003),而在西方拥有一个知名和富有成果的品牌的看法一般不能保证在东方取得成就(2005年博士) 。因此,西方企业经常吸引中国当地人或商业伙伴,劝勉他们如何最好地探索这个新领土。虽然这些协会可能会鼓励短期业绩,并提供有利可图的报告,但如上述故事强调邓小平和爷爷一样,他们不能代替建立以深刻信任为重点的直接关系。


China’s businesses are different from those which are practiced in the other nations of the world. The primary focus of China’s Business has been the establishment of the business relations with the other countries. This has been the first and foremost culture of the business perspective in China and has been considered as important. The business world has been divided in two parts with countries in the eastern part of the world and the western part. The west is well known for technological innovation, while countries in the east for reasons other than technology, for instance, China is well known for entrepreneurship, Indians for information technology, Japanese for quality, Koreans for manufacturing.
One day a man took his grandson to meet his adolescence companion, Deng Xiaoping, previous Paramount Leader of the PRC. The adolescent youngster was in wonder of Deng and shrouded himself behind his granddad. Astonished by the conduct of his typically amicable and loquacious grandson, the man inquired as to whether he could give the kid an apple from an adjacent apples and oranges dish. The kid rapidly took the apple from Deng’s outstretched hand and instantly started to talk as though he had known Deng all his life. At the point when the man was asked by Deng for what valid reason his grandson had changed his conduct so rapidly, he basically answered that notoriety appears to matter little to youngsters. Deng concurred, recommending that to construct trust it is first important to offer some positive motion. Deng and the granddad then both laughed as they recalled their initially meeting in the play area at their old school in Xiexing. They then concurred that kids likely acknowledge more than most that graciousness requests correspondence and that such activities open the entryway for a relationship develop.

This Chinese tale delineates a real test defying numerous Western firms wishing to work together in China—how would they move from a straightforward, instrumental relationship to manufacture a profound feeling of trust? This circumstance is further entangled by worries that Western meanings of trust may need reverberation in China (Kriz and Flint 2003), and perceptions that having a well-known and fruitful brand in the West does not generally ensure accomplishment in the East (Doctoroff 2005). Accordingly, Western firms oftentimes captivate Chinese local people, or business accomplices, to exhort them on how best to explore this new territory. While such associations may encourage short- term results and give profitable presentations, as the above tale highlights with Deng and the granddad, they are no substitute for creating a direct relationship that is focused around profound trust.

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为了防止金融危机,第一个要求是在国内维持强大的金融体系。有必要对外汇储备的脆弱性水平进行有效控制。重要的是,金融体系应该具有高度说服力。我国应该有有效的公司治理,并有适当的银行监管和各种合同执行的可靠手段。预防金融危机所必需的第二个因素包括选择适当的汇率制度。这可以通过在固定汇率的调整,通过有一个完全独立的货币政策。第三,健全和稳定的宏观经济环境要求货币政策和财政政策等不同政策的漏洞得以最小化。这也包括完全避免财政赤字可以超越可持续的国内融资能力的国家(Brunnermeier & Markus,2012)。国家的赤字水平取决于国家的储蓄和资本市场的质量。第四,应减少与流动性有关的漏洞或滚动风险和资产负债表风险。外汇储备应以平衡和有意义的方式进行比较,并以此作为对国家储备的重要要求。此外,应避免基于政策的偏向短期资本。


In order to prevent the financial crises, the very first requirement is the maintenance of the strong financial system at the domestic level. It is necessary to have effective control on the levels of the vulnerability measures with respect to the foreign reserves. It is important that there should the financial system should be highly persuasive. There should be effective corporate governance in the nation along with the proper supervision of the banks and the credible means of the enforcement of different kinds of contracts. The second element which is necessary for the prevention of the financial crises includes the choice of the proper regimes of the exchange rates. This can be done by the adjustment in the fixed exchange rates, by having a completely independent monetary policy. Thirdly, there is a requirement of the sound and a stable macroeconomic environment where the vulnerabilities in the different policies such as the monetary policy and the fiscal policy can be minimized. This also includes a complete avoidance of the fiscal deficit which can be beyond the sustainable domestic financing capability of the country (Brunnermeier & Markus, 2012). The deficit level of the nation should depend on the savings of the country and also on the qualities of the capital markets. Fourth, there should be reduction in the vulnerabilities related to the liquidity or roll over risk and the balance sheet risks. The foreign reserves should be compared in such a way that they are balanced and meaningful and can act as an important claim against the reserve of the nation. Also, there should be avoidance of the policy based biasing towards the short term capital.
The present world is facing continuous ups and downs in terms of financial issues. There are varied financial crises among the nations. Thus, it is necessary that effective measures should be taken for the prevention of the financial crises. In this research paper, the causes of the international financial crises has been studied and the theories related to the financial crises has also been researched upon. On the basis of the same, a number of solutions for the prevention of the financial crises has been suggested.

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The institutional attributes of the stock market in China are different from the ones of other nations. A differentiating attribute of the Chinese stock market is that two categories of shares are issued by organization. Shares of class A are the ones dominated in the RMB and traded amongst the citizens of China, while the shares of class B are the ones dominated in terms of US dollars, are traded amongst the citizens who are non- Chinese or foreign Chinese. The owners of both of these categories of shares are known to be having equal rights related to the flows of cash and privileges to vote (Morck1989). However, the share market of class B is known to be having less liquidity and activeness in comparison with the share market of class A. This has been indicated in the average value of turnover in the share market of class B that is known to be the one- third ratio of the share market for class A. This type of a different and unique feature in the institute contributes in providing extra insights with respect to the mystery of herding behaviour amongst investors. This is with respect to the circumstances within which, there might be its occurrence within an environment having heavy control. It is apparent that the share investors of class A and class B share categories are extremely different from each other due to the point of different in the geographical location and cultural background. There are fewer chances that there will be occurrence of herding behaviour simultaneously amongst these two categories of investors. In the post period of World Trade Organization, opportunities of investment for global investors in the market of China will hike definitely (Naik1995). In the year 2002, the authorities of China had made an announcement that plans are being made by them for allowing the global investors to buy shares from class- A category and for participating in acquisitions and mergers along with the activities of taking over in the share market of class A shares. This is known to be the specific case as the market of China will be of huge economic relevance in the decades to come.

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传统的外观通常被丢弃,以获得更加合成的外观,但是在Eladio Dieste的蒙得维的亚购物中心的情况下,可以看出创作是由传统材料制成的。而不是使用钢筋混凝土和玻璃等工业元素,而是用较少的增强材料和大多数砖来制造Dieste的结构。建筑艺术家的作品也被视为符合他时代知识分子的意识形态,如画家和雕塑家JoaquínTorresGarcía。


he highlight of the work of Dieste was that he made commercial structures that made use of local material. In doing so the architectural artist was able to ensure that solutions had a humble creation, were sustainable and were also more aesthetic in their use. While the use of brick, sustainable and traditional forms such as the ones used for the church of Church of Cristo Obrero makes sense, as it is a traditional religious structure built with traditional elements (albeit Dieste did give it a modernistic spin also), most modernistic commercial structures such as malls or shopping centers are usually constructed in a very commercial way and hence necessitate the use of concrete, steel reinforcements and other materials which are not in the style of Dieste.

Traditional look is usually discarded for a more synthetic look, however in the case of the Montevideo shopping center of Eladio Dieste it is seen that the creation is made of traditional materials. Instead of using industrial elements such as concrete and glass with reinforced steel, the constructions of Dieste was seen to be made with that of less reinforced materials and mostly brick. The works of the architectural artist was also seen to be in line with the ideologies of the intellectuals of his time such as the painter and sculptor Joaquín Torres García.

The most important advantage here is that these forms of malls are cost effective. For instance in the case of the technique that Dieste has performed it is seen that the ruled surfaces being mapped as a Gaussian curvature will be developed on a flat surface and the curved surface runs end to end and this solves the problem of using reinforcement. Usually in a normal curved surface which might be chose for economical context, there would still be a very restricted choice of material that would run up the prices. In addition there is a need to stretch the material and this would require expensive technologies or other additional materials. On the other hand in the case of the work of Dieste there is not material stretching, Dieste achieves expensive constructions with only brick. It is not only inexpensive but is also done in a very fast manner. In addition to the advantages of being economical and also being fast in creation, these structures also use sustainable sourcing. The material used are not altered or stretched by technology, they are used as such.

