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Simmel  depicted the nature of identity of people living in metro-cities which leads to the leveled resistance of an individual which is grabbed in the socio-technical mechanism.  Simmel regarded it as an ontological insecurity that is related to fear of becoming anonymous seems that had never existed (Hunt, 2009). It is termed as the deepest problem of modern life leads to modern struggle. In present times, modernity involves a struggle against determinism instead of considering it as a part of Providential Plan due to the reactions in form of industrialization and romanticism (Weiss-Sussex, 2009). As per Simmel, it was not the general quality of every individual. Instead the criteria of value in individuals are based on his qualitative uniqueness and irreplacebility. Individuals in metropolitans do not react emotionally instead they react rationally (Roy, 2007). This leads to intensification of consciousness due to mental predominance which is caused by rational reactions of individuals.

Online identity is the digital social identity of human users for interacting with other person at some other place virtually. It is active presentation of users for interactions in online communities and websites (Thomas, 2007). It even reflects the relationship of users with an online social group in which the identities of members are both anonymous and with their real identities. Through virtual identities the individuals can enquire about the personal and collective boundaries of identities formed due to digital cultures. Individuals in present scenario are always in continuous interaction while sharing their personal thoughts and experiences in social networks through their smart phones (Wall, 2007). The present society is termed as the communication society and existence of individuals in it is identifiable only if they can be traced online with constant information flows. Innovations in communication works and installations at international level portray a new form of relationship between man and technology through their virtual identities where even realities are being confronted without realizing it at times (Marwick, 2005).


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