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此外,风险溢价差异对于两年至五年的投资金额一年期的资本债券,仅具有微不足道的账面控制权。我们倾向于表明,短期声明权力有力地增加了替代知名的债券风险溢价分析器,如提前利率,大规模变量,未知问题,圆形因素,以及风险(Jiang,Yisong,2005)。尽管事实上,这些变量已经被提前知道预测债券风险溢价的延续完美,但它们在小范围内的风险溢价差异的结果中变化很小,甚至在少数情况下甚至有零预言权力( Corsi,Roberto,2010)。


Furthermore, the risk premium variance solely has insignificant statement control for two to five years capital bonds with a one year investment amount. We have a tendency to show that the short-term statement authority is vigorous to the addition of alternative well-known bond risk premium analysers like advance rates, large-scale variables, an unknown issue, a circular element, as well as variations in the risk (Jiang, Yisong, 2005). Despite the fact that these variables have antecedently been made known to forecast bond risk premia for extended perfection, they transform very little within the consequence of the risk premium variance at small horizons as well as it happens in a few cases even have zero prophetic authority (Corsi, Roberto, 2010).
The instinct for the calculated empirical effect or outcome gets a lot of clearness after we examine the time series of short term bond risk premia. Bond risk premia at a few horizon show signs of distinct variations in the region of the most significant cost-effective as well as monetary crises. This model is clearly completely different from the circular variations by means of a time taken too many years generally determined in long run bond risk premia (Demeterfi, Emanuel, Michael, 1999). Curiously, the risk premium variance shows an identical performance of variance as short-run bonds. This increases penetratingly ahead of cost-effective or monetary crisis so drops once more. In addition to that, the customary estimators just like the CP issue show a robust circular performance (Corsi, Roberto, 2010). The effect is that short-run dissimilarity in bond risk premia which is associated with cost-effective improbability that area unit transitory (see Bloom, 2009) instead of a production cycle element that is a lot of perceptible in bond risk premia of greater maturities. In this paper, a possible rationalization for this short-term sure thing in an economy with time-varying profitable uncertainty regarding actual as well as insignificant quantities that is increasing the $64000 improbability model of Bollerslev, Tauchen, and dynasty (2009) has also been proposed (Baele, Geert, 2010).

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官方名称 – 俄罗斯联邦或俄罗斯。

首都 – 俄罗斯的首都是莫斯科

位置 – 俄罗斯位于东欧和北亚。 (见附录2)

区域 – 在领土方面,俄罗斯是世界上最大的国家。总面积17,075,400平方公里。

人口 – 根据2010年人口普查,俄罗斯人口为142,905,200人。

宗教 – 基督教,伊斯兰教,反犹太教,犹太教,佛教,其他

种族分布 – 俄罗斯-81.5%,乌克兰-3%,白俄罗斯-0.8%,鞑靼-3.8%,其他 – 10.2%



俄罗斯人为自己的国家感到自豪。他们有一长串爱国歌曲和诗歌,加强了对国家的热爱。他们吹嘘他们的文化遗产,并期望整个世界尊重它。尽管国家存在困难的情况,他们仍然能够生存下去,但仍然坚持自豪。 (Billington 2010)




  • 一开始俄罗斯人不是很友好的人。第一次会议可能是冷接待。
  • 他们相信,在一天中的特定时间内,可以直接与眼睛接触,并进行坚定的握手以及适当的问候。
  • 问候或离开时,握手是适当的,但不是义务。亲密的朋友喜欢拥抱或彼此相爱。
  • 与女性握手,与男性朋友相比,男性较小。 (Holden,Cooper 1998)


Official Name – Russian Federation or Russia.

Capital City- The capital of Russia is Moscow

Location- Russia is located in the Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. (See Appendix 2)

Area- In terms of territory, Russia is the largest country in the world. Its total area is 17,075,400 square kilometre.

Population- According to 2010 census, the population of Russia is 142,905,200.

Religions- Christianity, Islam, Protestanism, Judaism, Buddhism, others

Ethnic distribution- Russian -81.5%, Ukrainian-3%, Belarusian-0.8%, Tatar-3.8%, others-10.2%

Form of government- Federation

Russian Culture

Russians are proud of their nation. They have a long list of patriotic songs and poems that reinforce the love for their country. They boast of their cultural heritage and expect the entire world to respect it. They are adamant and pride themselves on being able to survive in spite of difficult situations prevailing in country. (Billington 2010)

Russian Family

Russians cherish their families. Since childhood, they are taught to love their homes and help family as well as relatives during difficult time. Mostly Russian families are large joint families that include not only husband, wife and children, but also uncles, aunts, sisters, nephews, nieces, brothers and grandparents. Families are closely knitted and communicating with each other frequently. Russian families get together on regular basis on various occasions like birthday or anniversary. Russian families live in small apartments with two or three generations sharing a little space.

Meeting and Greeting

  • Russians are not very friendly people at the first instance. First meeting may turn out to be a cold reception.
  • They believe in direct eye to eye contact with firm handshake along with appropriate greeting for that particular time of the day.
  • When greeting or leaving, handshakes are appropriate but not an obligation. Close friends prefer to hug or pat each other.
  • While shaking hands with females, males are lesser firm as compared to with their male friends. (Holden, Cooper 1998)
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在经济方面,特别是在行业中,市场力量可以被称为公司的能力,以提高市场价格的产品或服务提供利润超过和超过边际成本。在市场竞争激烈的情况下,市场参与者不能行使市场力。一个拥有市场力量的公司将能够提高一个好的价格,而不必担心失去任何客户的竞争对手。那些拥有市场力量的人也被称为价格制定者。明显的时候,价格超过边际成本和平均成本从长远来看,给企业一个机会使经济利润 发生市场力量(“市场力量”,2015)。





Q.1 Explain what is meant by the term “market power”. Briefly describe how firms might act to increase their market power In economic terms and particularly in industries, market power can be referred to as an ability of the firm to increase the market price of a product or service provided profitably over and above the marginal cost. In case of perfect competition in the market, the market participants are not able to exercise the market power. A firm which has market power will be able to raise the price of a good without the fear of losing any customer to its competitors. Those who have the market power are also referred to as price makers. Market power occurs significantly when the price exceeds marginal cost and average cost in the long run which gives the firms a chance to make economic profits (‘Market Power’, 2015).

Firms may indulge in predatory pricing or product tying in order to increase their market power. If the scale of business increases, it leads to greater output which lowers the cost of production. Marketers use this strategy to enhance their market power. Monopoly market tends to have the highest market power due to the lack of competition.

Q.2 In what ways is oligopoly different to the market structures of monopolistic competition and monopoly?

Oligopoly represents a market structure which contains a small number of relatively large business entities which make a crucial barrier to entry of other firms. It is different from monopolistic competition which is a market structure consisting of large number of relatively small firms. A particular industry under monopolistic competition shall be located in a large city while oligopoly can be seen in a small town. On the other hand, Monopoly is a market structure where there is only one provider of service or a product. Higher prices can be charged in Monopoly as there is lack of competition whereas moderate or fair pricing is done for competition in the oligopoly market (Diffen.com, 2015).

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中国的互联网审查可以被麦金农(2008)称为一个更厚的墙。西方媒体经常把中国的互联网审查描绘成不利于中国人民寻求民主和政治自由的追求。但从一个实现更紧密更冷静的方法的需要。互联网和博客可以成为政治变革的工具和媒介,但不完全是一个变化的原因,如谢弗(2006)和潘(2006) 和参考所引用的麦金农(2008)。神话,互联网可以是固有的,不可避免的和必要的增强和民主通过对那些缺乏政治权力是一个真正强大的人指出码头提供语音设备解放的工具(2011)。互联网不应被视为实现民主自由的一种自动手段,而只是作为一种媒介,帮助和煽动独裁国家的民主之旅。


当局清理任何可疑材料互联网提出一个真正乐观和理想的图片作为发生在中国的2008北京奥运会的De Gruyter指出,世界(2011)。需要注意的是,它不仅是政治上敏感的内容,就是在这样的情况下删除,在任何方面有关中国或中国任何不利的评论被删除。举一个例子,在北京奥运会之前,一个网络论坛被关闭了,仅仅因为有人评论说昂贵的体育场正在修建,而大量的中国人处于贫困状态。


Chinese internet censorship can be as rightly dubbed by MacKinnon (2008) described as a flatter world with thicker walls. Often media in the west portrays Chinese internet censorship as being detrimental to the Chinese people’s quest for democracy and political freedom. But peeking more closely one realizes the need for a more sober approach. Internet and blogs can be a tool and medium for political change but not exactly a cause of change as noted by Schafer (2006) and Pan (2006) and as referenced by MacKinnon (2008). The myth that internet can be an emancipatory tool that is inherent and a device that inevitably and necessarily boosts democracy through providing voice to people who lack political power is a really strong one as pointed out by Warf (2011). Internet should not be presumed as an automatic means of achieving democratic freedom but only as a medium aiding and abetting the journey to democracy in authoritarian states.

It has to be noted that such a strict censorship of the internet in the country sometimes prove to be counterproductive as this strict censoring sometimes encourage discussion of sensitive topics on many social media sites in China as pointed out by Ng (2014). Also Chinese information controls have proved to be futile on some occasions as proved by the classic cases of the failure in suppressing the fatal 2011 Wenzhou train accident and the failed 2013 suppressing of the renegade newspaper Southern Weekly.  But the authorities have also found ways to circumvent the smartness of the Chinese netizens. Both smart Chinese netizens and the authorities have at present capabilities in advancing their views on the net effectively and thwarting them respectively.

The authorities clean up the internet of any dubious material to present to the world a really rosy and idealistic picture of China as happened before the 2008 Beijing Olympics as noted by De Gruyter (2011). It has to be noted that it is not only politically sensitive content that is removed under such scenarios, any adverse comment on any aspect pertaining to China or the Chinese is removed. To cite an example, before the Beijing Olympics, an internet forum was shut down simply because it carried a comment by someone pointing out that expensive stadiums were being built while large numbers of Chinese were in poverty.

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Aldi’s mission statement is clearly underlines its focus. According to its mission statement, Aldi’s mission is to provide highest quality product at the lowest possible price. Unlike other organisations, which have multiple missions, Aldi has kept its mission straightforward. It has aligned its mission with efforts related to its innovation and efficiencies (Giménez, 2013).

Marketing Objectives

Aldi’s vision it to create a retail environment, where customers are able to get best value for money when they shop for grocery. Through its various innovative methods such as, customers bringing their own bag to shop, or cart rental system has ensured that Aldi continues to keep a check on the prices of its products, and eventually passing on the benefit to its customers ((Johnson, 2010).

PESTEL analysis reveals that how various macro factors impact the organisation.

Political: In terms of political factors, Aldi can extract benefit in terms of stable political environment in all the country it operates. This has major influence on the business. Although there is large influence of the labour unions on the business run by Aldi, butAldi still has been able to ensure that it remains unaffected from any sort of political issues. Its straight forward labour policies and corporate governance has ensured that Aldi remains on right side of the law.

Economy: There are several economy factors which might impact Aldi’s business. For example rising inflation at global level has impacted the prices of the products offered by the organisation. Similarly rising tax slabs has washed away major chunk of the profit generated post tax. Also sluggish economy in several countries it operates has been impacting the business (Giménez, 2013).

Social: Aldi initially was not popular among the masses, as it was considered brand for people who could not afford any other retail chain. Although this perception has changed over a period of time, but still Aldi is yet to capture the premium segment of the customer, who prefers organisations such as Walmart, Asda, Sainsbury’s etc. as their preferred choice of shopping.

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小费应当是“以税前的报价”核算的。如今有一些餐厅在账单上会给出按税后的总价来算的Suggested Tips。还有一些小伙伴遇到过账单上给出算多或许算错Suggested Tips的状况。这种的状况下,完全能够不必理睬,直接给出税前报价的小费就能够了。不同的服务付小费的多少也不一样,下面来具体的讲解一下。

  1. 餐厅效劳类

通常状况下,午餐需求付10% – 15%,晚餐则需求15% – 20%。当然,在你对效劳人员的效劳表示十分满意的时分,仍是能够多付一些,这都是没有什么硬性规定的。



















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无线个域网技术已成为不同的无线技术之间的选择,通过克服在不同的无线商业自动化技术的速度限制,并允许在一个网络上的额外设备的质量。无线个域网技术普遍使用有一对。4GHZ频段提供低速率无线应用领域发布的规范组的高层通信协议设计使用小;低功耗数字收音机支持IEEE 802.15.4无线个人网络空间的习惯。802.15.4无线技术的设备之间的即时通信无线个域网接近允许使用,而在不需要网络同步延迟的蓝牙和Wi-Fi。这使得照明系统利用无线管理与ZigBee。IEEE 802.15.4窝点一个坚固的无线PHY(物理层)和MAC(介质访问控制)层。无线个域网网络安全相关的密集,对IEEE 802.15.4系统应用框架。这些功能有助于改变一个网络在一个无线网络上拥有数千台设备的速度。网状网络帮助传感器和控制器建立可靠的无线通信网络。无线Mesh网络意味着所有设备都有通信能力,可以“与1通话”,并充当中继器,将数据传输到不同的无线电设备,这些无线电设备可能因特定设备的通信而不同。网状网络共同表明,无线个域网网络不需要一个中央管理的目的。网状网络机械与拓扑变化。节点可以增加,删除,替换或重新安置而不是古老的网络管理要求。网状网络将优化或增加能见度到动态系统,如在旧建筑物的环境条件或在一个非常薄弱的机器的条件下,没有有线网络的价值和管理。


ZigBee is the wireless technology that is used to work on the Personal Area Network standard. Moreover, this is widely used for the automation applications and to replace the existing non standard technologies. There are a number of applications which are installed and operate in the 802.15 automation. The data rate for the ZigBee has the presence of 20kbps and act upon certain band limit operation. This has to facilitate the accounts or from other complementary technologies. This is uniquely designed for lower power rate wireless data. It targets and aims to produce a lower data rate and low cost wireless networking. In fact, this has the goal to provide the physical layer and MAC layer standard for such networks.
ZigBee technology has become the quality of choice among different wireless technologies by overcoming the speed limitations found in different wireless commercial automation technologies and by permitting for additional devices on one network. ZigBee technology uses the universally out there a pair of. 4GHz band to provide low rate wireless applications and areas a published specification set of high level communication protocols designed to use tiny; low-power digital radios supported the IEEE 802.15.4 customary for wireless personal space networks. The 802.15.4 radio technology utilized by ZigBee permits for close to instant communication between devices, where there is no need for network synchronization delays by Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. This allows lighting systems to utilize wireless management with ZigBee. IEEE 802.15.4 dens a sturdy radio PHY (physical layer) and MAC (medium access control) layer. ZigBee dense the network, security associated application framework for an IEEE 802.15.4-based system. These capabilities facilitate speeds to alter a network to own thousands of devices on one wireless network. The mesh network helps sensors and controllers establish reliable wireless communication networks. Wireless mesh networks mean all devices have communication capabilities to “talk to 1 another,” and act as repeaters transferring data to different radios that may be out of communication vary of a specific device. Mesh networking conjointly suggests that ZigBee networks do not require a central management purpose. Mesh networks mechanically go with topology changes. Nodes can be additional, removed, replaced or resettled while not the requirement for ancient network administration. Mesh networks will optimize or increase the visibility into dynamic systems, like the environmental conditions within an old building or the condition of machinery in a very weak, without the value and administration of a wired network.

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我选择了“女仆的故事“Margaret Atwood写的文章,我将作为诠释本文。这个加拿大作家的作品是在投机小说的类型,并在未来设置。背景故事中设置是一个独裁的基督教神权已导致征服美国政府。这个故事的标题是从类似的标题如“牧师的故事的一个灵感,“坎特伯雷故事”等。这是一个美妙的散文,穿越在那些已经征服了女性的社会搜索。故事的中心主题是女性被社会占主导地位,他们如何寻求帮助(奇尔顿和保罗,12-19)。这个故事已经被所有人和获奖的形式获得太多的喝彩和进一步修改为其他娱乐形式的认可。

故事的地理背景是在前美国边界内的基列共和国。该地区主要是一个独裁形式的军事和讨论性别歧视,妇女在这样的社会。故事的情绪是恐怖主义和宗教保守主义和传统社会的演变,现代女性在否认存在的基本权利(Burgess &安东尼,145-154)。这些妇女的未来是与领土被原教旨主义的神权统治的不确定。除此之外,社会的个体被职业、种姓和其他形式所歧视,并在社会中服务。作者描绘了不断衰退的加拿大社会,每个社会中的人都想摆脱这种社会。Gileadan的社会是以一个政权的镇压和虐待和所有的忧郁情绪。


I have chosen ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ written by Margaret Atwood as the passage that I shall annotate in this paper. The work by this Canadian author is in the genre of speculative fiction and set in the future. The background in which the story is set is an authoritarian Christian theocracy which has been a cause of conquering of the U.S government. The title of the story is an inspiration from similar titles like ‘The Parson’s Tale’, ‘The Canterbury Tales’ and so on. It is a wonderful piece of prose that traverses through the society in search of women who have been subjugated. The central theme of the story is such women who have been socially dominated and how they seek assistance (Chilton & Paul, 12-19). This tale has been recognized by one and all and gained much acclamation in the form of awards and prizes and was further amended for other entertainment forms.

The geographical setting of the story is in the Gilead Republic within the former American borders. The region is primarily a dictatorship form of military and discusses the gender discrimination that women are subject to in such societies. The mood of the story is that of terrorism and religious conservatism and the evolution of a traditional society in the modern age where women are denied basic rights of existence (Burgess & Anthony, 145-154). The future of these women is uncertain with the territory being ruled by a fundamentalist theocracy. Apart from this, the individuals of the society are discriminated by occupation, caste and other forms and accordingly served in the society. The author portrays the Canadian society which is constantly declining and every person in that society who wants to be free of this type of a society. The Gileadan society is symbolised as a regime of repression and mistreat and in all a depressive mood.

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Social media is a medium which enables global broadcast of news and news stories. All news channels have their journalists who put down every detail of the incident on their websites and their social media channels, through which they can easily reach to a global audience. The audience on the other hand shares these news stories within their network if they feel it is worthwhile to forward and of value to their colleagues. So this way the importance of news builds up and makes a permanent mark among the audience. Henriques (2000) reports that in the last 10 years, the coverage of NASDAQ and New York Stock Exchange has doubled, indicating the development of perception among the audience about specific news. The fact is that a lot of news is being decided by the news channels in the order of their importance and are then broadcasted globally, and assuming that the news shown so many times tends to build its own value among the audience. The possibility of news channel intentionally trying to build news stories cannot be ruled out because many news channels are also owned by corporate companies and in order to put forward their issues and make it national news, they tend to show it again and again. However, the options of social media is also varied which is constantly making it difficult for news companies to initiate their agenda setting practices, because every single social media channel also has their own followers. Audience has also become more educated and has come to terms about the legitimacy of news stories and its importance. They tend to check the reliability and validity of the news stories being shown repetitively, and make a calculated decision about the legitimacy of the news story being shown. Besides, the knowledge of companies with increasing number of shareholders can be easily transferred to the common public through social media channels of news channels. Carroll and McCombs (2003) too agree that the day-to-day selection of news stories being shown through pictures and elaborated stories have been able to influence the public’s attention and their development of perceptions about the topic shown.

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Systemic racism is a sociological theory that was developed primarily to understand the role of race in societal development. Feagin in a book on called ‘Racist America’ analyzes how there have been historical evidence showing that Black people were being represented by the white society as being under them, even in the liberated context. There exist racist institutions and behaviors that would need to be changed at a very fundamental level. Feagin in the book introduction states that “Systemic racism includes the complex array of antiblack practices, the unjustly gained political-economic power of whites, the continuing economic and other resource inequalities along racial lines, and the white racist ideologies and attitudes created to maintain and rationalize white privilege and power” (Feagin). In this context it can be said that it is the racist ideology that is presented in mass media. The racist ideology attempts to present power over the blacks. Mass media can be said to have practiced racist ideology or systemic racism as shown in the picture on the billboard. Here the billboard represents a white family that is living the American dream. They are happy. They represent the consumerist lifestyle where having more was equated to happiness. The billboard is one form of use of the mass media as large sections of people watch it. However, here mass media promotes racism by predominantly showing that a white family is happy in consumer America.

The essay has critically discussed the picture of Margaret Bourke-White to analyze how mass media is empowered to both create a myth and also break it. Media in the context of the picture of Margaret Bourke-White does play a paradoxical role. At one end the billboard in the backdrop represents that the whites are indeed enjoying a happy life-this caters to one segment or one type of audience. On the other end, the picture in its entirety will present that the blacks are suffering in America despite trying to live the American way. Mass media thus holds power as it can create a myth and also place a counter argument for it. This power of the mass media to represent is seen even in contemporary times and it becomes even more necessary for the news consumers to read between the representations.

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在中国,专业是在申请大学时就敲定,而美国则能够最晚在大二完毕前决议。 不错,相当一部分学生在入学前就很分明本人未来的专业和方向,但另一些学生还需时间多加探究个人所长和爱好。美国的大学教育提供了这样一个时机让学生探索不同领域的趣味,这也正是美国大学教育的特色











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按照Halfpenny在他的研究中,一个校友捐赠的最重要的决定因素是,通过从他的大学收到学生的援助(半便士,1999,p. 203)。这些好处包括教育质量、职业优势等。换句话说,校友与母校的社会交流关系在捐赠中起着很强的作用。这种社会交换关系包括校友和学院之间的过去和现在的关系,以及他们参与校友活动的程度。
Shadoian在他的研究集中在校友参与校友捐赠。他认为,加强校友服务中发挥着至关重要的作用。校友捐赠(shadoian,1989,p. 23)。他说,定期互动和更新他们的母校帮助合格的学生更好地了解他们的大学的需要,并为他们的大学捐赠。
年龄和收入在校友捐赠中也起着重要的作用。在他们的研究中,发现Graham Husted校友会的财务状况和他们的捐赠的关系(Graham & Husted,1993,p. 199)。他们的研究表明,随着校友年龄的增加,他们的财务状况也有所增加。这样便于提高各自的母校捐款。


Across the world, the alumni donations have been increasing over the years. More and more pass out students have given donations as a gratitude to their alma mater. Researchers over the years have identified a number of factors which act as determinants of alumni giving. These wide array of determinants are being discussed in the section below-
As per Halfpenny in his study, one of the most important determinants of alumni donation is the assistances that a pass out student received from his college (Halfpenny, 1999, p. 203). These benefits include quality of education, career advantages etc. In other words, the social exchange relationship of the alumni with his alma mater plays a strong role in donations. This social exchange relationship includes the past and present relations between the alumni and his college, as well as the extent of their involvement in alumni activities.
The next factor which determines the student giving is the level of expectation of the alumni about the future activities or events of his college. The expectation about whether and how will his donations to his alma mater make differences to the organization determines the donation. The outcome or the value of the donation, the belief that the donations will help the college to achieve its target and finally the capability of making a financial contribution will determine the donations to the organization.
Shadoian in his studies focused on the alumni engagement and alumni donations. He concluded that the enhanced alumni services play a crucial role in .donations by alumni (Shadoian, 1989, p. 23). He stated that regular interaction and updates about their alma mater helps the pass out students to understand the needs of their universities in a better way and donate for their universities.
The age and income also play an important role in the donations by alumni. Graham and Husted in their research found relation between the financial position of the alumni and the donations by them (Graham & Husted, 1993, p. 199). Their research indicated that as the age of the alumni increased, so did their financial status. This facilitated increased donations to the respective alma maters.

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加拿大广播的做法是非常独特的,公众参与是恢复委员会和研究小组的青睐。即使Ad Hoc结构创建和传统权势的影响了。舆论导向的能力和公信力取决于这些群体的影响力,因为这些群体通常没有权力。另一方面,广播的政策决定,在某些情况下,最有影响力的因素,甚至是个别专家(雷波伊,1995)。对于任何加拿大广播政策的过程中最关键的因素是公共协商,通过任何参与者可以很容易地通过参与影响政策进程。决策者是直接访问所有资源的限制,允许的通信和资源的渠道。在社会问题上,公共干预在经济和社会文化因素方面更为有效。这是喜欢通过研究,无力的演员即使过程具有开放空间提供了令人惊讶的结果。


The broadcasting policy making in Canada is made through group efforts of industries, socio-cultural and institutional sectors (Raboy, 1995). When policy reviews were done on the Federal Broadcasting Act of 1991, it was found that a range of tactics were deployed by various groups as an attempt for influencing the broadcasting policy according to the respective interests of those groups.  In this article those categories were highlighted that had relative influences of various actors on the broadcasting policy of Canada. These actors were chosen in accordance with the resources used by them and the strategies used by them for maximizing their usage. The legislative changes were unlocked with the motive of providing access to the non-industrial public interest and socio-cultural groups to the policy process for the public broadcasting system (Abramson, 1999). In cases of economic interests the policy makers were directly addressed and the deployed means were radically increased.  The outcomes of the resultant policy showed the position that the public action and direct pressure were the effective means of influencing the particular issue and the basis of interests that promote it. In simple terms the broadcasting public policies of Canada were influenced by the process of policy formation that was relative and even depended on the access of various factors towards the decision making process that was influenced by various parties.

The Canadian practice for broadcasting is quite peculiar and public participation is favoured by restoring committees and study groups. Even ad hoc structures were created and the influences of traditional power brokers were eluded. The ability and credibility to strike chord in public opinion depended on the power of influencing of these groups as these groups were normally without power. On the other hand the most influential factor for broadcasting policy decisions under certain circumstances can even be individual experts (Raboy, 1995).  For any Canadian Broadcasting policy process the most critical element was the public consultation through which any actor can easily influence the policy process through participation. Decision makers were in direct access of all the resources up to a limit that was allowed by the channels of communication and resources. On social issues public intervention was far more effective where economic and socio cultural factors were involved. This was revelled through the research conducted that the disempowered actors can even provide surprising results if the process is provided with open up spaces.


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以各种方式,作者的重点是寻找在书中帮助Oskar表示这一章的忽略甚至人生最棘手的寂寞年没有父亲。Oskar经营的方式象征着完美的侦察探险(作品368)。他看着所有的地方寻找线索,他父亲的欲望,而他的父亲的工作方式是安静的直觉让他儿子通过斜海因兹理解。书中大部分的页面显示他旅途的Oskar,他获得了通过科学涉及的几种学习,不精确的自然情感和爱的人分享的时刻。在最后的远征,Oskar拒绝去中央公园,他还拒绝寻找任何锁的钥匙他父亲所拥有的。通过他的旅程从字面上和身体上的,也有一个情感旅程,他经历了(Foer 1-30)。Oskar的性格有矛盾,有智慧充满过度的自然和他的思想的想象力过滤进入行动。书中的对话有一种早熟的意象,其中有大量的,但也有大量的能量。


The key here is the element of signification through symbolism. The more appropriate title of the book will lie in a key to hope for Oskar. Oskar after the death of his father is not able to tackle the grief he is feeling. This makes him track the context of the key in order to look for a lock that opens the door to his father. This causes Oskar to get free from the routine he would follow daily, such as being depressed and bored (Foer 120). Trekking across the city, coming in contact with newer and beautiful people and obtaining a broader perspective becomes the aim in his life through the found key. In the end, Oskar is revealed of the thought that there is no door and there is no lock that this key would open symbolizing the context of hope in a world where living and dying are a part of life. The key is as a puzzle reminiscing Oskar’s father’s reconnaissance missions with a hope to enter a large world. The new journey makes Oskar achieve what he wouldn’t have otherwise without the key (Foer 60). The key further symbolizes that keeping a hope in life is always better than actually living a different reality that provides no hope (Oskar felt this after the death of his dad). Furthermore, Oskar symbolizes a protagonist who has an obsession to find and look for answers to the extreme questions of the world.
In various ways, the focus of the author is on searching as indicated by the last chapter in the book helping Oskar ignore even the most problematic and lonesome years of his life without his father. The way Oskar operates symbolizes perfectly the Reconnaissance Expedition (Foer 368). He looks at all places to find clues to what his father desires whereas the way his father works is quiet intuitive by making his son understand through oblique hinds. Most of the pages in the book indicate he journey of Oskar involving several learning that he gains through unscientific, imprecise emotional nature and sharing moments with those who love. At the final expedition, Oskar refuses to go to the Central park and he further refuses to look for any lock to the key his father possessed. Through his journey literally and physically, there is also an emotional journey that he undergoes (Foer 1-30). The character of Oskar has contradictions, has Intelligence filled with imagination of overactive nature and his thoughts are filtered to come into actions. The dialogues in the book have a precocious imagery with bulk in them but with a lot of energy as well.

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Simmel  depicted the nature of identity of people living in metro-cities which leads to the leveled resistance of an individual which is grabbed in the socio-technical mechanism.  Simmel regarded it as an ontological insecurity that is related to fear of becoming anonymous seems that had never existed (Hunt, 2009). It is termed as the deepest problem of modern life leads to modern struggle. In present times, modernity involves a struggle against determinism instead of considering it as a part of Providential Plan due to the reactions in form of industrialization and romanticism (Weiss-Sussex, 2009). As per Simmel, it was not the general quality of every individual. Instead the criteria of value in individuals are based on his qualitative uniqueness and irreplacebility. Individuals in metropolitans do not react emotionally instead they react rationally (Roy, 2007). This leads to intensification of consciousness due to mental predominance which is caused by rational reactions of individuals.

Online identity is the digital social identity of human users for interacting with other person at some other place virtually. It is active presentation of users for interactions in online communities and websites (Thomas, 2007). It even reflects the relationship of users with an online social group in which the identities of members are both anonymous and with their real identities. Through virtual identities the individuals can enquire about the personal and collective boundaries of identities formed due to digital cultures. Individuals in present scenario are always in continuous interaction while sharing their personal thoughts and experiences in social networks through their smart phones (Wall, 2007). The present society is termed as the communication society and existence of individuals in it is identifiable only if they can be traced online with constant information flows. Innovations in communication works and installations at international level portray a new form of relationship between man and technology through their virtual identities where even realities are being confronted without realizing it at times (Marwick, 2005).


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This is in response to the opportunity provided to me to explain myself for the allegations put on me regarding ‘ The use of plagiarized images in my Visual Communication 371 project submission‘. Through this letter, I would like to explain my part of the story. I certainly agree to the fact that using intellectual property of someone else without referencing it is regarded as theft and is an offence as per the rules of the University. Someone who has worked hard on a particular project must get proper credit for the same and it is unethical to plagiarize. No one would want that someone else should steal his/her work.
However, when I first received the letter informing me about these allegations it was a huge shock and I was taken aback as my principles does not allow me to conduct such kind of practices. The image which I used in the project has been somehow taken from the internet but they are not directly used in the project which I submitted. The actual sequence of events was that I downloaded the images and then by using Photoshop software and by my own hands I drew the images. I took the help of my pro sketchpad as I am studying illustration. As an evidence I also have the original photoshoped images which were drawn by me and that would prove that the images which were used in the project were my own and not copied from the internet. I believe that the only reason why my work showed plagiarism could be because of the fact that some of the characters in my artwork are same to some images. I was also assigned a project in my illustration class in which I had to do a movie promotion art and in the same I referred some of the images from internet and after editing them on my sketchpad I used them. I also have the original documents for the same.

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安普尔福思修道院一直是世界上最著名的苹果酒制造商。它是一家专业生产雪松的公司,是公认的世界上最好的雪松生产商。大量的雪松产品制造的安普尔福思此时如苹果白兰地、Slor Damson、接骨木、苹果酒和其他产品。我们的苹果酒是一个屡获殊荣的苹果酒,它已从位于Abbey的僧侣在约克郡制造。由于对苹果酒需求的增长和良好的增长速度,需要在市场上推出新产品。这种新产品将是安普尔福思还是酒,产品将创建在酒行业的一场革命,将导致一个新的安普尔福思修道院品牌的建立。预计新产品将被世界接受为以前的产品,并将在市场上持续很长时间。还有酒一定会有一个良好的利润(Piercy &摩根,1994)。




Ampleforth Abbey has been the most famous cider manufacturers of the world. It is a company which is specialized in the production of cedar and is recognized by the world as the best cedar manufacturer of all times. A large number of cedar products are manufactured by Ampleforth at this point of time such as the Cider Brandy, Slor Damson and Elderberry, Apple Liqueur and other products. Our cider is an award winning cider which has been manufactured from the monks which are located at Abbey in Yorkshire. With the need for the increasing demand of cider and good growth rate, there is a need to bring out a new product in the market. This new product will be Ampleforth Still cider, a product which will create a revolution in the cider industry and will lead to the establishment of a new brand of Ampleforth Abbey. It is also expected that the new product will be accept by the world as the previous products and will last long in the market. Still cider will surely have a good profit (Piercy & Morgan,1994).


The Company

Ampleforth Abbey are the leading cider producers in the world. We are a company which has produced award winning cider products and have stood as the best cider manufacturers of all times. They cider which are made by us have been harvested from the great quality applies which are extracted from the best quality apples in our own orchard which is located in a seven acre site. Since last ten years we have been winning a large number of awards and prizes such as the prestigious “Cider of the Year” award in the Dales food and drink festival which was held in the year 2012 and the Bronze award at the international cider challenge where we over casted over 100 cider making companies in the world. So, as a company we have established a brand in the market and have come up as the one of the best cider producing companies in the world.




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被选为分析的伦理问题是在医学领域。纽约时报报道FDA正在对批准生育程序进行处理。这个生育的过程将在“设计”无缺陷的婴儿有益(塔弗尼斯,2014)。许多遗传异常可以在出生前治愈。遗传异常的患病率增加。在2003至2007年,每1000个出生的,23.9的遗传异常在22个欧洲国家注意到(Dolk et al,2010)。欧洲监测先天性异常的报告,这种日益普遍的染色体异常,导致生存率下降是一个政策重点。存活率降低不是遗传异常的唯一后果;幸存的孩子可能患有脑瘫或有学习障碍。这导致增加社会负担的照顾的负担谁是主要照顾者的父母经济形态(Dolk,et al,2010)。认识到这种情况,初级保健、孕前保健、新生儿保健工作具有创新性、前沿,安全科学的程序来达到同样的。


The ethical issue that is being selected for analysis is in the medical field. The New York Times reports the processing being done by the FDA towards approving a fertility procedure. This fertility procedure will be beneficial in “designing” defect free babies (Tavernise, 2014). Many genetic anomalies can thus be cured pre-birth. There is an increased prevalence of genetic anomalies. In the year 2003-2007, for every 1000 births, 23.9 genetic anomalies were noticed in 22 European Nations (Dolk et al, 2010). The European Surveillance of Congenital anomalies reports that this increasing prevalent of chromosomal anomalies that leads to decreased survival rates are a policy priority. Decreased survival rates are not the only consequence of a genetic anomaly; a surviving child could suffer cerebral palsy or can have learning disorders. This leads to increasing burden on society in the form of economics of care and burden on the parents who are the primary care givers (Dolk, et al, 2010). Acknowledging this situation, primary care, preconception care and neo natal care are working with innovative, cutting edge, and safe scientific procedures to achieve the same.
Given this context, any procedure that helps reduce risks of genetic anomalies is a boon for the society. However, the ethical issue at hand is whether such a procedure should be allowed as it is against commonly held beliefs and the way of life. Other ethical concerns cited are that the procedures might not be completely safe. The resolution of the ethical issues is significant as it could change the lives of many babies that are born with birth defects.
Tavernise, (2014) in her article discusses the new fertility procedure that is being evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration FDA. This is a procedure that could combine genetic material from three people in order to make a baby free of genetic anomalies. Research has been performed by scientists from Oregon on Monkeys. The research was also conducted on people more than a decade ago by New Jersey scientists and almost 17 babies were born before the experiments were shut down citing regulatory reasons (Tavernise, 2014). The experiments however continued on animals. The evaluation that is being conducted by the FDA now will assess if the tests are safe enough to be allowed again on humans. The same reasons that led to the experiments being shut down earlier are being analysed now, both from scientific and ethical perspectives.




第一类:Doctorate-granting Universities
第二类:Master-Granting Universities
第三类:Liberal Arts Colleges文理学院
第四类: Community College 社区大学

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Some of the traditional methods of logon have been in the form of the user name, password authentication system. Token based id card systems have been used, alongside single sign on services which enables ease of sign on for the user. These forms of identification primarily came into existence for ensuring that the person using a system is the person who is authorized to use it. However these forms of identification are only surrogate representations. They can be compromised easily or the user by themselves might lose the username or password (Jain et al, 2008). Furthermore the user identity parameters would need to be changed regularly in order to ensure that the parameters cannot be lost.
(c) Financial Transactions
Financial systems in particular will benefit because of this biometric authentication. Financial systems such as online banking modules, ATMs are some forms of conducting financial transactions were a password is required. For an online banking it is a secure banking logon password, for credit debit card transactions, a onetime password OTP might be generated, in ATM style transactions a PIN umber would be used as password. However such forms of passwords are heavily compromised because of the data that can be reproduced (except for the one time password). There are skimmers used for PIN hacking, similarly online passwords are hacked because of their combinations either not being fool proof in the making or because of the use of key loggers and other malicious softwares. Some financial institutions have already resorted to using a form of palm vein authentication system wherein a validity of the customer will be determined by their palm veins (Jain et al, 2008). The financial transaction will go through only when the vein pattern of the customer read through an infrared lighting source can be matched to the existing infrared patterns. In the context of financial transactions for business it has been noted that employees forgetting their passwords or losing the devices in which these pass are stored such as their PDAs results in problems. Businesses have to hire external consultants or work around the authentication system in order to conduct transactions and this results in security issues. Already businesses are resorting to using biometric authentication such as the palm vein reader and the voice recognizer for the authentication processes because of the convenience of use, the greater uniqueness and security that is generated and the commercial gain that could be gathered.







需要注意的是,沉默在加拿大人眼里是很没有礼貌的。因此要主动打招呼,多说一些问候语,多说谢谢,如“Good Morning,Good Afternoon,Thanks for your lovely dinner。”对任何事情不确定的时候要问:Could I……-Would you mind……-”非常重要。





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创作者们要承担责任,他们不需要把这些活动和故事描绘在媒体上,但是他们这么做,这些表演的后果是毁灭性的。儿童发展信仰和态度的世界,它是如何工作的媒体观看它从白天到晚上24 / 7。效果是不是孩子的心灵,让世界上的暴行,他们通过这些好的敏化。因此,创作者更负责任,他们应该查看他们的内容,然后向世界展示它是否适合人口或不。


The media negatively impact kids at a very young age. People are desensitized to violence when they see it every day on televisions, newspapers or hear it on radio. The violence, love, and sex in movies also affect the kids in a pessimistic way. The influence electronic media and television has on children in contemporary society is devastating. Many researchers present the idea that in fact television is not a genuine reflection of culture of any society. It is an agency which only shows the point of view of viewers. People can become prone to any type of media advertisements and movies they are made to see on television.

Print media and newspaper also have a similar impact on the minds of audience as they are also part of the electronic media web. Despite of much different point of views, newspapers also show cast same kind of advertisements as television programming. Violence and sex are also staples of newspaper too. They adversely affect the receivers as well. The headlines and the news media coverage present stories of more violent behaviors which are committed by people of young age. This creates curiosity in the minds of kids and they try to do the same at their homes as well. The result is that children like to try these activities at home and leading to mishaps such as killing their brothers or injuring their friends.

The creators are to put the blame on; they don’t really have to portray all these activities and stories on the media but they do so and the consequence of these show casts is devastating. Children develop beliefs and attitudes about world and how it works from the media viewing it from day to night 24/7. The effects are not good as kids’ minds boggle over the cruelties of the world and they are sensitized through these. Therefore, the creators are more responsible and they should view their content before showing it to the world at large as whether it is appropriate for the population or not.


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刚开始的时候,你可能会有语言障碍,所以要注意去避免这个短板。在你选课时,你应该避免大量阅读和写作的课程(文学、历史、经济、社会学、传媒等);选择一些包含你熟悉内容的课程(数学、生物、化学、物理);查询教授评级网站,比如 Koofers,选择高分的教授。


如果班级已满,别担心,去加wait list。美国人最常用的招数是注册很多的课程,多到它们无法处理过来的课程,然后在开学几周内,drop掉一些他们不喜欢的。大学实际上推荐这种做法,因为他们希望学生去体验不同的课程。这也意味着,有些课开学被挤爆,过两个礼拜之后,课上位子就会被空出。
如果你在wait list上,在上课第一天就告诉教授,然后给教授送email,写上你的名字和学生号,并且解释你在wait list上,你想进班。然后,你继续像已经选进班的同学那样去上课。这样可以体现你想上这门课的诚意。两周过后,教授一般会把所有wait list上的学生正式加进课程。但很少情况下会漏掉,所以提前email告知教授更安全。


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在清代的讨论中,Per asty是许多研究者的结合。在介绍清朝的不同思想,扩展的边界扩张和富裕省份需要的干预的讨论中,珀德的讨论实际上提出了一个与其他研究者有很大不同的中国的图片。被欧洲同行称为“老疯狂,一流的战争人”;中国确实考虑了其国家规则中的许多战略要素,而不是西方研究人员可能信任(珀都)。网站“中国和欧洲”也提出了一个非常独特的分析,因为实际上引入了比较的当代优势。基于历史比较中国和欧洲在1500-1800年的生产力就像从现有船只绘制类似的数据集,并将它们在历史议程上进行比较,但是当在网站上绘制新的观点时,比较变得有意义。

Mark’s ‘Rise of the West’ is about contingencines and conjectures; both these elements, according to the author, presents a way of describing the rise of the West in a way that is more Non-Eurocentric than previous researchers. In considering the nature of political economcy and state building in the 1500-1800, the discussions of Marks leads one to understand that the East was more culturally conservative. Countries such as China are represented to have had ways and means to trade in different forms of spices, silver and other commodities which put them in economically good status in the past, but were not as contingency adapatable as Europe was. Marks furthermore states that nations such as China were also deprived when it came to some fortunate accidents motivating their development, as compared to Europe which happened to have the needed coal reserves at the time of the industrial uprisings, thus helping them better in building their states (Marks). The writing of Marks claims a historiographical position of uniqueness. There is certainly an element of uniqueness presented in the discussons of the accidental fortunes in history.
Perdue in the discussions of the Qing dynasty presents a combination of many researchers. In presenting the discussions of the different ideas of the Qing, the expansions of frontiers that were cosndiered and the interventions needed from affluent provinces, the discussions of Perdue actually presents a picture of China that is much different from what other researchers do. Called a ‘Old crazy, first rate man of war’ by its European counterparts; China has indeed considered many strategic elements in its state rule than what Western researchers might give credit to (Perdue). The website ‘China and Europe’ also presents a very unique analysis in that contemporary vantage points of comparions are actually introduced. Comparing the productivity of China and the Europe in the 1500-1800 based on history is like drawing similar data sets from existing vessels and comparing them on historical agendas, but when newer perspectives are drawn as is done on the website, the comparisons become meaningful.



借记卡(Debit)账户会下设两类:一是ChequingAccount。二是Saving Account(Investment)Account。以后消费付账时,你需要选择其中一个来支付账单。
Chequing Account,即支票账户。类似于中国的活期账户,但又有些不同:
1) Chequing Account之内的资金没有利息。
2) Chequing Account 每个月会有有限的免费交易次数(Free Transaction)。所谓交易,就是指银行在你的账户进行一次资金转移(无论转入还是转出,包括但不限于刷卡消费,使用支票结账,ATM提款,柜台提款,授权认可的提前交易(Pre-Authorized Transaction))。超出这个限制之后银行会针对每一次交易收取手续费。
Saving Account,即储蓄账户。类似中国的定期账户。也有些许不同:
1) Saving Account需要特别注意它每个月的免费交易次数极少(1或者2次),如果你当月多次用该账户结账,你将被按次收取额外的服务费!但是Saving Account的一个优点是,可以随时免费提现。每月自动结息。
2)不同种类的 Saving Account会有不同的利率。
3) Saving Account禁止支票交易。
关于借记卡 Debit Card
加拿大银行的借记卡卡内包括多个账户。即一张卡内包括Chequing Account, Saving Account 甚至信用卡。所以用借记卡结账的时候,会要求你选择用Chequing Account支付还是用Saving Account支付。
1、RBC Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大皇家银行
2、TD Canada Trust 道明加拿大信托银行
3、Scotiabank Bank of Nova Scotia 加拿大丰业银行
4、BMO Bank of Montreal 蒙特利尔银行
5、CIBC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 加拿大帝国商业银行

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The people of Shang have been successful in organizing the raw material and manpower in accomplishing this feat. The cities were mostly organized in a similar fashion. The palace stood in the center along with the temple, around the palace, stood the public buildings and the residents of high government officials. The outskirts of the cities were characterized by burial ground, housed workshops, and the homes of the workers.
The highest class ranks were dominated by the king and the royal lineage. The nobles practiced cavalry and wore bronze helmets and armour. Below them were the specialist groups made of the craftsmen, particularly the artisans having skills in bronze work (Chang, 1994). The artisans lifestyle was distinct that of peasantry. The residents of the artisans were made of ground stamped earth buildings, containing a couple of rooms and sometimes provided with a window. Their homes were better made than the residents of the peasants standing at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
There are scholars arguing the Shang dynasty was composed of a slave society. Others have argued that peasant were serfs, rather than the slaves. In any case, there was a gaping divide between the aristocrats and the peasants. The friction in the intra-society has been the cause of a polarized society. The Shang because of the societal divide could resist the Zhou, who invaded Shang in 1028 B.C.
The earliest exemplar of the bronze vessels has been discovered in Erlitou, in the proximity of the modern city of Luoyang in Henan province. This place has been opined by some archaeologists as the earliest capital of Shang dynasty, named Bo. There has been controversy regarding Erlitou with regards to whether it was city in Shang dynasty or the Xia dynasty. The palace was made of foundation created by the pounded earth, simple vessels made of bronze, fine jades, and oracle bones. The traces of a walled city had been discovered, which can probably be in the middle of Shang capital at Erligang. This place has also been referred to as Ao.











Computing devices have become an integral part of human being. There are several devices which have affected human lives from time to time. Devices such as Desktop computers, laptops, tablets PCs, smart phones, fax etc. have always played a crucial role in enabling human being to achieve computing advantage (Norman, 2001). One important aspect related to computing devices is its evolution. It is an interesting aspect, that how computing devices have evolved over a period of time, from computer of size as big as of room, today computing power lies in small chips and devices like smart phones. According to Norman (2001) the entire technology landscape and ecosystem has undergone tremendous change, especially post dot com bust in 2001. In this regard it is interesting to see the evolution of personal computers. For example, desktop computers which were ubiquitous in 1990s and early 2000s have now started disappearing, giving space to devices such as laptops. Although at enterprise level, desktop computers have still certain relevance left, but at personal use level, people today prefer devices such as tablets like iPads or laptops (Moch, 2001). This shift has forced desktop manufacturers and assemblers to rethink their strategy. Due to this reason, several large corporations have either stopped manufacturing desktop computers or they have sold off their computing business. This trend was still fine, but another major change which the computing device market is witnessing is the shrinking market share of laptop computers as well. Laptop computers which became more relevant as a replacement to desktop computers are facing stiff competition from new devices such as tablet PCs, and smart phones. Although this change has not been that sudden, but still it was not expected that laptop market share fall will come so soon. This can be partially blamed to factors such as, firstly change in customer preference towards more compact and lighter devices, and secondly rapid innovation in computing devices, with packing of computing power equivalent to desktops and laptops in devices such as tablets and smart phones (Moch, 2001).





总之,可以说无形的和有形的方面是非常重要的如何服务质量是由客户来判断,在由Parasuraman 1985年进行的工作灯。在确定服务质量的过程中,一线员工是关键。此外,大多数公司往往认为工人提供合理的利益相关的产品的质量和交付(伯恩斯,1997)。这也成为展示它作为公司的形象指的是产品内部的一部分。人类软件转化为在这成为公司实施过程的企业硬件也成为了消费者消费的一个重要方面(Leidner,1993)。有政策制定者和管理者多方面的影响,给出了审美技能,像酒店和零售行业的意义。


As we have seen earlier, for service companies in the name of service quality and customer control of employees’ appearance and attitudes are observed as a legitimate managerial strategy (Solomon, 1985). The aesthetic content of labour in these broader customer care strategies in the form of dress code, language, size and shape of the body, style and manner is manufactured deliberately in order to appeal customers.

Hence, we could say that to managers the appearances does matter. In addition, the crucial aspects of these appearances could be changes; this means that they could be worked upon. With respect to the same, it has been seen in studies that employers doesn’t allow the customer-facing staff to have visible tattoos(Prewitt, 2003). Given the fact that there is no way to mould the tattoos thus having tattoos or have visible tattoos might hamper the chances of employability of a candidate. It can be seen from these findings that employers are concerned with moulding the image of the workers by using dress and uniform codes together with recruiting the employees of right age in the beginning only(Ritzer, 2000). Some ethical considerations might be raised by this practice in terms of the extent to which the firms could legally involve themselves in regulating the appearance of an individual in an organization.


In conclusion, it could be said that both intangible and tangible aspects are crucial in how the service quality is judged by the customers, in light of the work conducted by Parasuraman in the year 1985. The front line employees are the key in this process of determination of the service quality. Moreover, most of the firms tend to view the workers as providing reasonable benefit associated with the quality and the delivery of the product(Burns, 1997). This is also becoming an internal part of the product by means of showcasing it as the company’s image. The human software is transformed into the corporate hardware in this process of becoming the embodiment of the company and it also becomes a crucial aspect of the consumption of the consumer(Leidner, 1993). There are many implications for both policy makers and mangers, given the significance of aesthetic skills in sectors like hospitality and retail.






The international accounting standard has become the basis of accounting standard for the recognition of expenses as intangible assets. There has been huge disharmony in the way the treatment of intangible assets has been mentioned in the accounting standards of the different countries. For example according to one of the reports by IAS the accounting standard by Czech government did not contain definition of intangible assets. The specific items of intangible assets have been mentioned. Thus the accounting standard lacks specificity. Further there is negative definition of intangible assets. Similar is the consideration with accounting standards in other countries in Europe. For example Krohn & Knivsfla (2000) highlighted the differences in accounting standards of UK, Norway and Spain. The differences were only on the basis of a few aspects which could bring in huge differences in the interpretation and treatment. On the other hand the accounting standards of Anglo American were influenced to a certain extent by US GAAP. There have been considerable factors that were there to be considered in order to synchronize the two accounting standards.

It is very important to remove these differences by way of policy recommendations. It is important to understand that the business in global environment is going beyond the boundaries. In such a scenario it is very important that the accounting standards are similar for all the countries. This will enable the efficient decision making by the investors. Another important aspect is that the way businesses are conducted has changed. Nowadays most of the business have major share of intangible assets. Thus how these assets are treated is very important. The differences in the accounting standards of the intangible will have huge impact on the financial statements and thus can result in incorrect representation of intangible assets. In view of this the policy reforms that have been suggested have to be implemented. These will certainly help in removing the differences. Further with respect to the differences in US GAAP and IAS it is very important that the actions are taken to have greater similarity between the two accounting standards.









The targets that a company has regarding its profitability are always expressed in financial terms before a specific period of time begins so, it is not possible to change those targets because they are made keeping in view the resources and requirements of the business entity. All that can be done by the management is to ensure that organization achieves those targets in time. Monthly performance reports are made to compare the budgeted results with actual results. By having a detailed analysis of the reasons lying behind any discrepancy in the budgetary results and actual results, management is responsible to take corrective actions in order to maintain the performance of the organization.

The goals that are set in the budgetary control are excellent way to achieve the performance objectives of the organization. Performance objectives are always related to the activities of management that are aimed to help the organization in staying profitable in long run. Budget is used to set aside the performance objectives of the enterprise (Hoque & James, 2000). Budgetary control always requires that management sets its performance targets in financial terms (dollars), so that they can easily be analyzed and controlled by the responsible authorities.

Preparation of detailed budget always requires all the members of the organization to coordinate with each other. This coordination among different employees and departments serves to increase the level of integration among these departments. So, it can be said that measures that are taken in budgetary control systems are also associated with integrative control mechanism. It is also necessary that budgetary control system is designed in a way that management may remain able to tackle with all the issues associated with integrative control system (Hofstede, 1981).

As budgetary control measures acts in integrating the planned expenditures, revenue plans, financing needs and asset6 requirements of the company, any negligence in the formulation or implementation of budgetary control system badly affects the integrative control system. It is clear that budgetary control system and integrative control system are so much related and there are some changes that should be made to budgetary control system to tackle with the integrative control mechanism.






If the teachers union make a decision to change their strategy from interlinking to distributive, then this will indicate the fact that they can’t be relied upon and hence the negotiation agreement may not really be effectual anymore. The major reason behind why the commitment was made was my belief that the endowment effect of $1.5 million surplus will facilitate the teacher’s union team to make concessions and also to help them to interact with each other. In addition, as the commitment was made near the closing date, hence this made the teachers union team to compromise on some of the issues.

What I learnt in this regard is that whether an interlinking or integrative negotiation approach is personalized, dissimilar kind of structure can demonstrate the underlying purpose of a team. According to Walton and McKersie (1965), diverse kinds of frames can create disagreements. However, the disagreements can be resolved, if and only if both teams agree to align their respective frames with each other. If the negotiation is an interlinking negotiation, then it would be inappropriate for the concerned parties to adapt the distributive negotiation strategy. In an interlinking negotiation, if a team decides to adapt a rigid approach, than the there may be a loss of trust and confidence of the other party because the strategy is basically a part of the distributive strategy. In addition, as it is not really difficult for the concerned teams to identify the strategy, hence this approach can create an extremely negative impact on the overall outcome of the negotiation process. Hence, if I have to start a negotiation process, first I will chose a particular style of negotiation and after that I would prefer to continue the negotiation process with the same style of negotiation which I adapted earlier on. Another vivid thing in this agreement is that if a commitment is made earlier than the cut-off date of the negotiation, then instead of compromising the objectives of the negotiation, the concerned parties would prefer to compromise their own objectives. This helps them to successfully and effectively accomplish the objectives of the negotiation agreement (Ury, 1991).




中期哈德逊水前的发展是一个重大的举措,不仅将有助于支撑的滨水区开发项目但也为海岸恢复项目在不同的城市流域是有用的,尤其是城市位于特拉华、长岛的声音和卡茨基尔流域。倡导旅游业是这些项目的发展计划的背后。然而,有一些政策问题,在这里,它已被确定,必须有与联邦机构以延续一个协调的方法实现滨水区开发连续通信的未来(萨瑞宁和kumpulainen,2006)。由中孙河委员会确定的恢复目标表明,它不仅是经济目标,必须考虑的,但也社会和生态目标。被连接的城市的每一个城市都被看作是不同城市中心的所在地。优先考虑的项目,可能导致河流附近的人行道,和公交也渡船和其他形式除了桥梁会增加社会的整体价值(Mid Hudson,2013)。


The factors that would enable the location are primarily that the soil should be tested to see if they can accommodate the buildings; the environmental impact of setting up of a shopping center must be addressed. The setting up of the shopping center must not destroy any heritage building in the process. The developers of the property and the governmental authorities have to create a plan that will ensure the overall prosperity of the area (Miller, 2007). All the people involved must benefit from this business transaction.

The country planning initiative for a market place was comprehensively considerate in that it also identified the different concerns that could arise in having the new market place built. One of the primary considerations was that of the congestion that could be induced because of building this location. However the planning committee made a thorough analysis of the traffic conditions, the needed entry exit traffic rates, and more. In addition, the presence of the bridge also was advocated to be helpful in rerouting of traffic as people from the city of Beacon would also be able to use the market town advertised. These forms of initiatives as being presented by Miller (2007) therefore have a dual value as the market place in fact becomes a form of social gathering in circumspect.

The Mid Hudson water front development is a great initiative that will not only help in supporting the waterfront development projects but would also be useful for shoreline restoration projects across the different city watersheds, especially the cities located along the Delaware, the Long Island Sound and the Catskill watershed. Advocacy for tourism is behind the developmental initiatives for these projects. However, there have been some policy issues here and for the future it has been identified that there must be continuous communication with the federal agencies so as to perpetuate a coordinated approach towards achieving the waterfront development (Sairinen & Kumpulainen, 2006). Restoration objectives as identified by Mid-Hudson councils suggest that it is not only economic objectives that have to be considered, but also social and ecological objectives. Each of the cities that are connected by bridges is seen to be the seat of different urban centers. Prioritizing the projects that could lead to walkways near the rivers, and also ferries and other forms of transit apart from the bridges would increase the overall social value (Mid-Hudson, 2013).




这可能发生,如果该公司的假设之一是改变。例如,如果估计的公平值是一个,但事件发生后,该值是不同的,这将有资格作为一个变化的估计。这也适用于一个前瞻性的基础上,并应用于该公司在一个前瞻性阶段,并已被公司一贯使用。沃斯,有一个变化在会计准则2011八月和AASB 10适用。
这是关于由母公司控制的定义的应用程序。审查是由沃尔沃斯表明公司没有以正确的方式巩固和在本公司的合并财务报表中的变化进行了。然而,变化不是物质,并没有预期的财务报表中创造一个巨大的变化。Wesfarmers,有一个修改AASB 1048是关于标准的解释。标准给出了标准的认定以对应于IASB的解释和一个没有实体的两类。这并没有在该公司有显着的效果,并没有预期的声明将改变一个伟大的交易。


Changes in accounting policies take place when the company is changing a policy that it has been using for some time. For example, if the company was using straight line method in its depreciation and now is looking to use double decreasing balance method, the company is altering one of its policies. This would classify as policy change and will have to be adjusted in the financial statements. These policies have to be applied in prospective measure and the company will have to follow it in the future as well. Changes in accounting estimates are when the company is changing just an estimate that it used before.

This can take place if one of the assumptions of the company is changing. For example, if the fair value that was estimated was one but after the event finally took place, the value was different; this would qualify as a change in the estimate. This is also applied on a prospective basis and applied by the company on a prospective phase and has to be used consistently by the company.  For Woolworths, there was a change in the accounting standards in August 2011 and the application of AASB 10 was applied.

This was regarding the application regarding the definition of control by the parent company. A review was carried out by Woolworths which showed that the subsidiaries were not being consolidated in the right manner and there was a change in the consolidated financial statements of the company. Still, the change was not material and wasn’t expected to create a huge change in the financial statements. For Wesfarmers, there was a revision in AASB 1048 which was regarding the interpretations of standards. The standard gave the identification of standards in two categories regarding entities that correspond to the IASB interpretation and one that do not. This did not have a significant effect in the company and the statements were not expected to change a great deal.







Segment reporting can be principally useful in identifying whether administration takes part in worth decreasing cross-subsidization (Knutson, P.H., 1993). Investors grab a detailed review of each of an organization’s actions and could note if any action are dragging. Finally, the risk understanding degrees of every shareholder would be reduced following to disclosures by segments. Unknowing investors encounter much less risk and are more eager to purchase the company. Similarly, improved segment reporting enables financiers to make better forecasts on decreasing evaluation threat, future performance that could also lead to a lesser cost of capital.

The Board of Directors analyses the Burberry’s internal segmental reporting so as to evaluate efficiency and designate resources (Forouzandeh, H., 2014). Management has figured out the functional segments according to the records reviewed by the Board of directors. The Board plans the company’s business via its two operating channels to promote, being wholesale and licensing. Wholesale or retail turnovers are achieved through the sale of high-end products during Burberry discounts, mainline shops, outlets and online trade along with Burberry franchises, eminence departmental stores worldwide and multi-brand specialty accounts (Morunga, M., 2011). The circulation of worldwide goods among wholesale and retail channels is tracked at a corporate level and operated through the Burberry’s supply chains located in Europe, Asia and USA.

The administration is accountable for keeping appropriate internal controls over segment reporting. Such internal controls are created to offer guarantee pertaining to the integrity of segmental disclosure for primary reporting objectives. Burberry has thorough segment reporting processes in position. A summary of the Burberry’s segment disclosures supported by observations and efficiency is offered frequently.






Sonoma’s premium solution for price cut is to distinguish their products from cheap, low quality bread and promoting their hand-made bread on a healthier and value for money level. Helping customers to build their confidence on the breads they choose based on Sonoma’s high-grade productions process, starting from sourcing quality ingredients, highly trained staffs, nutrient recipients and friendly customer service. As for competing with other artisan bakery stores, Sonoma should join hands with them by promoting their products on websites and social medias to exchange trust, so they can be unified to prepare potential strikes from retailers. Internally, Sonoma needs to constantly monitor product quality, build solid relationship with suppliers (it is better for Sonoma to seek more than one supplier) and form a price setting panel to carefully place the price at a substantial ground. Discounts can be applied to certain products, but not necessarily required for the best sells.
Sonoma is a bread manufacturing brand which has been which has been struggling to ensure its stand in Australia. In this market research the demonstration has been done in order to find the reaction of the customers in the present competitive world where the companies are offering less prices to the customers and to analyze the ways by which Sonoma can not only stand their market by outcasting their competitors but they can also buld their market reputation. The studies has been successfully done to find out the reasons for the price war among different competitors. The PESTAL analysis has been done along with the study on the opportunities and threat for Sonama with respect to the market so as to ensure that earn a good revenue in the future. This report has successfully done the analysis of the market for the sales of the bread by Sonoma and have made evident a number of cases by which the revenue of the products can be increased and they can successfully stand in the market not only at present, but also in future.






According to study conducted by Rosenburg recognizing the symbolic interactionism lines that is taken up by individuals in the society for playing their roles in the society. The findings indicated that there is no psychotic state that can occur as there is an existence of objective trait. As individuals play their roles and participate in taking up roles, henceforth the roles lead them either towards their success or their failure. The claim of the author within this study in the form of results was that the process of symbolic interactionism has 2 main contributions that it can give to the insanity study in psychology which are to offer a purpose and aim to being treatment and secondly the process provides availability of various therapeutic procedures options.

For most social psychologists, the concept of “self” involved under the theory of symbolic interactionism reflects that even though the individual views gained are results of experience directly formulated by an individual, mostly everything that an individual perceives about the self is taken from what others feel about them as a person. This process is known as process of reflected appraisal according to which an individual looks at himself or herself through the eyes of others. An important role was played by the study of Shrauger and Schoeneman, 1979, wherein it was found that instead of individual conceptions in accordance to what other individuals perceive, the individual conception is filtered by the perception and resemblance of what other individuals think about a particular individual. This was explained by Felson, 1993, in which research program was summarized by him where attempts were made for explaining the reason why individuals cannot accurately judge what other individuals think about them as a person. The findings revealed that there is a better idea in individuals with regard to how other people in the group may advocate them rather than how individuals see them. The focus is on groups not individuals.